Walk the Plank at Eureka Skydeck

Walk the Plank at Eureka Skydeck

Walk the plank above the sky at Eureka Skydeck

Ready to walk The Plank? Take your school holidays to dizzying new heights with the Eureka Skydeck's latest offering, a virtual reality test of balance and bravery.

From June 30 until July 15, round up your thrill-seeking mates for a race to the finish line or conquer your fear of heights from the comfort of a digital headset with The Plank, an exciting virtual reality experience that has visitors balancing on a plank, 285 metres above Melbourne city.

Providing a challenge for kids and parents alike, the virtual activation simulates a treacherous balancing act, which will test those who pluck up the courage to navigate their way from one end of the plank to the other, all while having two feet planted firmly on solid ground.

Make your way to the end of the wooden beam, but don't enjoy the view for too long: If the staggering heights won't make you fall, the unexpected distractions will. Get blown off by strong winds or knocked over by a bunch of high-flying birds. And who knows what will wait for you once you reach the end…

Open throughout the winter school holiday period, the challenge is free for all to enjoy.

For further information about Eureka Skydeck, visit www.eurekaskydeck.melbourne or call 03 9693 8888.


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