Winx Club is an animated modern fantasy adventure series that follows six best friends - Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna and Aisha - who attend the finest fairy school in all of Magix, the Alfea College. When trouble arises, the six best friends transform into beautiful Winx fairies and use their unique magical powers to fight villains and save the world from evil. The voices of some of Nick's biggest stars, including: Keke Palmer (True Jackson, VP) as Aisha; Elizabeth Gillies (Victorious) as Daphne; Ariana Grande (Victorious) as Diaspro; and Matt Shively (True Jackson, VP) as Skye; as well as Molly Quinn (Castle) as Bloom feature in four specials which have been culled from the first two seasons of the Italian hit series. Cymphonique Miller (How to Rock) performs the show's theme song, 'Winx You're Magic Now.'