The Real Girl

The Real Girl

Australia's first blog dedicated to reporting positively on mental health, everyday activism, environmental issues and freedom of expression has arrived today, at Launched by Sarah Thompson, the marketing expert formerly behind GoodFit PR, the site will focus on real issues that everyday Australians face.

"Whilst I have a great respect for the work of many women's publications and their writers, I've often felt frustrated that the things I face are underrepresented, and that we are presented with a two-dimensional image of what women should be.

"The Real Girl will regularly cover challenging topics like anxiety and depression, domestic violence, perfectionism, body image struggles, drugs and LGBTQ issues along with positive, accessible activism, finding a mentor, simple ways protect the environment and express yourself - whether through art, writing or participating in politics," said Thompson.

In today's saturated media and marketing landscape, brands that convey authenticity are resonating most with consumers and earning their trust, as forecast by AdWeek, Forbes, We Are Social and more in their 2019 trend reports. People are growing tired of superficial content and are seeking meaningful relationships with brands and publications that authentically align with their lives.

"I am not an authority on all women, and I am not trying to be perfect. I eat too much sugar, am terrible at cooking, feel ambivalent about having children and have a yoga mat that has sat in a corner gathering dust for over a year. What I do take pride in is writing with integrity and trying to understand the things that connect people, rather than what makes us different or better than each other", continues Thompson.

The launch issue, themed around 'Voice', features Shannon Dooley of Retrosweat, tattoo artist Megan Oliver, indigenous climate activist Josh Gilbert, dairy farmer Lynne Strong, modern meditation teachers Kimberley Chan and Ashley Hunt, Sarah Freeman-Vagg of The Clothes Library, clinical psychologist Elon Gersh and Hayley Foster, Director of Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service NSW.

Visit for further information.


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