Summer's almost over and the Impro kids are back in school, but they're not taking orders from anyone. They're breaking the rules and they're making it all up as they go along.

They're hip, bad and dangerous to know. After a sell-out season of the Impro Cave - held throughout winter in Brunswick - Impro Melbourne is heading on a roadtrip out West, to the Dog Theatre, Footscray. Expect Impro Melbourne's sharpshooting players to hold nothing back with this totally new season is at their mercy. Grab a helmet, get on the back of the motorbike and hold on tight. It's gonna be a wild ride.

There will be dares, double dares, and maybe an air guitar riff and some dancing on tables in Converse sneakers. Throw them some ideas, and the Impro kids will rock out with them.

Ditch detention, forge a note from your mum and join the party!


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