Star League 5: Monkey Business

Star League 5: Monkey Business

Star League 5: Monkey Business

-Le Nice Pets' is all the rage among the rich and famous - Aunt Petunia promises to turn your misbehaving pets into perfect angels. But Leigh suspects something's not right, and when animals start to go missing it's time for the Star League to step in.

But the closer they get to finding the missing animals, the more dangerous it becomes for those close to Leigh. Is cracking this case worth losing what Leigh cares most about in the world?

H.J. Harper is a children's author who lives in Melbourne. By day she works in a bookstore, spruiking her favourite wares; by night she writes stories about zombies, movie stars, ninjas and robots. Her first series of books is Star League.
Star League 5: Monkey Business
Random House Australia
Author: H.J. Harper
ISBN: 9781864718720
Price: $9.95


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