Fast-paced and dramtic, we follow the adventures of Al and Owen, who are mysteriously transported right into the middle of a land of warring pirates.
Treasures, secrets, wild storms and death-defying adventures engulf the boys as the mysteries of the Dragron Blood Island unfold.
Only the bravest and heartiest adventures amon'ye should dare t' enter or magical Dragon Blood Pirates world!
1. Dragon Blood Pirates - Death Diamond
What are Al and Owen doing on a small rocky outcrop in the middle of the ocean? Does it have anything to do with the old sea trunk they were peering into only seconds ago? And are the pirates who rescue them friends or foes?
ISBN: 9780734410719
2.Dragon Blood Pirates- Doubloons and Disasters
Al and Owen are back in the Dragon Blood Island, this time kidnapped by the terrifying Captain Blacktooth. But there are secrets out there that must be unearthed. Will Al and Owen be the ones to uncover the biggest mystery of all?
ISBN: 9780734410726
3. Dragon Blood Pirates - Idols and Ivory
The elephants of Sabre Island are in danger! First Snotty Nell kidnaps their babies, then Captain Blacktooth wants to steal their ivory. Al and Owen must fight the pirates to save the wonderful creatures.... before it's too late.
ISBN: 9780734410733