uBER BOTTLE BRINGING SEXY BACK TO THE TAPHydration is about to go high tech with the launch of the KOR ONE Hydration Vessel available exclusively in Australia through filtration experts Culligan Water.
In an effort to bring Australians back to the tap and away from fancy disposable bottled water brands, Kor has sexed up the humble refillable water bottle with a head turning design and cutting edge features sure to excite those in search of a "green" drinking accessory.
More than four years of research has gone into the Kor design which features innovations like a one-handedlid hatch system that allows easy opening and closing, a hinged cap that stays open while you drink anddoesn't leak even when laid flat, and an extra-wide mouth smallenough for a sip but big enough to chug or for ice cubes.
Culligan Water, Australia's leading experts in residential andcommercial water filter systems have partnered with Kor toprovide a holistic alternative to buying bottled water.
"We want Australians to think "refill, reuse, recycle" bycombining a refillable water bottle with their home or officewater filter. For only cents per litre of impurity-free drinkingwater, everyone can significantly reduce the use of water, oil,plastic and carbon emissions required to make bottled water byeach person using just one bottle," says Tim Gordon, generalmanager of Culligan Water
"Our aim is to reduce plastic bottle waste into landfills by 100million bottles per year. We can achieve this if people movefrom buying single use disposable bottles to re-useable bottleslike the Kor bottle."
"Designer bottled water has moved from a commodity to afashion accessory and even status symbol for many. We hopethe sleek Kor bottle will make the image conscious becomeenvironmentally conscious," Gordon says.
KOR ONE is more than just a water bottle. It's a reminder ofwhat motivates you. Designed into the cap of every ONE is aplace for a KOR Stone? - a small, disc-shaped token with amessage that only you can see when drinking. Also the bottle ismade from Eastman Tritan?, which is free of bisphenol-A(BPA), a leaching toxin found in polycarbonate bottles.
The KOR ONE Hydration Vessel is 750mL and retails for $39.Culligan filtration systems start at $475. Both are availablethrough www.culliganwater.com.au or 1300 669 119. CulliganWater is a proud founding member of the Bottled WaterAlliance, which aims to reduce the environmental impact ofplastic water bottles.