Tamagotchi Version 6

Tamagotchi Version 6
Tamagotchi Version 6 Gets Centre Stage!

It's almost every tweens' dream to be a celebrity or a rock star - so with the new Tamagotchi Version 6, kids can now nurture and raise their own music star, by adding a Musolitchi to their Familitchi!

Your Tamagotchi V6 music star auditions in front of a panel of judges, performs on stage infront of all their fans and can even get married to band members.

So what else can your Tamagotchi V6 do?

o Play one of 8 new games and collect points
o Share achievements with 40 new Tamagotchi friends
o Choose between 6 music genres
o Collect items and souvenirs
o Customise your characters
o Create and produce your own music
o Compete with other bands
o Upload your tunes and become the #1 star
o Hop online to the new Music Star website to send your

Musolitchi to Tama Music School or take them shopping to choose their very ownmusical instrument

There are 6 different Music stars to collect. Choose from Guitar, Piano, Microphone,Headphones, Stars and Party! And if that's not cool enough, each Tama comes with itsown Gotchi Music Charm with an exclusive code you can use at www.tamatown.com

Available from all major retailers and independent toy stores.
For customer enquiries or more stockist information please contact Funtastic's free-callCustomer Care Line on 1800 244 543.

RRP: $29.99


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