Car Rally for Cancer Council with a Mystery Route

Car Rally for Cancer Council with a Mystery Route

On Saturday 20th October 2018, hundreds of people from all over Australia will begin a five-day driving adventure all in the name of raising money for Cancer Council. Mystery Box Rally - the smaller, yet equally crazy brother of Shitbox Rally will see 150 teams of two convoy 25+ year old cars, with each day's course only released at the start of every morning.

The route is literally a complete mystery to all participants in order to challenge the drivers and demonstrate the journey that every cancer patient takes – a journey into the unknown.

With full tanks, crazy outfits and big hearts, the teams will set off at 9.00am on Saturday 20thOctober from Ornamental Park, Mildura, on the corner of Magnolia and Seventh Street and return on Wednesday 24th October at approximately 3pm.

Box Rallies has generated over $15,506,000 to cancer research plus media awareness for Cancer Council – helping the lives of millions of Australians who are facing their unknown journeys.

This includes contributions to HPV virus research which had huge media announcements last week predicting that Australia is set to eliminate cervical cancer by 2035. This is a testament to the hard work rally participants do to raise needed funds for research projects.

Lyndsey Rice, Director of Fundraising, Cancer Council, NSW said: "Following the success of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination program and the changes to the National Cervical Screening Program, we are on track to being the first country in the world to achieve this. New research you have supported is being presented at the International Papilloma Virus Conference in Sydney this week and shows that if vaccination and screening coverage are maintained at their current rates, cervical cancer is likely to be eliminated as a public health issue within 20 years."

With a fundraising goal of $850k, this year's rally is not far off having just ticked over $700,000.

Founder James Freeman adds: "Cancer is one of the scariest personal journeys someone can embark on. It takes a brave soul and the full support of family and friends to overcome not knowing how it'll turn out. Which is why we intentionally created an element of mystery to this rally,"

Mystery Box Rally, while a journey with a very clear mission, is just as much about having fun, creating great stories with mates and pushing personal limits.

2018 Participating teams are from the below states and are available for Interviews. Victoria 37 teams, NSW 69 teams, South Australia 7 teams, QLD 11 teams, Tasmania 2 teams, Western Australia 6 teams, ACT 6 teams.

For more information visit:


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