If it's adventure you're after this summer then you'll want the right gear to get the most out of your outdoor experience. Teva footwear has been creating outdoor performance shoes for over 20 years and has developed a range so large you'll be sure to find one to suit your next off-road adventure.
Teva doesn't do anything by halves and their summer range is testament to this. The Teva range will carry you over water, road, dirt and sand with ease and comfort. The entire Teva range incorporates sophisticated style with practicality and reliability. The Teva footwear series was developed with the active individual in mind. All of the range allows for cross training abilities in all weather conditions.
Teva was established in 1984 by Mark Thatcher who created the first sports sandal from inspiration and a little ingenuity. His creation combined the spirit of a sandal with the soul of a shoe and very quickly Teva became synonymous with a better way to amble through the outdoors.
You don't need to be an extreme adventurer or a professional athlete to own a pair of Teva sandals or shoes. Teva sandals and shoes are the first choice for travellers and people who consider comfort and durability in a shoe to be a high priority. The sandals such as the Terra Fi, the Spoiler III and the RS Universal are comfortable for everyday wear and are designed to fit snugly to your feet. They also boast padded heels for comfort during long periods of walking and for strenuous treks.
The X-1, Steep XCR and the Romero Tevas are trail running and hiking shoes for all round athletes who take roads, rivers and mountains in their stride. The entire Teva range offers the perfect blend of cushioning, flexibility and responsiveness for the fast paced off road adventurer.
For more information please visit: www.teva.com
For stockist information, contact Accent Group on (03) 9427 9422.

About Teva:
In 1984 Mark Thatcher built the first sports sandal which was ideal for rafts and rapids in Colorado, USA. Today's Tevas represent over 20 years of experience rooted deep in the canyons and rivers of the world. Teva is the original sport sandal and the future of outdoor footwear. Today the demands of the outdoor athlete are as rigorous as the elements themselves. From canyoneering and kayaking to trail running and trekking, Teva has moved on-shore and up-range. With performance features, new technologies, and improved functionality, Teva is the natural evolution in footwear for the outdoor athlete. Accent Group has the exclusive distribution rights to Teva in Australia.