The Unintentional Medium + The Dark at the Threshold

The Unintentional Medium + The Dark at the Threshold

'There was a time when my world was simply three dimensional. There was a time before the normal became the paranormal. There was a time when people I talked with had a tangible presence. There was a time when time itself marched forward in straight lines. There was a time before Gran & Co., but to be honest I find that hard to remember.'

Suzi Samuel


She's the 'reluctant (and witty) psychic' – Australia's answer to Whoopi Goldberg's character in the iconic 1990 movie Ghost.  


It all started in 1980 when Suzi Samuel was 30 years old.

Having just lost her first husband to kidney disease, followed soon after by the death of her beloved grandmother, and then the passing of a dear friend who was a 'lovely old psychic lady,' Suzi found herself, 'bizarrely and suddenly' plunged into the spirit world.


Imagine her surprise when she began telling people the strangest things and they came true! 


A young widow with a small child, Suzi's life was turned upside down and inside out as she was launched into unknown territory on every level, left with no choice but to buckle in for a wild ride on a spiritual roller coaster.


It wasn't all doom and gloom, though.  As a newly single woman in London, the voices from the 'other side' gave her plenty of foresight to avoid dating disasters; not to mention any red flags on her renovation journey and the most welcome cooking tips from ghostly grannies.


Forty years on, this  'unintentional' medium has used her 'gift' to give readings to hundreds of clients in multiple countries. These include everything from predicting the birth of babies, to correcting postures, sorting out love lives and dealing with inhabitants from the 'other side', not to mention predicting that her husband would become a powerful player in a major British political party. 


'What I try to do is help people solve their own problems by seeing things more clearly.

If you think about it, the word clairvoyance means seeing clearly, and I truly believe that if someone distanced from your life can pinpoint a problem that is troubling you, it gives you a new perspective on things.'

Suzi has documented these wild, wonderful and whacky experiences in her memoir The Unintentional Medium, a cross between Bill Bryson, Bridget Jones and Ghost, with a dash of Carrie Bradshaw.

The revised edition has just been released along with her first foray into fiction –The Dark at the Threshold – a novel set in France in both the modern day and the fifteenth century.


Chillingly realistic, this supernatural thriller is a story of a young couple who find love and their perfect house in a tiny village in south west France. But little do they know what forces will be unleashed or what ancient secrets will be revealed.


Based on Suzi's own experiences with the paranormal and her life in France, this is a  page-turner with plenty of otherworldly tales: a fight between good and evil and a love story lasting through centuries.


'There is a fine veil between our world and the spirit world and at times the veil lifts, giving us the opportunity to communicate with the other side. What I have learned during my many years as a clairvoyant, is that although we have to be on our guard against the dark side, the spirits are generally there to give comfort and advice.'



Suzi Samuel was born in Hertfordshire, England and spent most of her life in London. After leaving school at 18, she worked briefly as a secretary and then married her first husband, John, and settled down to life as a housewife and mother to her daughter Luisa in Wimbledon. Sadly, after five years of marriage, John suffered kidney failure and after a three-year illness, including three transplants, he died in 1980.

On her own with a young daughter, Suzi decided to go back to studying. After a couple of years' work, she passed her Final Diploma in French at the Institute of Linguists and became a member of that august body in 1987. She then worked as a teacher and translator for many years.

Following the deaths of her husband, her beloved grandmother and a lovely old psychic lady who had decided to pass on her mantle to Suzi, she quickly became aware that there was a whole other world out there and started to tell people really strange things that all came true – a surprise not only to the recipients of these tidings but also to Suzi herself. This was the start of her work as a clairvoyant and psychic medium and she has now been doing readings for more than 40 years, with clients in many different countries.

Having negotiated the dating minefield that was the 1980s and having survived quite a few, often hilarious, near brushes with matrimony, she met an Australian man, David. Following a whirlwind courtship, they married in 1997, moving to Hampshire where they lived for several years before coming to Australia.


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