What's On at Scienceworks August 2014

Little Kids' Day In – Playgroup Victoria's 40th Birthday
10:00am – 3:00pm,  Monday 4 August
A fun day especially for kids aged under 6 years, their parents and carers.

Science Fiction, Science Future – new exhibition
26 July 2014 – 9 March 2015
Are you ready for science fiction to become a reality? If you thought teleportation, holograms, invisibility and mind control were only in the movies - think again. Science Fiction, Science Future will allow you to move objects with your mind, turn invisible right before your eyes, be mimicked by a life-like robot and see augmented reality in action.
Cost: included with Museum entry.
Recommended age: 8 years and above.

Discover the Night Sky – Evening Astronomy Classes – winter season
7.30pm, Thursdays from 31 July – 21 August
Join the Planetarium's Astronomer and discover some of the wonders of the universe. Explore a feature of Melbourne's night sky each evening and stargaze through telescopes wine and cheese in hand.

Thursday 31 July: Backyard Astronomy
It's surprising how much there is to see in the night sky - planets, stars, comets, shooting stars and satellites are all there if you know when and where to look.

Thursday 7 August: Solar System Discoveries
Catch up on the latest news and discoveries from the spacecraft that are out and about exploring our Solar System.

Thursday 14 August: Colours of the Universe
The Universe is full of colours we can't see. Peer through the eyes of the remarkable telescopes that help us discover the true depth of the Universe.

Thursday 21 August: Starlight - premiere screening of new Planetarium film and Q&A
We have watched the stars for thousands of years but how did we discover what they are? How they work? Why they change? The same stars we see shining in the night sky have inspired curiosity and wonder across all cultures and civilizations.
Bookings required
Cost: $28 per person / Season Pass $96
Recommended age: adult

Melbourne International Film Festival at Melbourne Planetarium
7:00pm and 9:00pm, 9th and 15 August
Explore the spark of the creative process, the complexities of perception and the mysteries of the unexplored mind in this immersive fulldome experience, created by artists at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design.

Cymasonics Matrix Optimizer 2.0
Created with a new type of integrated fulldome animation software, this show explores the visionary possibilities of virtual acoustics and 3D audio-animation in an audiovisual fulldome production, enhanced by a multi-channel audio environment. Enjoy!


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