Dear Girl Q&A

Dear Girl Q&A
Do you have a question? Or concern? Then look no further because Dear GIRL is here for you. Each month she will endeavour to give you the answers to all those questions you've wanted to ask!
So what are you waiting for girls?

Please note: questions can not be answered personally.

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Dear Girl,

I've been in love with this guy for months. My friend's told him that and introduced me to him and the other day, I talked to him, which made me like him even more. He looks at me a lot but now he's going out with his ex-girlfriend again who I know he's always loved. I am so upset and need advice! HELP!

Signed Broken Hearted

Dear Broken Hearted,

It sounds like you are best out of it as he loves someone else. Even if you were together you would know that he still loved his ex and that wouldn't make for a very happy relationship. You are upset at the moment but hopefully you can understand that it's probably for the best that he's with the girl that he loves.

You will meet someone else who will love you and not be in love with someone else. In the meantime, try and be happy for them and find someone for yourself that doesn't love another girl.


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