Dear Dr Dejour,
I am 13 and have really bad breath. Well that's what my friends tell me. I am really embarrassed by it. I always clean my teeth, morning and night...I am worried that boys won't like me too if I have it. Can you help please?
Bonjour Mademoiselle,
Kids are cruel you know. If it weren't your breath it would be your ears, your bottom or something else.
The bad smells though, that a mouth can give, may be a sign of infection - in other words, dental decay. It would be prudent to ask someone to take you to the dentist for a check up. The dentist will also have the best advice with respect to freshening up the breath. Simple options are the mouth washes / gargles, available over the counter at chemists or the supermarket, cleaning your teeth thoroughly (getting the bits of old food out from between the teeth) and using dental floss to again get out all 'the bits'.
Good dental hygiene is a wonderful thing in the long run and you may thank those friends of yours.
Dr Dejour
** Please note: questions cannot be answered individually **