Tammie K Joy Interview

Tammie K Joy Interview

Tammie K Joy Interview

Tammie K, born Tammie Kalliangas, is a captivating, soulful new artist that has a mystique and subtle confidence that only very unique artists possess. Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, music has always been apart of Tammie's life. She remembers her parents buying her 'My First Sony" where she was able to listen and record herself singing and knew that at the young age of 5 music was going to be a big part of her life. In her spare time, she '[I] studied artists like Amel Larrieux (who is my hero), Mariah Carey, Stevie Wonder, Ella Fitzgerald and Anita O'Day." In 2008, she met musician Andy Attanasio at a local music store and they instantly connected over their love of music.

'Andy introduced me to jazz, which forever changed me." More than music, what struck Andy was Tammie's connection with people. Andy knew that with her personality and raw, natural talent, she could really have success as a solo artist. That is when he decided to reach out to an old friend, musician and producer, Matty Amendola. Matty says, "Tammie K's control and awareness for her instrument, her voice, is unbelievable and she has this presence that just radiates. Some people either have it or they don't. She has it."

When listening to Tammie's debut single 'Joy" you're instantly brought into this colorful, rich, soulful space. Her vocal styling can easily be compared to some of the great R&B/Soul voices like Jill Scott, D'Angelo and Floetry. On writing the track, 'Joy is about me trying to gain authenticity in this world. I want people to see that it's ok to be vulnerable and insecure sometimes." This universal concept is laid on a bed of chords whose grit and sensuality leaves you biting your lip and wanting more. This song is the perfect introduction to the intriguing artist.

Interview with Tammie K

Question: Why did you decide to release and record Joy, first?

Tammie K: I had the most attachment to Joy. Even the way it was created had significance to me. I had been writing some verses and hummed a melody on the train, and got to Andy Attanasio's house who co-wrote/co-produced Joy"he was playing some beautiful chords on piano, and I sang the melody and Joy had been fulfilled within that moment. It's almost as if it was meant to be born. I wanted to record and release Joy first because it's a friendly reminder that music should be more organic and less contrived.

Question: How would you describe your music?

Tammie K: I like to describe my music as an emotional outlet. I truly want to make people feel good. I know what it's like when I put music on and feel real pleasure. I want to do the same for everyone.

Question: Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?

Tammie K: I write my own lyrics and compose melody. Inspiration comes from listening to music"there is so much good music out there. Art is ever-flowing"I want to add to that.

Question: What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?

Tammie K: I have an affinity with Amel Larrieux and on a typical day I'm listening to Stevie Wonder but I'm always listening to something new. I love music that's ambient. Lately I've been diving into electronic music and been seriously digging Little Dragon and Hiatus Kaiyote.

Question: What's next? Tour/Album/Single?

Tammie K: As soon as my album is out, I'd like to be performing as often as I can. Recording is so exciting yet very different from performing live. I'm hoping both of these things remain consistent in my life. What's next is making sure the creative process doesn't stop! I'm currently working on new tracks for either an EP or a full length with well-known NYC producer/session musician Matty Amendola.

Question: Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?

Tammie K: Hell yeah. Being an artist never dies, but deciding to pursue it as a career is very scary. It took years for me to decide that I need to do this. I spent a long time scratching my ass, sitting on beautiful music. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore. I trust my fate"I believe that my intentions are pure, and I think because of that, incredible things will come to me.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Tammie K: I'm still very new at recording and right now, that feels more satisfying. There are a lot of nerve wrecking things involved with preparing for a show"however I can't deny how amazing it is. I can't wait to be performing on a regular basis. I'd say I enjoy them equally.

Question: What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Tammie K: Listening to good music, going to festivals and watching artists make it happen. I don't want to do the same thing"I NEED to be doing that. I want to be an established artist and continue to grow and be doing my thing. It's the only thing capable of making me happy.

Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?

Tammie K: The strength to continue believing in myself is the biggest challenge. The instant one incorporates the slightest hint of self-doubt, the world can tumble down. If I'm writing something on a piece of paper, and start to doubt it, that paper is in the garbage. All I need is love in me and in my music and let go of everything else and everything will be alright.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Tammie K: At this point in my life, I am so happy. I wake up feeling good and I go to bed feeling good. I don't take it for granted either. I quit working full-time and gave up a lot of things and made a conscious effort to be exactly where I'm standing. Most of my day I'm singing and thinking of new music to work on. I'm really lucky.

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Tammie K: My favourite part of becoming a music artist is the knowing that this is what sets me free. I used to have dreams of what it would be like to be free and now I feel free because every day I am doing something that I love.

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Tammie K: There are SO many artists who I would love to collaborate with. I think it'd be really interested to collaborate with someone like John Frusicante or even deadmau5

Question: Do you have a website fans can visit?

Tammie K: Yes I do! Check out www.tammiekmusic.com

Question: Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?

Tammie K: 1. Be real with yourself and with others.
2. Love yourself and let go of hate! Hate is destruction.
3. If you are unhappy, re-evaluate your life and think of the things what will make you happy. Then find the courage to eliminate all the bad things and every day, aspire to invite all the positive changes in your life by putting them into physical motion.
4. Be surrounded by people and things that only uplift your spirit.
5. Life is simply not worth living unless we are enjoying it. So enjoy it. Make it happen!

Question: What message would you like your music to say to your fans?

Tammie K: I want people who relate to me to understand how essential it is that they are honest and happy with themselves. Life is just so much easier when you are comfortable with yourself. Unfortunately, there are people who are uninterested in reality"but you don't have to be that person. Happiness is a real thing attained by real people.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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