For over 8 years & have been connecting with other women. During this time we have supported various charities, big and small, with varying purposes, but there is always more we would like to help....
With requests for donations daily, we decided that we needed to enlist the help of some awesome friends.....YOU!
"Earlier this year & opened a $5000 Cash Grant to groups, clubs, kinders, schools or community organizations that are not supported by government. Inspired largely by my own experience as a committee member on a non-funded kinder, I realised that there were many small unknown groups trying to raise money for worthy causes that benefit the community we live in. Too often these groups rely solely on the generosity of families immediately involved in the group who have limited resources for fundraising" says Femail & Girl Editor.
Women's Magazines & Online Communities & are asking YOU our friends to join with us and help make a difference to local communities by voting.
The response to the Cash Grant has been overwhelming, and it's been extremely hard to choose finalists. It's now up to YOU to choose which group you think should WIN the $5000 cash grant. Voting is limited to 20 votes per day, per visitor.
The runners up will receive a box of goodies to be used in charity fundraising to the value of $300.
* & will endeavor to help as many entrants as possible, if you can offer assistance with fundraising items, equipment or services to help please contact.

Cash Grant Finalist Voting Winner
Knitting for Brisbanes Needy was started as a Yahoo online group in January 2006, after hearing from several not for profit charities that they were always desperate for warm clothing, blankets etc for winter for the needy. There were only 2 members for a few weeks but membership started growing and in September 2007 we now have over 140 online members and about 20 off line members, of all ages, gender and locations throughout Australia and overseas.
Before donating any items to the lesser known charities that assist the homeless, needy etc we ensure they will be giving the donations directly to those in need and not sell them.
To date over 2600 beanies, scarves, mittens, blankets, premature baby clothes, baby/children clothes, toys, animal blankets etc have been donated to many charities throughout Queensland. These include People's Mission (now Student Care Welfare), QUINH, Brisbane Youth Services, Drug Arm, Mater Mother's Neo Natal Unit, Bethesda Nursing Home, Eden in Glasshouse Nursing Home, Sunshine Coast Animal Shelter, Caboolture Fire and Ambulance stations, to name a few.
We have been told how appreciative the needy are to receive not only warm clothing/blankets, but the fact that they are brand new, giving them a lift in their self esteem to think someone would hand make something just for them..
All members use their own money to buy wool; needles, postal costs etc and many are on limited incomes.

However, thanks to and we were fortunate enough to win a $5000 grant, which will enable us to purchase wool, needles, postal satchels etc to send to members, so that they will now be able to make even more items for the needy.
Not only are we grateful for the opportunity to enter the cash grant competition, but the organizations that assist the needy and the needy themselves will also be very appreciative.
Karen Croke