A World Gone Social

A World Gone Social

A World Gone Social

The Social Revolution's impact on the business world cannot be over-estimated. Like the meteor that likely precipitated the end of the dinosaurs, Social is the catalyst in an extinction event-and business as we know it has changed forever.

A World Gone Social offers an eye-opening look at fundamental and powerful changes the social collaboration era has set in motion:
Customers now have the power-just watch what happens as more realise it!
With increased transparency, businesses must be more ethical-no more pretending Command-and-control leadership is now so inefficient, it is a liability
Nimble and small is the new competitive advantage-few corporations are capable of the agility required by evolving marketplaces
Recruiting is now a two-way proposition, with job seekers able to peer behind the corporate curtain
Relationship and community-building is how customers and brand ambassadors are won-and retained
Engagement-with partners, employees, and customers--is not a luxury; it is a requirement.

Each chapter provides compelling stories and concrete examples of companies demonstrating enlightened business practices and doing Social right-and some that are not-and the lessons to be learned from their experiences. Finally, readers will discover how to objectively assess the fitness of their own company's culture and social presence... so they may successfully transition from a 20th- to a 21st-century "social" organisation

Ted Coine was recently named a Forbes Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer. He is co-founder of Switch and Shift, a blog focused on leadership, culture, and change in the social century.

Mark Babbitt is CEO and Founder of YouTern, a social community for young careerists that Mashable calls a "Top 5 Online Community for Starting Your Career."

A World Gone Social
McGraw-Hill Education
Authors: Ted Coine and Mark Babbitt
ISBN: 9780814433263
RRP: $40.95


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