The Bonnie Doons The Betweeners

The Bonnie Doons The Betweeners

Heralding a summer where we all will (hopefully) return to some sense of normalcy, Brisbane five-piece The Bonnie Doons release their much anticipated new EP, The Betweeners.

The four track release from the Brisbane indie group comes rich in groove and rhythm, positioning the young band as formidable champions of this sound out on the East Coast. Across the EP, listeners are able to learn more about this young band, who have developed into one of Brisbane's brightest acts, pushing soulful songwriting and performance forward.

The music of the EP sits in the same lane as your Ocean Alleys or your Lime Cordiales, yet in the wordplay, cadence and flow of the lyrics against the music, The Bonnie Doons also call on the likes of Erykah Badu, Outkast and Sublime in their artistry.

A record that is rooted in optimism and always to better days, The Betweeners traces the intricacies of relationships and growing up. Recorded at Brisbane's Alchemix Studios, production was handled by the band's Kane Kennedy before being sent to ARIA winning engineer Govinda Doyle (Angus and Julia Stone) for mixing and mastering.

"The theme of this EP is to make better decisions; expressed mostly through talk of relationships. It's important to evaluate your life every so often, and make the decisions that are right for you, not to please others. If it's the right thing to do, don't avoid committing to a hard choice because you're worried about how people will perceive it." The Bonnie Doons Warmth surrounds the guitars and percussion throughout the EP, while in Torian Brewer and Kennedy's vocals, the listener is treated to a strong duo at ease with one another on track. Brewer is a natural on the mic; his cadence flowing naturally as his wordplay construction. Backed by great textured vocals and production, it's a joy to listen to. EP tracks 'Supatool' and 'JIEM' provided added reggae notes, leaning heavy on the bass and rhythms, each element easily complementing one another.

"Ultimately it is about being truthful to yourself; to quit deceiving yourself because it's easier at the time, and having the confidence to stick to your guns. In a day where anxieties are prevalent everywhere, we're trying to focus on making our actions more deliberate. Don't just sit back and let life happen to you. We should all be the main character in the movie that is our life." The Bonnie Doons


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