Dear Girl Q&A

Dear Girl Q&A
Do you have a question? Or concern? Then look no further because Dear GIRL is here for you. Each month she will endeavour to give you the answers to all those questions you've wanted to ask!
So what are you waiting for girls?

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Dear Girl,

I am quite a popular girl at school; I am in the school choir and have had all the lead roles in the school musicals. The thing is, there are these group of girls who just bitch about me everyday and to be honest, I am so sick of it. I haven't done anything to deserve these nasty comments, I am just being ME, but I don't think they can handle that. It is starting to get unbearable with their constant whispering and snickering about me. Is there anything I can do besides changing schools which I don't want to do?

Signed Stabbed In The Back

Dear Stabbed In The Back,

There are a number of reasons why these girls might be acting this way towards you. It may be that they are jealous of you and your achievements, such as your popularity and musical ability. It may also be that you are an unknown quantity to them and it's easier to dismiss you, or bitch about you than get to know you. We tend to lump people that are different from us into categories (stereotypes) and react positively, negatively or indifferently towards them. It is easier to be mean and bitchy about someone you don't know than someone you actually know personally.

You may not feel like it, but perhaps you could get to know one or two of these girls and you may find that they are not all the same either. You might even get to like them and for them to like you. Of course, if the bitching turns into bullying, that's another matter and must be dealt with by the school.


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