Arielle Ray Self-Love Interview

Arielle Ray Self-Love Interview

Interview with Arielle Ray

Question: What's a typical day like, for you?

Arielle Ray: No day is alike! I usually wake up and try to write for 20 minutes; something funny preferably, as I'm trying to do more stand up. I will write out my goals if nothing else comes up - it gets my mindset right. Then it is either auditions, shooting, classes, writing days or set days… sometimes all of them!

Question: Where in the world is your favourite place to shoot?

Arielle Ray: That's a hard one. I love the city vibes of New York but really love the light in Paris. Everywhere you look in Paris is picture perfect!

Question: What should we expect to see on your new YouTube Channel?

Arielle Ray: Oh, I hope many strange things. I have so many ideas and series ideas. What's out now is my baby called "Stated" which is a series of monologues (of sorts) turned into a strange short story of its own. I would like to do BTS next time I'm shooting to show the ins and outs of production. There's some other stuff of interviews and red carpet stuff.

Question: Who inspires your YouTube content?

Arielle Ray: Andy Warhol: "Art is what you can get away with".

Question: Can you share your favourite self-love practices, with us?

Arielle Ray: Never compare yourself and learn to love yourself, not your body but your soul. I've done so much soul work on myself to get to the point where I love who I'm walking around with day in and day out. I even decided to quit drinking about seven months ago to really listen to my body and be in- tuned with what it wants.

Question: Why is it important for you to spend your spare time helping charities?

Arielle Ray: I think it's important to do charity work whenever we can to better our communities.

Question: How can we have a body-positive attitude when our lives are dominated by social media?

Arielle Ray: It's important to love yourself fully and to pay attention to who you are and your needs. You're the only you there is, so love yourself fully. Do things out of love for your body and soul and not in comparison or to one up someone. In the end, the grass will always be greener on the other side so please, please remember loving yourself is the greenest grass you will ever see.

Question: What five foods could you not live without?

Arielle Ray: Popcorn, brussel sprouts, ketchup, vegan protein and chocolate anything.

Question: How often and what types of exercise do you do?

Arielle Ray: Pilates and boxing.

Question: What's next, for you?

Arielle Ray: Some Napoleon Dynamite dancing! Actually, I'm working on a Warhol script, it's a short, so I'm hoping to get that made as my next project!

Interview by Brooke Hunter
Images Courtesy of Arielle Ray and Sammy Hussein 


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