Dear Girl Q&A

Dear Girl Q&A
Do you have a question? Or concern? Then look no further because Dear GIRL is here for you. Each month she will endeavour to give you the answers to all those questions you've wanted to ask!
So what are you waiting for girls?

Please note: questions can not be answered personally.

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Dear Girl,

There is this guy that wants to go out with me but I don't feel that way about him so just last week I told him that I was with somebody to get him off my back. I have hinted plenty of times that I'm not interested but he just didn't get it. Now I feel really, really bad! What I really want to know is am I mean? And what do I do now?

Signed Liar Liar

Dear Liar Liar,

I know, I know. I have been in your situation before. You tell a guy you are 'taken' or 'involved' or if you are out somewhere, you tell him you are going to the ladies. Well...I am sure you know the rest! At the time, you feel a sense of huge relief getting the guy out of the picture but you usually end up feeling like a little bit of a BITCH afterwards especially if the guy was somewhat decent. So, it is perfectly common to feel 'mean' after you have had time to reflect upon your actions. The reality is that the majority of us at some time have been treated and/or have treated in this way. It is understandable, though, as we cannot have romantic feelings for everyone we meet. Imagine if we did? However, we should try and be more sensitive towards other's feelings. From your perspective, telling the guy you were seeing someone else was somewhat of a 'quick-fix' solution, and not that harmful. But if the guy finds out that you lied to him, then he is likely to feel a little sad, annoyed and not to mention humiliated. Remember guys' egos must be handled with care! For now, I suggest that you focus on the positives of the situation in which you find yourself. Firstly, you have learnt that honesty is generally the best policy for heartbreaking. And secondly, you are NOT a BITCH. Why? Because bitches show no remorse. Good luck, girlfriend.


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