Fleur De Mur Neither Am I Interview

Fleur De Mur Neither Am I Interview

Whilst there's a gamut of influences ranging from pop, soul, RnB and nu-disco throughout Fleur's funk-fuelled electronic fiber, it is the unrelenting catchiness of cleverly written hooks and a true powerhouse vocal that sets Fleur's sonic landscape apart.

Produced by sought after Melbourne RnB beat maker SB90, Fleur's sophomore single 'I Don't Want To Fall In Love' was released at the end of 2021 to international playlist inclusion and applause from Australian critics such as Happy Mag, "Fleur De Mur sounds assured, ready and unapologetic on her disco-inspired sophomore single I Don't Want To Fall In Love."

Lending her songwriting abilities and vocal craftsmanship to producers at home and abroad, the past year has seen Fleur release collaborations with underground EDM artist Artsea, Brazilian house main stayer Wolsh with upcoming releases with acclaimed Australian acts Colour Castles and Du0 still yet to come.

Speaking on the track, Fleur De Mur said, "Neither Am I was born from an existential crisis I experienced where I questioned every detail of my perceived reality. I looked at someone I loved and was overcome with this deep sense of 'oh you're not really here. And if you're not here then neither am I. And if I'm not here then none of this is real.' I wanted to encapsulate this earth shattering, monumentally overwhelming sensation."

She continues, "Neither Am I is an ode to that eerie feeling of looking at yourself in the mirror and wondering who the consciousness is watching the reflection. And whilst questioning life's meaning feels like a deeply personal lonesome experience, it's part of being human so this song yearns to share in that affinity."

It is 2022 that Fleur has steadied sights on with the upcoming debut release of the 'Metamor-for-this' EP in June and accompanying the National Australian tour. A multidisciplinary artist, Fleur creates new worlds on stage and in each song's accompanying short film co-created with creative partner Jackson Gallagher. Crafting an intoxicating and mesmerizing visual language throughout each multifaceted release.

Speaking on the music video, Fleur says "Songs are opportunities for storytelling, and whilst the sonic language is always the driver, for me I also 'see' the song - so there's almost as much importance placed on the visual component of my music's capacity for storytelling. I wanted to create a hyperreal world where time stood still, which left you disoriented and questioning what is real and what is imagined. Have you ever felt like you're watching your own life? This clip encapsulates that unsettling feeling by challenging the notion of who the viewer actually is."

Fleur continues "My director and creative partner Jackson Gallagher and I stumbled upon a rundown retro roadside motel in regional Victoria who's real-life inhabitants inspired the slew of colourful characters that drive the music video. We cast mostly locals to play the cameos - even getting a horse on board the team! The vignettes of me inhabiting each character's clothes/environment poses the question - am I everyone or am I nobody? Warping reality and bending time at a dizzying pace". Perhaps it's the other lives Fleur has lived as a broadcaster and writer that insight a ready familiarity for a relative newcomer or her self-empowered claim to a seat at the table that make this artist feel as though she's always been a staple. Regardless, with this loud and glittery, meticulously polished and purposeful entrance - Fleur De Mur is ready.

Interview with Fleur De Mur

Question: How would you describe your music?

Fleur De Mur: Soulful, nu-disco inspired alt-dance pop (ALL of the adjectives!)

Question: What inspired Neither Am I?

Fleur De Mur: 'Neither Am I' was born from an existential crisis I experienced where I questioned every detail of my perceived reality. I looked at someone I loved and was overcome with this deep sense of 'oh you're not really here. And if you're not here then neither am I. And if I'm not here then none of this is real.' I wanted to encapsulate this earth shattering, monumentally overwhelming sensation. This song is really an ode to that eerie feeling of looking at yourself in the mirror and wondering who the consciousness is watching the reflection. And whilst questioning life's meaning feels like a deeply personal lonesome experience, it's part of being human so this song yearns to share in that affinity.

Question: Can you tell us about your upcoming EP?

Fleur De Mur: I would love to. My debut EP Metamor-for-this will be set free into the world in June! This is a body of work that was written, recorded and produced through a global pandemic. Which upon reflection is kind of poignant and memorable. It felt as though the world literally stopped turning and (like everyone everywhere) my life as I knew it ceased to exist - which was the perfect opportunity to redraw all my energy and focus it into making this record. As the title suggests, it does feel like there has been a process of personal metamorphosis taking place, where I have shed different versions of myself in order to arrive at this one now releasing these songs. The EP has been produced by the effortlessly talented SB90 and whilst fierce and catchy, overall ooze 'vibe' which was initially a joke for the kind of energy I wanted the songs to resonate on, but a sentiment I kept returning to.

Question: Is there a particular message you hope listeners take from your music?

Fleur De Mur: That the 'you' that you are now, is not the one you were yesterday and won't be the one you are tomorrow. We are constantly in a state of flux and always evolving. Whilst we can recognise the beauty of change in seasons and in nature, we get scared when change inevitably arrives in ourselves / our lives because we've attached to ideas of things, ideas of ourselves. My music tries to embrace this and celebrate it.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Fleur De Mur: They do feel like opposing forces - recording and performing. Recording feels like such a personal, internal process and one that you're doing with yourself and receiving from yourself, whereas performing feels like it's not yours anymore and you're handing those songs over to other people to own. Perhaps because I haven't had the opportunity to perform these songs yet (and am busting to) but definitely performing!

Question: Can we expect an upcoming tour?

Fleur De Mur: Very, very soon! There'll be an announcement alongside my EP release in a few months time that I'm incredibly excited about. Keep your eyes peeled.

Question: What motivates you most when writing music?

Fleur De Mur: The experience itself. There is no pressure or motivation from anyone outside of myself If anything, I think the motivation comes from the song itself wanting to be written.

Question: Which music/artists are you currently listening to?

Fleur De Mur: Harvey Sutherland, Amber Mark, KYE, Sampology, Mel Blue, Sycco, SG Lewis, WAYNE SNOW, daste, Genesis Owusu + Sunni Colon.

Question: What or who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Fleur De Mur: Enigmatic creators who leave mystery to surround their persona - Madonna, Prince, Bowie, Lana Del Ray, Daft Punk. There's not just one, but rather a fascination with artists to expand their capacity for storytelling beyond just the sonic and instead craft an entire world to exist in that allows a consumer to lose themselves in and be a part of.

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Fleur De Mur: KAYTRANADA please and thankyou

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Fleur De Mur: Making art from your lived experiences, even when they're (actually, especially when) they're difficult ones.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Fleur De Mur: Journalling a minimum 3 pages first thing when I wake up. I'm religious about it. It allows an access to my creative thinking from the start of my day. Daily exercise / movement to keep my mind clear and making a music to-do list for the day which can be anything and everything from finishing a melody idea to reaching out to artists to collaborate with and making my way through it one by one. Every day I try to make sure I've carved out time to play - a reminder to just 'have fun' without an agenda - which I often forget to do / decide I'm too busy to do if I don't purposefully make time for it.

Question: What's next, for you?

Fleur De Mur: The music video for 'Neither Am I' drops in a few days time (April 12) the Metamor-for-this EP in June and a tour announcement to follow that! Plus a few collaborations with artists I really admire that will be released later in the year that I'm really pumped about.

Question: What advice do you have for aspiring songwriters or artists?

Fleur De Mur: It's the same advice I give myself constantly - you don't have to know what you're making before you make it! We live in such a results driven culture where there is so much pressure on the end product and being able to define it clearly in a single sentence to market it accordingly. I think it really is the antithesis of creativity and can stifle an idea before it's had the chance to be what it actually would be or could be. The name of the game is PLAY. Just like kids, make something and tear it down and then make something new again until it sticks and you resonate.

Question: Can you share your socials? (links please)

Fleur De Mur: Instagram 

Interview by Gwen van Montfort


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