Stacey Chew Xtend Barre Interview

Stacey Chew Xtend Barre Interview

Interview with Stacey Chew, Co-Owner of Xtend Barre Burleigh in the Gold Coast

Question: What is Xtend Barre?

Stacey Chew: Xtend Barre combines classical Pilates movements with elements of ballet and high energy cardio to deliver a full body workout that tones, strengthens and lengthens the body.

We don't just stand at the barre. Xtend Barre has a diverse program including classes that use props such as Pilates sticks and fitballs to keep our clients moving in unique ways, engaging different parts of their bodies and challenging them to challenge themselves in each class.

You will never take the same class twice at an Xtend Barre studio!

Question: How does this combination work?

Stacey Chew: Pilates and dance movements are mixed together to deliver a workout that is high energy and works every muscles group proportionally for full body conditioning. The barre, small hand weights, resistance bands and other props are added to the mix to support and intensify different movements.

Question: What types of exercises feature in an Xtend Barre class?

Stacey Chew: Some typical exercises you can expect in an Xtend Barre class include pliés and hover lunges for some serious lower body toning, planks for those abs, and fold overs at the barre to really work the booty.

We typically focus on both big and small movements with emphasis on form, alignment, posture and core engagement.

Question: What results do participants see from regular Xtend Barre sessions?

Stacey Chew: The more you train at Xtend Barre, the greater your results will be! Once you're comfortable with the movements, you'll begin to engage deeper and benefit from extra conditioning and toning. The instructors offer so much knowledge in class to help you understand what you should be feeling in each exercise.

Regular Xtenders can expect to notice a whole range of benefits including greater all over toning, improvements in their posture and core strength, enhanced flexibility and improved cardio fitness. Most of our clients do not come from a dance background but I can tell you, they walk like dancers when they leave the studio each day!

Question: What inspired your passion for Xtend Barre?

Stacey Chew: My inspiration came from my very first class actually. The instructor was incredible and so passionate about what she was teaching. She cared about my form and she cared about my injuries. She provided me with modifications throughout class to meet my individual needs and really encouraged me to challenge myself. I had never felt so inspired by a workout in my life!

Coming from a dance background I do love some pumping tunes and a dance element in a fitness class, but this was next level! It was like I had a personal trainer within a group environment. I found muscles I never thought I had and the workout flowed with perfection. It was the best workout I had ever experienced and I knew I wanted to pursue it further. Xtend Barre has been part of my life since that day! I have never looked back.

Question: How important is diet to Xtend Barre success?

Stacey Chew: There's no denying that the old saying 'you can't out train a bad diet' is true. While you can expect to notice a whole range of benefits like improvement in your posture, core strength and flexibility from Xtend Barre regardless of your diet, if you're main goal is fat loss and overall slimming then a healthy and balanced diet is still super important!

Question: How can we find our closest Xtend Barre class?

Stacey Chew: You can find your local studio by visiting our website:

Question: Do you have a morning routine; can you share it with us?

Stacey Chew: I am organised! I make sure everything is ready to go for my day at the studio. Clothes and lunch are both prepared.

As soon as I wake up, I make sure the first thing I do is hydrate. It not only wakes me up but it gets my body energised for the day ahead. I then do a very gentle stretch of my neck, shoulders and back followed by 5 minutes of snuggling my little dog, which is like a meditation for me.

I'm up at 4.30am so I normally just grab a banana and eat that on the way in the car to the studio. then after teaching a 6am class, I will eat a second piece of fruit with some yoghurt or I will grab a delicious smoothie.

Question: What's next for Xtend Barre?

Stacey Chew: The Xtend Barre workouts are constantly evolving to keep our members challenged and building on their results with every class! The next twelve months will see us introduce new props into the workout, including the Magic Circle and Ankle Weights, to really isolate the burn for different body parts. The workout itself can empower so many different people, whether it's giving them more confidence of helping them to achieve a physique they've always dreamed of, so I'm looking forward to more people discovering the workout and Xtend Barre continuing to get bigger and bigger.

For more see:

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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