The ARTec system is an at-home maintenance program similar to your normal skin-care regime. It is a simple three-step process consisting of cleansing, toning, and moisturising.
The ARTec Colorist Collection prescribed by your colorist in no way alters professionally colored hair. Rather, it complements by replenishing the exact amount of hair color pigments, enhancing the richness and vibrancy of your hair.
Step 1: CleansingKIWI COLOREFLECTOR SHAMPOOIs designed to prepare the hair to receive colour pigment whilst providing excellent cleansing. Standard shampoos cannot do this and have the effect of washing colour from the hair. Kiwi Coloreflector Shampoo seals in color, enhances shine, adds body. Perfect for natural, color-treated and permed hair.
Creates healthy, manageable hairAdds coloreflective shine and volumeProtects hair against the effects of humidity
Step 2: Toning
Your individually blended Colour Enhancing Shampoo and/or moisturizer stops hair colour fade by depositing exactly the right amount of colour and moisture onto your hair.
Step 3: Conditioning
Completes the process by sealing, stabilising and conditioning the hair.
For your nearest stockist, please call 1300 651 173.