A certain person is strong-willed today and they'll be very reluctant to do anything they don't want to do. This could lead to some ructions in which everyone becomes firmly entrenched in their own opinions and refuses to acknowledge anyone else's point of view. Get the arguments out of the way early on, so you can then concentrate on having a really enjoyable New Year's Eve. Harmonious colours are blood red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 29 and 16.
Get together with someone you respect and admire because you'll really enjoy their company. The conversation could soon turn to highly personal areas, yet there won't be any hesitation in talking straight from the heart. At some point you'll be in the mood to think about your New Year resolutions. Maybe you should write them in next year's diary so you can keep referring to them. Favourable colours are pale pink and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 37 and 18.
Confusion reigns supreme today, especially when dealing with financial matters. You could get into a muddle when sorting out your accounts or when working out how much you owe someone, even though you may not notice this at the time. It certainly isn't the day for parting with large sums of money because the chances of something going wrong are very high. Positive colours are primrose yellow and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 24 and 33.
This is a marvellous day for having a discreet word in someone's ear. You'll be able to choose your words carefully, making you very tactful and considerate, and as a result you will have a helpful conversation. This is also a good opportunity to talk about topics that are very dear to your heart, or which are usually too private to mention. Beneficial colours are burnt orange and violet. Lucky numbers are 40 and 2.
You'll have a fabulous time if you're longing to see what's on offer in the sales, especially if you want to buy yourself some new clothes or cosmetics. However, you won't pay much attention to how much you're spending, and may even deliberately avoid thinking about it. Do yourself a favour and don't go overboard if you can't afford it. Inspiring colours are peach and navy. Lucky numbers are 20 and 69.
Today's Full Moon will cause some friction between you and other people during the coming fortnight. Matters that have been bubbling away in the background will come to the boil, forcing you to do something about them. Try not to overreact, nor to create a crisis out of something that's really very minor. You should also keep a strong sense of fair play. Ideal colours are burgundy and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 37 and 3.
It looks like being a terrific day, full of enjoyment and excitement. Everything will go really well, although there will be one or two surprises to keep you on your toes. But don't worry, because they won't be anything you can't cope with and they may even add some entertainment and variety to the day. Fabulous colours are passionfruit and mango. Lucky numbers are 18 and 24.
Take things slowly and all will be well. However, you must resist a tendency to be perfectionist over things that don't really matter, otherwise you'll never finish the chores. If you're busy with Christmas preparations, you'll have to control a nagging feeling that you've got to compete with the way other people have done things in the past. Auspicious colours are mustard yellow and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 34 and 3.
Get out your list of things to do, because you're in a very industrious and efficient mood. Start with whatever is most urgent and then carry on from there. If you seem to be doing all the work while loved ones laze around watching TV, you'll soon chivvy them along and get them to lend a hand. After all, you don't want to feel like Cinderella! Ideal colours are copper and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 2 and 14.
You're swayed by your emotions today, making you highly susceptible to other people's machinations. For instance, you might be putty in the hands of your beloved, willing to do whatever they want simply to keep them happy. Or you could be strongly influenced by someone's dour mood, so that you soon start to feel as wretched as they do. Luckily, this strange mood won't last long. Communicative colours are brilliant white and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 2 and 37.
Your self-confidence rises by several notches from today, making you feel much more positive and resilient than you've been recently. This happy state of affairs will continue for the next four weeks, and it will be a marvellous opportunity for you to get new projects off the ground and take the initiative whenever possible. You should also start to write down your New Year resolutions. Favourable colours are grape and lilac. Lucky numbers are 8 and 32.
Communications start to return to normal from today, which is a relief if you were getting fed up with the way conversations were being scrambled and skeletons were falling out of closets. Try to devote as much time as possible now to putting the finishing touches to your Christmas preparations, and checking that you've bought all the presents on your list. It's a good idea to have some emergency gifts standing by, in case you need them. Opportunistic colours are ivory and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 30 and 52.
You're in a much more balanced mood today, and feeling better about the world. If you're busy getting ready for the forthcoming celebrations, you'll have a good idea of how much effort is needed. It's a lovely day for being sociable, because you'll be able to hold your own even if you're with a group of strangers. Fortunate colours are mother of pearl and magenta. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
You're feeling edgy, and it won't be long before people start to get on your nerves. You might get very irritated by someone's funny little habits, yet feel you daren't say anything in case you go overboard. Or you could get very annoyed when someone blurts out something that was supposed to be a secret but which quickly becomes common knowledge. Beneficial colours are hazelnut and antique gold. Lucky numbers are 26 and 14.
Someone is being very pedantic and picky, and they'll soon drive you round the bend with frustration. They're splitting hairs about all sorts of petty problems, but unfortunately you won't be immune from this yourself. You might get caught up in needless details that don't really matter, or take everything that happens very personally. Try to be more objective. Beneficial colours are russet and lime. Lucky numbers are 7 and 26.
From today you get the chance to prove how romantic and soppy you can be when the mood is right. So forget all about being a sensible Capricorn and arrange some candlelit encounters with that very special person in your life. There's a strong possibility that you could become involved in a relationship that has to be conducted in secret or which you want to keep strictly private. Romantic colours are dark green and champagne. Lucky numbers are 39 and 6.
You're in the mood to spend some money today. That's fine if you've got it, because you'll have a wonderful time strolling around the shops. But it isn't such good news if you're supposed to be sticking to a strict budget because that will be well nigh impossible once you've seen something that catches your eye. It will keep saying 'Buy me, buy me!' Positive colours are lime and jade. Lucky numbers are 13 and 78.
Your imagination is working well this Tuesday and you'll have a fantastic time if you can allow your mind to wander in whichever direction it wants to go. Strange as it may sound, you'll have some brilliant results if you can do some day-dreaming, because you'll hit on some great ideas. You will also have a lot of inspiration from listening to music or being in beautiful surroundings. Expansive colours are bright red and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 4 and 57.
This is a fantastic day for doing some forward planning because you're able to combine practicality with a strong need for enjoyment. This means you'll arrange things so they run smoothly but are good fun at the same time. It's also a good opportunity to make contact with any friends that you haven't seen or heard from recently, just to check that they're okay. Favourable colours are apricot and navy. Lucky numbers are 17 and 56.
Today's New Moon is telling you to get to grips with anything that's been weighing on your conscience recently and to do something about it, preferably before Christmas Day. Think how much better you'll feel when you've finally faced up to whatever is troubling you, and taken some concrete action over it. You'll wonder why you waited so long before doing something about it. Insightful colours are indigo and plum. Lucky numbers are 10 and 60.
It's a great day because everything is going well and your plans fall into place with very little effort on your part. Everyone is being very co-operative, too, which is always good news, and probably little short of a miracle if you're seeing you-know-who. Once again, you'll enjoy being left alone at some point. Auspicious colours are violet and ivory. Lucky numbers are 16 and 28.
You'll value the chance to have some time to yourself today because you've got plenty to think about and you need some peace and quiet in which to do it. However, this may be easier said than done because certain people are feeling very voluble and they'll be glad of the chance for a chat. You may have to make an excuse if you're really craving some solitude. Inspiring colours are pumpkin and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 12 and 1.
You're dashing around in several directions at once today because you're gripped by the burning desire to get things done. You're in a tearing hurry, and the problem is that this could make you rather irritable if things don't go the way you want or people don't jump to it. You might also be feeling angry with a friend, even if you can't put your finger on what's wrong. Dynamic colours are jet black and pure white. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
Someone is in a finger-wagging mood and unfortunately they seem to be concentrating on you! Maybe they think you've fallen from grace for some reason, or perhaps you're simply the only person who happens to be around when they feel like letting off steam. Do your best not to fall into an equally critical and disgruntled mood, because it will soon make you feel wretched. Bright colours are silver and cherry pink. Lucky numbers are 39 and 58.
You're in an industrious mood but you'll be happiest if you can be left to your own devices as much as possible. It's not that you're feeling unfriendly, simply that you won't be able to concentrate very well if you're surrounded by lots of people. If you haven't even started writing your Christmas cards yet, try to remedy that at some point today. Favourable colours are chocolate and peach. Lucky numbers are 14 and 13.
You're very interested to know what makes other people tick, and you could have some fascinating conversations during the course of the day. If you're with someone who comes from a different culture or background to yours, you'll want to know more about it without seeming to pry. This is also a good day to sort out the final details of any forthcoming travel plans. Ideal colours are magenta and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 38 and 30.
Someone is extremely supportive and helpful this Sunday, and it feels really good to know that you can count on their support. You may know exactly who this person is, but there's also a strong possibility that you're being looked after by your guardian angel at the moment. But don't let this encourage you to take foolish risks or overstep the mark in some way. Strong colours are violet and hyacinth. Lucky numbers are 13 and 50.
You're in a very generous and kind frame of mind today, and you'll go out of your way to help others if you think they need it. You might donate some money to a good cause or decide that charity begins at home. If you're buying gifts for some of your loved ones it will be difficult to know when to stop, because you could easily get carried away. Fortunate colours are bright yellow and crimson. Lucky numbers are 14 and 40.
It's one of those difficult days in which you could talk yourself into doing or thinking almost anything, given half a chance. Although you normally have both feet planted firmly on the ground, that isn't true today because you're indulging in some delicious flights of fancy. If you do disappear into a world of your own for some relaxing escapism, make sure you return to Planet Earth in the near future. Favourable colours are golden honey and azure. Lucky numbers are 14 and 1.
Thank goodness you're in a much happier mood today. In fact, you're feeling pretty good and your emotions are far more stable than they were yesterday. It's a wonderful day for getting together with someone special, or with a group of loved ones, and having a very cosy time. If you've been meaning to tell you-know-who how important they are to you, take a deep breath and do it now. Dynamic colours are navy and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 64.
It's likely that your rather grave mood has been coloured by the current state of a relationship, perhaps because it isn't going as well as you would like or because you're feeling distanced from this person. Do your best not to worry about things that might never happen, nor to stew about problems that are little more than ancient history these days. Propitious colours are tea rose and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 17 and 32.
There will be occasions during the next three weeks when it's very difficult to make yourself understood. People may get the wrong end of the stick or you might give a misleading impression, so try to be as straightforward as possible. Today, there could be problems with a friend who isn't being as honest or fair as you would like, especially where money is concerned. Be careful! Positive colours are fuchsia and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 15 and 19.
This is a marvellous day for investing money in schemes or projects that will give you a good return over the next few years. However, you should make absolutely certain that you've got all the information you need first, and also that you're taking a realistic view of the possible risks as well as the benefits. It's no good just hoping for the best because you may be ignoring some important considerations. Insightful colours are bright yellow and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 11 and 58.
Someone is being rather petty and small minded today, making it difficult to talk to them for long without feeling that you're going round in circles or getting bogged down in a ridiculously high level of detail. Try to get plenty of fresh air, otherwise you'll start to feel ratty or nervy, and that could make you slightly accident-prone. Fortunate colours are blueberry and apricot. Lucky numbers are 32 and 29.
You're in a sociable mood, whether mixing with friends or colleagues. You'll certainly have a very good day if you're at work, thanks to the jolly atmosphere. Maybe someone is getting into the festive spirit and wants to spread a little happiness whenever possible. The only possible snag is that you might eat or drink too much now. Advantageous colours are peach and avocado. Lucky numbers are 6 and 55.
Today's Full Moon is dropping some heavy hints about your health, telling you to check out any symptoms that have been bothering you recently or to get rid of any bad habits that are interfering with your well-being. The coming fortnight will also be a good time to tidy up any loose ends connected with your job while they're fresh in your mind. Stabilising colours are pale gold and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 25 and 48.
You have a very high opinion of a certain person today, but the question is whether it's justified. The trouble is that you may be kidding yourself about what this person means to you, or about what you mean to them, and then you might be disappointed when things don't work out in the way you were hoping. So try to keep your head out of the clouds! Favourable colours are violet and dark green. Lucky numbers are 29 and 63.
Someone brings out the best in you today. They might encourage you to be much more light-hearted than usual, or to abandon some of your inhibitions for a short while. This will be exciting and liberating, so you'll want to do more of it in the near future. There could also be a very flirtatious encounter with a friend or neighbour, which really sets you thinking. Favourable colours are pineapple and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 26 and 54.
This is a lovely day for being with loved ones, whether these are members of the family or cherished friends. You'll enjoy chatting to them about whatever happens to be important in your lives at the moment, so give them a ring if you can't see them in person. You could hear a confidence or secret at some point, so make sure you keep it to yourself. Auspicious colours are ginger and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
Your social life starts to blossom from today, just in time for the festive season. This will be a wonderful opportunity to catch up with chums that you haven't seen lately or to add some new names to your list of friends. There's also a possibility that romance could add its unmistakable sparkle to what is currently a friendship, making you wonder where the relationship is heading. Ideal colours are off white and amber. Lucky numbers are 18 and 29.
This is an absolutely marvellous day for doing research or finding out what's going on behind the scenes. You've got a nose for secrets right now, and you'll do your best to sniff them out like a bloodhound. However, it's vital that you know when to stop, otherwise you may pry into things that are none of your concern or you might become lost in a sea of unnecessary detail. Favourable colours are grapefruit and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 19 and 39.
Relationships are tricky this Saturday, thanks to the emotional gulf that is stretching between you and certain people. You might be with someone in person but far removed from them in spirit, and it will be very difficult to know how you can improve the situation. Beware of acting defensively and of retreating even further, because that will only make things worse. Beneficial colours are oyster and lime. Lucky numbers are 20 and 57.
You're in a very realistic frame of mind today, enabling you to see situations in their true light. This is just what you need if you want to assess your chances of success in something or you're trying to work out what's going on with a certain person. You'll also make a great deal of sense if you're talking to friends or partners, and they'll listen carefully to what you're saying. Ideal colours are scarlet and toffee. Lucky numbers are 7 and 13.
For at least part of today you should concentrate on some of your priorities in life. This might mean being with some of your favourite people or doing something that always makes you feel better. If you're passing the shops, you could spot something that will improve your mood or enhance your appearance, especially if it smells delicious. Stabilising colours are ebony and aqua. Lucky numbers are 40 and 38.
Your Angel is Michael, Capricorn, who watches over all your strengths and weaknesses, and the Angel that rules your sign is Hanael. Don't hesitate to call on either of your Angels if you need to, as they work hand in hand with the Stars. Oh dear! Someone is pulling a very long face and they won't exactly be a barrel of laughs, either. They seem to be taking a very dim view of things, and their gloomy attitude will soon spread in your direction. Do your best to avoid being too pessimistic and downcast, otherwise everything will start to be an uphill struggle and you'll end up feeling emotionally exhausted. Favourable colours are jade and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 8 and 77.
Get together with some kindred spirits, because they'll do you the world of good. Meet up with friends or get into a group activity where you mix with people who share some of your interests. If you've been toying with the idea of joining a club or society, but haven't dared to take the plunge, it's just the time to do precisely that. Empowering colours are chocolate and persimmon. Lucky numbers are 22 and 9.
Postpone any activities that strike you as being tedious and concentrate on more attractive things instead. You're in a fun-loving and lively mood, so you need to enjoy yourself. And to make things even more interesting, there could be an intriguing encounter with someone who's very sexy and exciting. It will set you up for the rest of the day! Romantic colours are scarlet and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
You've got a lot to say for yourself this Sunday but you're very choosy about who you say it to. You need to talk about things that are very private or sensitive, and you must find a confidant you can trust. You're likely to clam up at the first sign that your words are falling on stony ground, or not being given the consideration you need. Favourable colours are crimson and indigo. Lucky numbers are 17 and 11.
Keep your head if you're going shopping today, or you could talk yourself into buying all sorts of items you don't really need, or can't afford. Your will-power has shrunk, so you'll be easily seduced. Nevertheless, it's a good day to start your Christmas shopping, because you'll be inspired when it comes to choosing the perfect gift. Indulgent colours are blueberry and rich claret. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
Turn your attention to your hopes and dreams for the future. How are they progressing? Do they always have to take a back seat to more pressing and prosaic concerns? If so, start thinking about how you can spend more time and energy on them, even if you begin in very modest ways. A friend may give you the encouragement you need to get going. Auspicious colours are orange and butterscotch. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
Between now and the end of the year, bold Mars urges you to hurl yourself into outside activities, hobbies and social events. It will be never a dull moment, because you could meet some very interesting people along the way. It is even likely that you'll be asked to take charge of a group activity, in which case you'll do really well. Ambitious colours are aubergine and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 17 and 10.
A companion is being very stern and disciplined, which is hard to have around for long. This fun type may turn their attention to you and start telling you where you're going wrong, or you might simply get the impression that they disapprove of you in some way. Don't be ultra- sensitive, as you may not be as out of favour as you imagine. Empowering colours are hyacinth and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 16 and 13.
Today it's easy to hit it off with the people you meet. However, you'll be happiest with people who are relaxing company, and who are sympathetic towards you. At work, you'll do best when working on projects that allow you to use your imagination. It will be a struggle to cope with anything too complicated or detailed. Energising colours are champagne and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Your relationships run wonderfully smoothly today, much to your delight. You've got the happy knack of getting on well with everyone you encounter now, even if they aren't usually your favourite choice of companion. If a new alliance gets off the ground, it will be tinged with idealism and you may always view the person concerned through rose- tinted spectacles. Expansive colours are mango and avocado. Lucky numbers are 3 and 10.
You'll need plenty of patience if you're going to get through the day without losing your temper, Capricorn. You're facing a lot of opposition or delays, and right now it seems that you've got to like it or lump it. The more progress you make, the more difficult it is to get anywhere. Perhaps you should give up the unequal struggle for the time being? Try a completely different approach. Receptive colours are bronze and purple. Lucky numbers are 14 and 8.
Someone is very outspoken today. How tedious. Is this goose going out of his (or her) way to be controversial and contentious, or just looking for an argument in order to liven up their day? Nevertheless, you should do your best to be as open-minded as possible, and to listen to what this person is really saying, because it may contain some uncomfortable truths. Beneficial colours are aubergine and polished brass. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
You're in the mood to have some fun today. Put pleasure at the top of your list of priorities and work only if you really have to. Even if you still have to slog away, try to set aside plenty of time for enjoyment. Is this the perfect excuse to go to a bonfire party or to throw one of your own, even if you do so at the last minute. Auspicious colours are blueberry and sage. Lucky numbers are 14 and 15.
Throughout the rest of November there will be times when you're very reluctant to speak up, preferring to keep your thoughts to yourself as much as possible. You may also have a greater need for privacy than normal, so retreat into your shell whenever things get too noisy or demanding. It may help to explain what's going on to people who matter. Fortunate colours are purple and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 69.
Your relationships are rather tricky and they need more care than normal. If your partner is gloomy and miserable, cheer them up or they'll do their best to drag you down to their depressing level. There could also be a big emotional gulf between you and a certain someone. Try not to worry too much about this unless it's part of a long-running and serious problem, in which case cut and run. Auspicious colours are bronze and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 27 and 9.
Your mind is working really well today, Capricorn. Put your thoughts into words so that everyone understands what you're talking about. This is just what you need if you've been waiting for the right opportunity to explain some of your ideas or to put a suggestion to someone. If you can't do it now you'll never be able to manage it! Harmonious colours are amethyst and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
The best way to spend today is to vary your routine as much as possible. There are days when you take comfort from sticking to a strict schedule, but this isn't one of them. You'll enjoy being flexible and versatile, and possibly even switching from one activity to another as the mood takes you. This will do you good, both emotionally and physically. Sociable colours are silver and rose. Lucky numbers are 23 and 16.
It's Hallowe'en and certain things are preying on your mind. They may be your own version of ghoulies and ghosties, such as worries about someone's health or general welfare. Although these anxieties may be perfectly valid, bear in mind that you're probably exaggerating them right now or allowing them to have a greater hold on you than is strictly necessary. Auspicious colours are silvery blue and silvery pink. Lucky numbers are 14 and 40.
No matter what you're doing or who you're with this Saturday, you'll find it easy to get on well with whoever happens to be around. If you're at work, there will be an easygoing atmosphere with colleagues, superiors and customers. If you're with an older friend or relative, you'll enjoy making a bit of a fuss of them. Ideal colours are pale pink and dark pink. Lucky numbers are 33 and 37.
Between now and late November you'll place a lot of importance on relationships with people who are older, wiser or more powerful than you. You might even strike up a new connection with someone who comes into one of these categories, in which case they'll have a big impact on you. They may also open doors for you that have remained closed until now. Beneficial colours are ochre and navy. Lucky numbers are 21 and 4.
Today's eclipsed Full Moon has a powerful effect on your love life during the next couple of weeks. A relationship could reach a watershed, in which it either has to move on to a new phase or come to a grinding halt. If you've been working hard at a creative venture, this is a good time to bring it to a successful conclusion. Fortunate colours are pineapple and plum. Lucky numbers are 19 and 45.
You're in the mood to get things done today and you'll be very industrious. This is especially likely if you're hoping to clear up situations or problems that have been on your conscience recently, because it will be a tremendous relief to get shot of them at long last. However, make sure you don't impose your ideas on others without their consent. Favourable colours are oyster and ginger. Lucky numbers are 31 and 34.
You'll learn a lot about someone from talking to them now, particularly if you're discussing topics of intellectual or historical interest. You'll get a strong sense of satisfaction from being with people who are on the same wavelength as you. Even if there are some glaring differences between you, you won't notice them at the moment. Fortunate colours are olive and dark orange. Lucky numbers are 34 and 61.
We all know that you have a highly developed sense of responsibility but it's important that you keep it in check today, otherwise it will encourage you to take on more duties than you can comfortably handle. So try to be sensible if someone is looking for a volunteer, because what seems feasible right now may turn out to be a millstone round your neck in a few days' time. Inspirational colours are dark brown and platinum. Lucky numbers are 34 and 53.
Mix with plenty of different people today because you'll have some very interesting and lively conversations. You might even get involved in a discussion that stretches your mind and forces you to think along very logical lines. Get out your diary because at some point you might receive an exciting invitation or issue your own. Auspicious colours are russet and platinum. Lucky numbers are 21 and 46.
All money matters need to be treated with extreme caution today. There's a strong likelihood that someone is trying to steal a march on you in some way, or they're hoping to separate you from your cash through nefarious means. Ideally, you should avoid all financial transactions like the plague now. If that's impossible, try to keep your eyes and ears open as much as possible. Fortunate colours are smoky purple and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 36 and 23.
There have been days recently when you've acted against your own best interests by being unsure of yourself, hesitant or all too keen to put yourself down. Luckily, you're much more confident of your abilities today and you're keen to advertise them whenever you get the chance. You'll also feel more self assured and authoritative if you've got to tell someone what to do or take charge of a situation. Dynamic colours are jet black and fire engine red. Lucky numbers are 10 and 71.
You'll have to keep your wits about you if you're handling money today, because mistakes and muddles are horribly likely. You might misread a price tag, or only realize that you've bought the wrong item when it's too late to do anything about it. There's also a chance that you could be at the mercy of someone who wants to do you down or trick you in some way. Propitious colours are avocado and lavender. Lucky numbers are 30 and 1.
This isn't a good day to ask a certain person for advice or to explain a cherished plan, because they'll be extremely negative and pessimistic. They'll be so keen to point out all the pitfalls that they'll barely listen to what you're saying. You may also be doing a good job of telling yourself that something won't work out, even if this is far from the truth. Be more positive! Beneficial colours are burgundy and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
You can't help smiling as you listen to a certain person today because they're so full of themselves. To hear them talk, you'd think that they performed several miracles every day and twice as many on Sundays. Now, if you're a rather hidebound Capricorn you can learn something from all this. Try to adopt a small fraction of this person's abundant self-confidence. Uplifting colours are dark green and amber. Lucky numbers are 20 and 77.
Someone is a great help today, even if they're operating behind the scenes. They might be giving you plenty of quiet encouragement, so you know that they have faith in you and this spurs you on to greater achievements. If you're working as part of a team, you'll be happiest if you can have a little time to yourself at some point. Inspirational colours are apple blossom and ochre. Lucky numbers are 4 and 38.
If you're fed up with always being seen as a rather dour or shy Capricorn, this is a perfect day for revealing a more lighthearted side of your character. This will be a liberating experience, so throw caution to the winds and say or do things that you might usually think twice about. There's little danger that you'll go over the top, although it may feel that way if you aren't used to letting rip because you're normally so concerned about creating a good impression. Favourable colours are burnt orange and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 13 and 68.
A relationship will benefit from what happens now. You realize how much a certain person means to you, making you want to spend more time with them in future. Or you could get a better understanding of your personal responsibilities. It's also a terrific day for having a serious conversation with someone in which you both talk about what really matters to you. Beneficial colours are passionfruit and iridescent blue. Lucky numbers are 28 and 44.
Don't neglect your friendships during the rest of October because you'll be missing out on an important chunk of your life. This will be a wonderful opportunity to spend more time with people who are on the same wavelength as you, whether you're united through a shared activity, belief or affection. You'll learn a lot from one another now. Sociable colours are deep gold and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 35 and 76.
Today's eclipsed New Moon gives you a massive burst of enthusiasm and energy during the next couple of weeks, which will be just what you need if you want to make headway in activities that boost your reputation or ego. For instance, you might decide that this is your chance to apply for a high-status job or you could pull off a big coup that puts you in the limelight. Favourable colours are primrose and lime. Lucky numbers are 38 and 20.
It's horribly easy to trip yourself up by being too timid or critical today. For instance, you might be so afraid of appearing stupid that you don't even attempt to do or say something, and then you spend the rest of the day suffering agonies of frustration. You may also develop a self-defeating habit of putting yourself down when talking to others. What's wrong? Favourable colours are caramel and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 66.
This is a great day for trying your luck at work or in a long- term goal. You know what they say about nothing ventured, nothing gained, and today you're eager to put that to the test. Besides, you're feeling nicely confident of your abilities. Someone in authority over you will be helpful and encouraging, so you realize you aren't doing too badly after all. Great! Opportunistic colours are ruby red and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 14 and 60.
Something is bothering you and you won't relax until you've thought it through thoroughly. This might be a problem that you usually try not to think about, or it could be a long-running emotional difficulty with someone that rears its ugly head again now. It might help to discuss it with someone who can understand what you're going through but who won't let you wallow in self-pity. Ideal colours are dark red and hazelnut. Lucky numbers are 4 and 74.
Give yourself a lovely treat by immersing yourself in something that captures your imagination. This might mean visiting an ancient building, such as a ruined castle, and soaking up the atmosphere, or going to a museum and gazing at a beautiful object. You might be so fascinated that you decide to find out more about it. Soaring colours are sky blue and sunset orange. Lucky numbers are 12 and 78.
Something or someone has intrigued you, and you're longing to get to the bottom of what's going on. Maybe you should ask some pertinent questions if that seems appropriate, or do some background research. If you're tackling some paperwork, there's little danger of you overlooking anything important because you've got such a good eye for detail right now. Inspirational colours are strawberry and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 4 and 18.
Thank goodness your spirits start to rise again today, putting you in a much better mood. You may even look back on the past couple of days and shake your head in amused disbelief over your behaviour. Try to blow away the cobwebs by being active whenever possible. You may also have a lively conversation in which you stand up for yourself, but you do it with humour and grace. Stable colours are lavender and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 31 and 64.
You're in a sombre mood and have a tendency to take everything rather seriously. Maybe you're concerned about what happened yesterday and are feeling bad about it, in which case you should try to improve the situation in some way. But try not to get into such a downbeat state that nothing can cheer you up and everything has the potential to depress you. Positive colours are ivory and ebony. Lucky numbers are 15 and 71.
The atmosphere between you and a certain person is pretty fraught today. Maybe you've run out of patience with each other or you never had much in the first place. Either way, it will be hard to keep your temper for long. Actually, you need to get certain things off your chest and you won't feel better until that's happened. Auspicious colours are amethyst and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 23.
You're in a very considerate and kind mood today, especially when it comes to giving someone advice or listening to their tale of woe. You'll do whatever you can to help them, even if this is at considerable inconvenience to yourself. There's a strong possibility that you'll help someone with a money worry at some point. Fortunate colours are banana yellow and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 25 and 66.
Watch out because worries are never far away today. They're lurking in the back of your mind, waiting to jump out and alarm you at a moment's notice. The question is whether these anxieties are justified, whether they're minor niggles that are distracting you from something more serious, or whether they're frightening figments of your imagination. Favourable colours are amber and jade. Lucky numbers are 35 and 21.
During the next few weeks you'll really enjoy exploring new situations and places. It's the ideal time to go on holiday because it will feel like a wonderful adventure and you'll be in the mood to go exploring as much as possible. There's also a chance now that you could fall in love with someone from another country, race or belief, and this will really open your eyes. Favourable colours are bright red and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 7 and 63.
Your emotions are never far from the surface this Saturday and they'll make themselves known in all sorts of ways. You might have a very sentimental and satisfying conversation with someone you adore, or enjoy a private little reverie about you-know-who. It's certainly a fantastic day for letting down your guard and revealing your heart-felt feelings to someone. Dynamic colours are bronze and jet black. Lucky numbers are 13 and 25.
Your spending habits leave a lot to be desired today, especially if you're feeling in need of a little comfort. Yes, it's one of those days when you're likely to clap eyes on something and then tell yourself that you've just got to have it, even if your credit card balance is already sky-high. You might also be a soft touch if someone wants to borrow money from you. Where's that classic Capricorn prudence gone? Communicative colours are pineapple and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 15 and 28.
It isn't an easy day because you feel distanced from partners and loved ones. Maybe you're separated by a physical gulf or an emotional one, but either way it's making you miserable and sorry for yourself. Do something therapeutic otherwise you really will start to mope, and then you'll imagine that things are far worse than they actually are. Uplifting colours are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
You're in danger of opening your mouth and saying far more than you intended. That's because you'll soon get carried away by enthusiasm or emotion, and then say the first thing that comes into your head. Be very careful when you're with people who are easily offended or who could make life difficult for you if you step out of line. You don't want to blot your copybook with them. Favourable colours are ivory and crushed strawberry. Lucky numbers are 36 and 38.
Today's Full Moon encourages you to think carefully about your responsibilities over the next two weeks. You need to include your domestic duties as well as those you encounter in the outside world. Are you able to balance everything, or does it feel like a precarious juggling act in which you're in danger of dropping the ball? Start to make any adjustments that you think are necessary. Beneficial colours are burgundy and lilac. Lucky numbers are 4 and 63.
You're ready to throw yourself head first into your work today. You may even do this in quite a headstrong and reckless way, with little thought for the consequences. However, it would be much better to think things through first, because that will save time later on when you have to extricate yourself from a difficult situation or backtrack over something you promised but have now had second thoughts about. Whoops! Stabilising colours are copper and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 33 and 67.
Don't be surprised if someone asks you for advice today. They'll have realized that you're in a very practical and rational frame of mind, and that you're brimming with commonsense right now. Whether you're solving someone else's problems or tackling your own, you'll take a logical approach and will weigh up all the pros and cons before reaching a decision. Steady colours are oyster and lavender. Lucky numbers are 36 and 61.
You're going places during the next year, Capricorn! Your ambitions are starting to receive a massive shot in the arm, filling you with ideas and the determination to succeed. You may even decide to aim very high indeed and to set your sights on targets that you would normally consider to be way beyond you. Right now, however, you're eager to give them your best shot. Liberating colours are blue and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
A close relationship will have a powerful effect on you now. You'll really enjoy being together, and you'll manage to create an intense rapport between the two of you. Your relationship might even reach an important turning point. It might move from lust to love, or you may establish a new intimacy with one another that has more to do with trust than sex. Uplifting colours are terracotta and avocado. Lucky numbers are 18 and 52.
Everything goes really well today. Workmates are helpful, superiors are encouraging, and you're pleased with what you manage to achieve. If you've been plucking up the courage to ask about a pay rise or promotion, this is a good day to mention it. It's also a good day for applying for jobs that will allow you to make the best use of your talents. Fortunate colours are spring green and plum. Lucky numbers are 27 and 72.
From today, you start to set your sights on getting some concrete achievements under your belt. You've been dreaming about, and planning, your future and now you're ready to turn those hopes into reality. You'll also be blessed with increased self-confidence during the next four weeks, which will help you to make your mark on the world. Go for it, Capricorn! Advantageous colours are silvery blue and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 26 and 18.
What a great day! You could be on the receiving end of a giant slice of good luck, but don't just sit around waiting for it to land in your lap or you'll be disappointed. You'll have to make your own luck by taking an active part in situations, keeping an open mind and being as adaptable as possible. Do all this, and something really good will happen to you. Expressive colours are peacock blue and ivory. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
Someone is in a picky and pedantic mood. They're prepared to argue about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin if needs be, and will demand that you back up all your arguments with facts while probably airily making all sorts of sweeping statements themselves. Will it annoy you? You bet it will, but it simply isn't worth getting in a stew about it. Fortunate colours are turquoise and apricot. Lucky numbers are 28 and 30.
It's a great day for being with people who are on the same wavelength as you because you'll have a really good time with them. You might decide to go out on a jaunt with some friends, especially if you're visiting somewhere historical or spiritual, or you could take part in a group activity in which you all share a particular goal. Whatever you do will be fun. Ideal colours are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 7 and 73.
Take care today because a certain relationship could be very deceptive. You might be kidding yourself about the dynamics that are operating between you and a certain person, perhaps telling yourself that everything is great when you know deep down that it's anything but. If a new partnership starts today it will be very idealistic and romantic, and may not have much to do with reality. Auspicious colours are mango and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 22 and 73.
Any form of teamwork will go well today. You're in a generous mood and will happily give credit where credit's due, so if someone else has worked wonders you'll be the first one to congratulate them. Equally, if you're in the limelight you won't want to brag about it. You'll also do well if you're taking part in a brainstorming session because you'll have some very constructive ideas. Fortunate colours are cherry blossom and peach. Lucky numbers are 1 and 61.
This is a perfect day for getting involved in creative and imaginative projects because you'll throw yourself into them heart and soul. But it won't be nearly so good if you're supposed to be concentrating on something that requires an eye for detail because your mind will keep drifting off into more interesting trains of thought, making you lose track of what you're doing. Dynamic colours are fire engine red and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
You're in a very enthusiastic mood today and ready to do something exciting. So what is it going to be? Ideally, it should be something that takes you out of yourself and introduces you to new experiences and ideas. You might even decide to do something that feels quite reckless and daring, or which will certainly set tongues wagging. Soaring colours are sky blue and mauve. Lucky numbers are 1 and 55.
Life has brought you plenty of adventure during the past couple of months, but have you embraced it with open arms, or nervously stepped to one side for fear of getting too involved in it all? If you've avoided the challenges and opportunities that have come your way, today's New Moon gives you one last chance to take advantage of them or to forever kick yourself. Dynamic colours are bright red and iridescent purple. Lucky numbers are 20 and 41.
Someone close to you isn't making much sense today. In fact, they may as well be talking double Dutch, because you can't make head or tail of any of it. They might be saying something that seems totally far-fetched and ludicrous to you, or they could start talking about one thing and then immediately interrupt themselves and begin to talk about something quite different. Fortunate colours are crimson and ochre. Lucky numbers are 15 and 33.
Do yourself a favour and keep away from contentious topics of conversation today. That might be anything from religion to politics, with plenty of other potential pitfalls in between. You'll soon find that you're up to your ears in a dispute with someone, and the atmosphere will become unpleasant and intimidating. Better to stick to easy subjects such as the weather. Creative colours are bright yellow and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 24 and 15.
You aren't a suspicious person by nature, but you can't help wondering what a certain someone is up to. Are they trying to pull a fast one or hoping to hoodwink you in some way? Right now, it's impossible to know whether you're imagining the whole thing, which means you can't reach any conclusive decisions, but you'll certainly want to keep your eyes open in the future. Insightful colours are pale blue and onyx. Lucky numbers are 17 and 57.
You have a very enquiring mind during the next two weeks. This has been a dominant theme in your life since July, but you still aren't tired of it. In fact, you'll take great pleasure in positively soaking up knowledge about whatever happens to interest you. This might even be the start of a long-running enthusiasm that will lead you in some fascinating directions. Favourable colours are shimmering blue and mango. Lucky numbers are 35 and 40.
You're in a visionary mood today, and you enjoy discussing your plans with someone who feels equally enthusiastic about them. You might even be so inspired that you decide to map out a timetable of what to do when. Travel plans might also be on the cards today, in which case you'll fancy venturing far afield and possibly visiting somewhere rather exotic. Fortunate colours are dark grey and sienna. Lucky numbers are 16 and 70.
Plans don't go the way you anticipate today, but it's nothing to worry about - unexpected events will turn out to be great fun. Someone might invite you to do something on the spur of the moment and it would be a shame if you had to turn them down. You might also make a new contact, in which case this person will be terrific company. Positive colours are lapis lazuli and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 28 and 72.
If you're worried about your health, do something about it now. Make an appointment with an expert who can help you, and don't let your imagination start to run riot about what might be wrong with you. No matter what the state of your health, you'll feel better now if you can relax and put your cares to one side for a short spell. Bold colours are lemon and peach. Lucky numbers are 39 and 12.
There's some good news, Capricorn and you may receive a windfall during the next few weeks. Don't get too excited; it may not be enough to make your fortune or mean you can retire to a tropical paradise. You might even be given a possession rather than a sum of money. Alternatively, a partner could strike lucky and generously let you share in the spoils. Beneficial colours are lavender and platinum. Lucky numbers are 9 and 66.
Relationships are really enjoyable today. Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a super day for breaking the ice with someone that you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. They'll probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Revealing colours are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
You're in a lively mood and routine and duty will go down like a lead balloon. Put this amazing energy to good use by going to the gym or beating a friend at competitive sport. If you get involved in a discussion about something you believe in, you'll give it a spirited defence. Dynamic colours are dark purple and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 22 and 59.
It's another day when you feel on top of the world, and eager to get as much enjoyment out of everything as possible. It will help if you can abandon your usual routine and do something much more exciting instead, particularly if this means taking off on a day trip or visiting somewhere that's steeped in atmosphere, culture or history. Positive colours are mango and smoky pink. Lucky numbers are 15 and 46.
It's going to be a really enjoyable day, with everyone going out of their way to be pleasant and friendly. It's great for being with people who are on the same wavelength as you because you'll have even more in common with them now than usual. If you're planning a romantic interlude with you-know-who, you'll have a wonderful time together. Maybe you should do it more often? Dynamic colours are bright red and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 15 and 30.
You're reluctant to stray too far from familiar faces and places today, because these make you feel safe and cosy. In a perfect world, you would stay at home with your feet up, doing as little as is humanly possible without feeling guilty about it. Unfortunately, reality may be rather different, so you'll have to grab those moments of relaxation whenever you can get them. But you still shouldn't feel guilty! Beneficial colours are crimson and snow white. Lucky numbers are 31 and 48.
It's very difficult to make an emotional connection today. There seems to be a big gulf between you which is almost impossible to cross. Try to work out what's wrong, but don't imagine that the situation is worse than it really is. Try not to retreat into a protective sulk that makes the other person feel they're being rejected, because then you'll be setting up a vicious circle.
Tidy up your immediate surroundings during the next two weeks, especially if you're starting to accumulate a lot of clutter. Get rid of anything you no longer need, or put it in a safe place until you can decide what to do with it. You might also take part in some neighbourhood activities, especially if these involve solving a local problem.
It's a slightly tricky day. Is your heart is ruling your head, or vice versa? Avoid veering wildly between taking a very logical stance about something and then becoming extremely emotional about it. No one will know where you stand on the subject, least of all you. Avoid making decisions while you're in such an uncertain mood.
Watch out when handling money today. You're slightly absent-minded right now and may not notice mistakes that take place until after the event. You could be short-changed or someone might charge you the wrong price for something you buy. If you are steadfastly ignoring some unpleasant financial facts, you'll have to face up to them sooner or later.
If you're fed up with your current image, or the opinion that most people seem to have of you, do something about it now. Even if you want to have instantaneous results, try not to to overdo it. You might wear some clothes that grab everyone's attention or which make a dramatic statement, so everyone gets the message loud and clear.
Your partner is being very affectionate and loving today, which makes you feel great. However, the situation could quickly alter if you can't spare as much time or energy for this person as they would like. They might start to feel neglected, or accuse of you having more important things to do with your time. Do your best to pacify them and to explain what's going on.
This promises to be one of the most enjoyable and satisfying days, thanks to an optimism washing over you in great waves at the moment. You're on to something exciting and can't wait to carry on with it. If you collect a particular item, such as stamps or teapots, you might find another piece to add to your collection now.
Is something worrying you? If an anxiety is nagging away at you, it won't leave you alone until you've done something about it. This may require some boldness, especially if you have to admit to yourself that something is wrong. But the more you try to push something to the back of your mind, the more it will dominate your thoughts.
Open your mind to all sorts of new possibilities, or you'll miss out on many exciting experiences. The prospect of long-distance travel could appeal now, or you might consider enrolling in a college course that starts next term. You're full of curiosity about the world and you won't be satisfied unless you can find out as much about it as possible.
Your horizons are widening, but the question is how brave do you feel about exploring them? You've already faced some exciting opportunities and there are more on the way, but they won't be much good to you if you can't muster the courage to make the most of them. Take things one step at a time, it's much less daunting.
It's a good day to discuss topics connected with bureaucracy, important financial matters and your long-term goals. Seek out a sounding board, and listen carefully to what is said on the subject. If you've got to concentrate on some important paperwork, you'll get on with it much better if you can do it in private and away from any distractions.
Someone is looking at life through very serious eyes today, which won't exactly make them a barrel of laughs. You may even suspect that they're taking some sort of perverse pleasure from being such an old misery. If you aren't careful, you might start to behave in the same way because this mood is infectious. Do your best to resist it.
What is going on today? There is too much information, or perhaps you keep being interrupted by visitors, phone calls and e-mails. A sense of controlled chaos will soon start to play on your nerves. Try to keep calm and not get rattled.
Someone has very strong opinions and you'll soon hear all about them, because they seem unable to keep them to themselves. Expect to be treated to their views on all sorts of topics. Be careful at this point because this person is so wedded to their beliefs that you won't be popular if you fail to validate them. Yet you aren't prepared to lie, either. It's going to be a lively conversation!
You've certainly got your head screwed on the right way today, in good Capricorn fashion. It's easier to think things through carefully, and also to keep your mind firmly focused on what you can and can't do. It's an excellent day for making careful decisions connected with religion, education, travel or the law, especially if you discuss your ideas with someone else first.
Today's New Moon will have a spirited impact on your close relationships during the next two weeks, helping you create a more intimate atmosphere. This might even be when a new relationship gets off the ground, in which case it will feel quite intense and passionate.
This is a fabulous day to take part in a discussion or serious conversation. You'll have plenty to say for yourself, but encourage everyone else to have their say too. You're interested in knowing about other beliefs and ways of life, especially if you're getting them straight from the horse's mouth.
Do yourself a favour and abandon your usual Saturday routine. Do something totally different instead. It's exactly what you're in the mood for and you'll have some fun in the process. If you have to carry on with your usual schedule, approach it from a different angle or introduce some fun elements in order to relieve any potential boredom or staleness.
Someone has a surprise up their sleeve for you today, Capricorn. They might organize a treat for you on the spur of the moment or visit you when you weren't expecting it. If you're out and about, you could bump into the very person you were hoping to meet. There's also the chance of a delightfully flirtatious and light-hearted encounter with a certain person.
This is a marvellous day for making some powerful and long-lasting changes to your life, especially if these will affect your financial arrangements or a close relationship. Changes you make now are important and might therefore be rather daunting, but it will be liberating to take charge of situations that have worried you. Do something about them.
You have such a strong desire to be with other people today that you'll feel as though something is missing if you spend too much time alone. If you're a solo Capricorn, you might start to brood about being on your own and wonder when you'll find Mr or Ms Right. They might be just around the corner but if they aren't you'll have to get your companionship from friends instead.
You're up for a challenge from today, and you'll jump at anything that gives you the opportunity to prove your worth or push yourself further than usual. This could be very helpful and inspiring if you're usually the sort of Capricorn who likes to play safe, but it may not be such good news if you're always fairly headstrong, because during the next few weeks you'll want to stretch yourself, and your luck, to the limit.
This is one of those exhausting days when you've got so much to do that you don't know where to start. Don't lose your sense of perspective, or your objectivity. Your mind changes like the wind and you'll soon start to hum with pent-up nervous energy. Take things one at a time, and do something active if you feel that you're reaching screaming point.
Someone is a good companion today. They're being friendly, supportive and helpful, and you're grateful to them. If you can't return the compliment at the moment, at least you can let them know that you appreciate what they're doing for you and that you'll try to help them whenever it seems appropriate. It feels good to know that they're giving you their backing.
Harmony means a great deal to you during the next few weeks, and you'll do your utmost to create it in your relationships. This means you'll try to compromise with people rather than clash with them, and give them the benefit of the doubt when necessary. All the same, it would be better to stand up to them if you think they're taking full advantage of your good nature.
You have very strong ideas about what's good and what's bad today, and you're prepared to stand by them come what may. That's fine, but where you could come unstuck is if you insist that other people play by your rules or if you're actually harbouring doubts about what you're doing. You could be a powerful force for good now, but only if you're convinced that you're in the right.
This is a super day for being with loved ones, because you'll draw a tremendous amount of comfort and reassurance from their company. You don't have to do anything terribly exciting either, so simply gathering your nearest and dearest around you at home might be all you need. This could be a good opportunity for a family pow-wow about some forthcoming plans.
It's easy to get on well with other people today, especially if they're permanent fixtures in your daily routine. Expect a very happy time with workmates or a good chat with a neighbour. The only snag is if you're expected to do some work you're not in the mood for, because you'll find any excuse not to get on with it.
A certain someone is talking a lot of sense today, though they may not even be aware they're doing it. You could also have a very positive and constructive conversation with someone you respect and admire, or who is much older than you and has plenty of experience of life.
If you're still reeling from yesterday's events, take the opportunity to talk about them. Your brain is bubbling and you have to talk it through in an effort to make sense of it. You can't tuck everything away into a neat little pigeonhole at the moment, because you still need to come to terms with what's happened, and also to absorb its significance.
Something shocking or controversial may take some getting used to, dear Goats. You may even doubt the evidence of your own ears, or wonder what on earth has possessed this person to say such a thing. The question is whether they're deliberately being provocative, they're speaking the truth or you're being much too reactionary and stubborn. Think it through carefully.
Your finances need careful attention from today, particularly if you've been ignoring them recently. Grit your teeth and sort things out properly, especially if that means paying a few bills or ridding yourself of some unhelpful financial habits. If you've overspent this month you'll now have to face the music and decide on your best course of action. Harmonious colours are cream and peach. Lucky numbers are 10 and 45.
Your energy levels are rather depleted so you need to take care of yourself. What's more, the situation won't be helped if you have to spend too much time with someone who always puts you on the defensive or who seems to look down their nose at you. If you've got to sort out a problem with a certain person and you've been putting it off, you won't feel better until you've gathered up your courage and got it out of the way. Fortunate colours are burgundy and caramel. Lucky numbers are 20 and 9.
You're pinned to your chair by what someone tells you today. This might happen when a certain person tells you a fascinating story, or you could be gripped by something you hear on the radio or TV. Listen carefully to what you're hearing because it could contain an important message for you, whether for now or in the future. Empowering colours are pistachio and mango. Lucky numbers are 40 and 12.
Watch out if you're going anywhere near the shops because money will flow through your fingers like water. No sooner will you have seen something you want to buy than you'll have bought it, even if it's beyond your means. Try not to get into hot financial water, even if you do feel an overpowering need to cheer yourself up. Ideal colours are ochre and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 17 and 29.
Do yourself a favour and get together with someone special. You're in a very cosy, romantic and affectionate mood, and it would be a shame to keep such warm feelings to yourself. Maybe it's the perfect excuse to have a night in with you-know-who, or to turn an ordinary date with someone into a special occasion that you'll both enjoy. Prosperous colours are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 23 and 16.
Cheer yourself up by spending time with friends and other like- minded people. If you can't see someone in the flesh, give them a ring or send them an e-mail. What's important now is to make contact with people who lift you out of yourself and give you a wider perspective on the world. You could have a fascinating discussion about ethics or spirituality, too. Auspicious colours are brass and claret. Lucky numbers are 40 and 1.
You thirst for knowledge and truth from today, and it will take you on some fascinating adventures during the next couple of months. Look on this as a golden opportunity to learn many new things about the world, whether you do this formally, informally or mostly by osmosis. Be open- minded, tolerant and willing to educate yourself. Beneficial colours are jet black and bright red. Lucky numbers are 20 and 45.
There's an air of constraint between you and a certain person right now, and it's making you very uncomfortable. It may even tempt you to keep out of their way, even though that could end up making the situation worse. It would be far better to find out what's wrong and then to do something constructive about it. That will give you a great sense of achievement. Fortunate colours are avocado and toffee. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
You're happy to help anyone who's in trouble today. That might mean dropping a few coins into a charity collecting tin, giving some money to a beggar or doing your best to help an associate who's going through a tricky patch. You should also spare a thought for an older friend or relative who would be thrilled to hear from you, or even better to see you in person. Auspicious colours are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 29 and 51.
The next four weeks are a super opportunity to think long and hard about your relationships, and about what you expect from them. Do you depend on other people in the same way that a drowning man depends on a raft, or do you consider that you have the upper hand in most of your relationships? Be honest with yourself about all this, otherwise all this valuable self-analysis will be a complete waste of time. Harmonious colours are aubergine and silver. Lucky numbers are 18 and 11.
You're buoyed by a strong sense of optimism today, and it's making you feel that everything will be all right in the long run. This could give you the courage to go ahead with a plan that will call for plenty of nerve, or help you through a difficult patch. If possible, you should have a complete change of scene at some point. Beneficial colours are ivory and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 13 and 74.
You're absolutely determined to enjoy yourself today, whatever the cost. This could work out to be rather expensive, because right now you're in the mood to throw caution to the winds, followed by lots of money. If you go out for a meal, you'll want it to be memorable and enjoyable, and the last thing you'll be doing is looking at the prices on the menu. Favourable colours are sepia and dark rose. Lucky numbers are 10 and 30.
It's important that you talk about your feelings this Monday, but also that you do your best to keep them in proportion. Your emotions are still near the surface, and they could encourage you to create dramas out of very minor troubles. Nevertheless, you'll get a lot from confiding in someone you trust, and for letting them do the same with you. Auspicious colours are plum and butterscotch. Lucky numbers are 3 and 45.
You're in quite a proprietorial mood today, so take things carefully. If you aren't fully aware of your feelings, you could soon become possessive or jealous, especially if you're already in a vulnerable emotional state. You could also get very het up about any topic that means a lot to you, and it might quickly start to feel like a life and death issue. Fortunate colours are antique gold and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 17 and 27.
Teamwork is the best way forward during the rest of July. You might pair up with someone for work, and find that you make a lot more progress than normal. If you're about to get engaged, married or move in with someone, you couldn't have chosen a more auspicious time to join forces with this person. Your relationship stands an excellent chance of success. Inspirational colours are amber and aqua. Lucky numbers are 17 and 52.
Someone wants to get their own way but they're doing their best to cover their tracks and throw you off the scent. Be very careful about believing everything you hear now, especially if it has financial connotations, because it may have little to do with the truth and a lot to do with someone's machinations. Trust your instincts and your common sense. Healing colours are ebony and russet. Lucky numbers are 29 and 23.
Life is nicely busy without becoming chaotic today. Expect an unexpected visitor and have to rearrange your plans accordingly, or there could be some other unforeseen events, but such things are nothing to worry about. A conversation with a partner, neighbour or close relative will be interesting and inspirational. Ideal colours are burnt orange and lemon. Lucky numbers are 6 and 38.
It's one of those delightful days in which you find it easy to hit it off with whoever happens to be around. You'll make a big effort to find some common ground with them, even if they aren't exactly your first choice of companion on a desert island. If you're trying to sort out a problem connected with your job or health, you'll make a lot of progress now. Expressive colours are blackberry and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 36 and 70.
If you're a typical Capricorn there are normally no flies on you when it comes to financial matters, but there are definitely a few flies in the ointment today. You aren't seeing things as clearly as usual, and it doesn't help that someone may be trying to cloud your vision in order to steal a march on you. Try to avoid parting with large sums of money now because the risks are too great. Favourable colours are chestnut and olive. Lucky numbers are 11 and 74.
Things won't go nearly as well as you'd like if you're embarking on a new creative or artistic venture today. You might even have to start again after you muck up your first attempt. There will also be false starts and other problems if you try to meet up with a close friend now. They might be delayed or you could have to change your plans at the last minute. Fortunate colours are crimson and violet. Lucky numbers are 2 and 13.
Make it a Sunday full of entertainment and enjoyment. Ideally, you should forget all about work and other bothersome activities for the time being and get together with partners, loved ones and friends. It will do you good to be with them, even if your plans aren't very special. What matters now is to show your affection for some of the people in your life. Bold colours are persimmon and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 4 and 19.
You have a lot to say for yourself, and you'll be as forthright and straightforward as possible. The last thing you want to do right now is to beat about the bush, but try not to take this to such extremes that you're blunt, aggressive or downright rude. Trigger points include such tricky topics as sex, jealousy, shared finances and anything that you consider to be taboo. Uplifting colours are mauve and silvery pink. Lucky numbers are 5 and 50.
Life isn't exactly easy today. Once again, relationships take up a lot of energy and it will be difficult to keep them all sweetness and light. Actually, this may be impossible once it becomes obvious that you-know-who is on the warpath, but at least it will give you the chance to thrash out what's wrong with them and find a way round the problem. But don't say hurtful things that will linger in this person's mind for some time to come. Auspicious colours are dusky rose and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 30 and 41.
Relationships feel like hard work today. Someone is being very serious, and you may also get the impression that they disapprove of you for some reason. They might find a way to tick you off or give you some stern advice, or the atmosphere between you may be very cool. Yet this is unlikely to be one-sided, and you may also be contributing to the chilly mood by being rather reserved or unemotional. Advantageous colours are bronze and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 9 and 24.
Someone is being driven by subconscious impulses today, making them say and do things that really get under your skin. They may not be aware that they're upsetting you, unless you've got the guts to mention it. Try not to make a big song and dance about all this because it's likely to make the situation worse, and could also make this person feel resentful towards you. Favourable colours are brilliant white and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 18 and 41.
This is another day for being sociable whenever you get the chance. If you're at work, you'll manage to have some interesting chats to the people you meet, even if that means having a muttered conversation when the boss isn't looking your way. It's also a good opportunity to catch up on the news with a neighbour or close relative. Auspicious colours are bright silver and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 9 and 50.
This isn't a day to spend alone if you can possibly avoid it, because you'll have such fun when you're with other people. Ideally, you should get together with people who always make you laugh, or who remind you that life isn't only about working your socks off to earn a crust. You might also dream up a plan for the future with someone who's on your wavelength. Beneficial colours are peach and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 39 and 67.
The coming three weeks are a great time for thinking about your finances, whether you're the only one involved in them or you share them with a partner. Maybe you need to arrange things a little differently so they can flow more smoothly, or it's time to bring certain arrangements to an end. You should also check that all your accounts are up to date. Boring but true! Beneficial colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 31.
A certain person is being bad-tempered and scratchy, and if you're wise you'll keep away from them until they're in a better mood. However, there's every chance that you're the one with steam coming out of your ears because of something that someone has done. Try to tell yourself that you're probably being highly subjective and touchy, and that things aren't nearly as dire as they seem at the moment. Ideal colours are violet and russet. Lucky numbers are 17 and 14.
Today's Full Moon will have a dramatic effect on your life during the coming fortnight, because it's a marvellous opportunity for you to rid yourself of anything that is no longing working. That might be a possession that's broken, a habit that you want to kick or a relationship that is more like a thorn in your side these days. Be brave, and do what you have to do. Inspiring colours are marmalade and toffee. Lucky numbers are 23 and 24.
Take it easy because things could soon get to you today. It won't take much to make you feel all churned up inside, even though you may not be able to put your finger on what's wrong. Try not to let this make you behave in unhelpful ways towards other people, such as taking out your angst on them or making some barbed comments that aren't really fair. Beneficial colours are ochre and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 6 and 67.
Today is ideal for some gentle and harmless escapism, dear Capricorn. A quick shopping trip might do the trick, or you may prefer to have some time to yourself in relaxing surroundings. Romance is in the air, so perhaps you can disappear into a private little world with you- know-who. Soothing colours are brown and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 23 and 11.
It's a very sociable day, with plenty of opportunities to catch up on the latest gossip. Why not get in touch with a friend on the spur of the moment and suggest meeting up with them? This is also a good day for taking part in a discussion because you'll find it easy to voice your opinions. Expressive colours are mango and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
Life is full of pleasant surprises today. You could bump into the very person you were hoping to see, or hear from an old friend out of the blue. This is a super day for introducing some changes, such as altering part of your daily routine. You might also get the urge to do something unusual or unconventional. Favourable colours are lapis lazuli and orange. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
If you suspect that you've been a total pain in the neck during the past couple of days, this is the perfect time to offer your apologies. But don't start to grovel or endlessly berate yourself, because that won't do any good and it will also erode your self- confidence. Concentrate on tasks that involve practical planning for the future. Ideal colours are bronze and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 11.
It's another tricky day, littered with ill-natured and impatient squabbles. You're feeling rather frayed around the edges, and it shows. What starts as a simple conversation could become an excuse to do some foot-stamping or shouting, and you might also get caught up in silly details that are just a smokescreen for what's really bothering you. Liberating colours are american oak and pale blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 8.
Life is rather fraught today. You feel edgy, as other people are being difficult, so don't let it start to get you down. If tempers are frayed and a row seems likely, use it as an opportunity to thrash out any current problems that need urgent attention. Don't get so irritated that you make damaging or hurtful statements that you later have to retract. Auspicious colours are amethyst and mahogany. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Looking at life with a smile on your lips and a joyful heart? You're in a fantastic mood, and long may it last! This sense of optimism will carry you through the day and help you to make the most of everything. However, you could get quite restless, especially if life is rather boring at the moment. Can't you do something to brighten things up? Auspicious colours are ochre and apricot. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
Between now and early August you'll enjoy being busy with projects that have a lot of meaning for you, and you'll put your heart and soul into them. Actually, you won't really want to bother with anything if it doesn't fully engage your interest, and you'll get fed up if you think you're wasting your time on trivial or tedious activities. However, that doesn't mean you can afford to ignore them. Beneficial colours are lapis lazuli and aqua. Lucky numbers are 36 and 65.
You're in a very inventive frame of mind today and enjoy coming up with clever solutions to problems. You may even manage to do some lateral thinking, in which you approach a problem from a new angle and suddenly realize that you've cracked it. If you're out and about you could have a very interesting encounter with someone you weren't expecting to see. Opportune colours are lilac and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 4 and 69.
Your identity is closely connected with your relationships during the next four weeks. Who are you? If you're already in a committed relationship, you will believe that it says something about you, and you'll also believe that you're sending out certain messages if you're on your own. You excel at teamwork now, even if it's only a temporary arrangement. Opportune colours are marmalade and oyster. Lucky numbers are 11 and 64.
A naughty person is being mean and moody today. Whether or not they're gorgeous as well is not the point, and not one that you can safely answer at the moment. This person keeps giving way to bursts of bad temper, and they don't seem to care who's on the receiving end of it. Try not to catch their bad mood and behave like a spoilt brat as well, although that might be easier said than done. Fortunate colours are ebony and blood red. Lucky numbers are 6 and 77.
There's a burst of extravagance today. You want to splash out on something you can look forward to, such as your next holiday or a weekend break. Thoughts about whether or not you can afford it won't even enter your head, because you'll be so busy imagining what a wonderful time you're going to have. Try not to go overboard, Capricorn! Uplifting colours are ginger and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 21 and 69.
Let's hope you don't have much to do today, Capricorn, because it could be difficult to fit it all in. That's because you're likely to spend a lot of time chatting to whoever happens to be around. The phone might ring more often than usual, or you could get a mountain of e- mails that need to be answered. If you aren't the chatterbox, it will be a workmate or friend who doesn't know when to shut up. Creative colours are sunflower yellow and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 40 and 68.
Today's New Moon acts as a catalyst for your daily life during the coming fortnight, introducing you to new situations and people. A new colleague, client or friend appears on the scene, which livens things up considerably. If you're fed up with the daily grind, this is the perfect opportunity to liven things up in some way or even to revolutionize them completely. Uplifting colours are violet and brass. Lucky numbers are 3 and 74.
There's a powerful atmosphere between you and a certain person you see on a regular basis. This could be a colleague, for instance, in which case today's events will bring you closer together. Perhaps it's just what you've been waiting for, if you really fancy this person. At some point you're tempted to do some comfort eating, especially if you're supposed to be on a diet at the moment. Fortunate colours are silver green and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 18 and 78.
A being close to you is very persuasive today, and they're determined to plant some of their ideas in your head. They may disagree with everything you say, and tell you what you should be thinking and saying instead. Watch out for anyone who's spouting propaganda or who has an axe to grind, because they'll do their best to brainwash you. Powerful colours are bright red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 19 and 6.
You're in a practical mood today, but you never lose your sense of fun. Rascal! In the course of a conversation with a loved one, you find that you're giving them lots of advice, or allowing them to profit from your experience in some way. You also act as a sounding board to someone who wants to know whether they're doing the right thing or not. Inspirational colours are lime and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 40 and 42.
It's easy to tune into the moods of the people around you today, because you intuitively know what they're feeling. This will be very useful if you've got to talk to someone and you're wondering how to do it. You could also be interested in reading about ways of boosting your health or improving your diet, such as going organic or taking a course of vitamins. Revealing colours are kiwifruit and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 5 and 36.
You don't have as much energy as usual and you need to drift through the day, rather than do anything strenuous. If you can, treat yourself to a massage or explore complementary therapies that appeal to you. Or, try this: buy a colouring agent (the colour must appeal to you), and fill a bath with warm, scented oil (ditto), and add a few drops of the colour extract. Place candles safely around the bath and scatter flower petals in the water. All's that's missing is you. Stir gently. Healing colours are pale blue and ochre. Lucky numbers are 26 and 62.
An auspicious day for bringing a difficult situation to an end, especially if it's been giving you sleepless nights recently. Mind you, you could meet some resistance in some task that you're undertaking, and you may have to stand up to someone who's doing their best to intimidate or bully you. Nevertheless, you know what needs to be done and you're ready to give it your best shot. Opportune colours are pistachio and azure. Lucky numbers are 2 and 78.
The atmosphere is heated between you and a loved one, or colleague today. You fall out when you fail to see eye to eye over a philosophical or moral argument, or there's a clash over working practices. Try not to let the situation escalate until it becomes more dramatic than it really is. Come on! Where's that great sense of Capricornian humour? See the funny side, and encourage the other person to have a good laugh about it as well. Harmonious colours are smoky oyster and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 22 and 5.
Someone you know, employs their unfortunate habit of putting their foot in their mouth, yet again. You end up marvelling at their astonishing ability to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, yet hit the mark with astonishing regularity. After all, everybody's right fifty percent of the time. Take care that you aren't bitten by the same tactless bug, because it will lead to some embarrassing moments and you'll have to talk your way out of it. Advantageous colours are caramel and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 65.
It's delightfully easy today to get on well with the people you see on a daily basis. For instance, you might have a whale of a time with some of your workmates, and you could even decide to go out on a spree some time soon. If you've cast a romantic eye on a colleague, things go really well between you now... do you really think you should? Read about today's historic Transit of Venus. Beneficial colours are fawn and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 3 and 44.
Put your nose to the grindstone and get on with mundane tasks today, because there'll be a lot of satisfaction in doing them to the best of your ability. It will help to be organized about this, so write down a list of chores in their order of priority. You should hear some encouraging news regarding a promotion, pay rise or perk that's due to you. Expressive colours are sable and peach blossom. Lucky numbers are 18 and 6.
This is one of those happy days when it's easy to talk to whoever is around, and find something in common. If you're with someone who isn't exactly your favourite companion, it will be surprisingly easy to create a civil atmosphere. You can even discover a few of their good points, which will come as a pleasant surprise. Opportune colours are lilac and crimson. Lucky numbers are 36 and 8.
You're going to be pretty busy during the next couple of weeks, especially when it comes to being of service to others. There may even be times when you feel rushed off your feet, or you have to cram lots more activities into each day than usual. Do your best to remain calm and not get in a flap, nor to take your work home with you each evening. Soothing colours are pistachio and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 13 and 22.
You're much more positive than you were yesterday, which is a relief for both you and me! At least this will help you to take action, instead of sitting around feeling helpless or panicky. Right now you're interested in philosophical, spiritual and religious topics, and hope that they'll help you get more meaning out of life and they'll reveal why you're experiencing your current problems. Fortunate colours are cream and russet. Lucky numbers are 13 and 2.
Your feelings are running high today and it won't take much to make you feel as though you've reached a crisis. This is especially likely if you've been worrying about something, and you now realize that you can't continue to brush it under the carpet for much longer. It's a relief to know that you have take action, but it also feels scary and you may not even know where to begin. Don't be afraid to ask someone you trust and respect for their help. Ideal colours are plum and avocado. Lucky numbers are 2 and 73.
You feel like overindulging yourself in some way today, and why not? Throw caution to the wind and eat your way through a big bar of chocolate, or have a retail therapy session that leaves you reeling from the amount of money you've spent. There's a definite chance you could get carried away and tell a whopper of a story that has little resemblance to what really happened. What on earth has got into you? Uplifting colours are crimson and sienna. Lucky numbers are 4 and 16.
Someone you care about could easily lose the plot today, which will lead to all sorts of ructions. Be patient - they aren't thinking logically or rationally, and are easily influenced by their emotions. Take care if you start to take on their persona, because it will be very tiring and drain you of energy. You'll also find that you keep chopping and changing your mind at the drop of a hat, which will mean others get quite impatient with you. Opportune colours are jade and mango. Lucky numbers are 21 and 38.
There are fortunate influences around you but you have to get into hard working mode. A little effort will turn your luck into something long-lasting. You need to be fit, so review your lifestyle and make some changes. Look carefully at your diet and try to incorporate some more exercise into your daily routine. Sleep is also extremely important and contributes to your mental state. I know it is easy for me to say these things, but you truly will see a difference if you make the effort. Favourable colours are bright red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 4 and 65.
Heated encounters are likely, as you tend to attract competitive people at the moment. Even your nearest and dearest are outspoken at times, so you may have to keep the peace. You have strong feelings that you are keeping to yourself and even close friends find it difficult to know what runs below the surface. However, you sense that one old resentment has finally been put to rest. Fortunate colours are mother of pearl and purple. Lucky numbers are 76 and 39.
Your mind is focused on status and achievement. This is the time to boost your career prospects and your reputation out in the community. It is very important to you now that others appreciate and admire what you are doing, but that means you have to go out of your way to please them. If you play your cards right you'll end up showered with compliments. Fortunate colours are rose and sable. Lucky numbers are 13 and 24.
Avoid being directly confrontational with people or leaping in with provocative comments. You will only end up losing your train of thought and not be able to finish what you started. Take time out, since you may be misinterpreting things. Don't get in a stew about a situation that really just could not matter less. Shrug off suspicions, doubts and keep your sharp comments to yourself. Communicative colours are cinnabar and rye bread. Lucky numbers are 37 and 9.
There may be fireworks in the air. It can be rather entertaining, or noisy and disruptive, depending on how you handle the influences. Don't try to suppress what you want to say or do, but say it firmly and clearly. Your mind may be racing so far ahead of your tongue that you get tangled up when trying to explain what you mean. Remember also that companions may not be moving quite at your speed. Delightful colours are yellow ochre and buckwheat. Lucky numbers are 37 and 30.
Your emotional responses are more intense. Important, influential or strong minded people will be drawn into your orbit, but you need to tread softly, and not say everything you feel or think. If you are feeling jangled or even discouraged then you need to back away from certain people. You are susceptible to gloomy vibes that are nothing whatsoever to do with you. Find time to re-centre yourself. Businesslike colours are old gold and burnt sienna. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
Don't get yourself in a stew by worrying than is entirely necessary. Get a grip of your concerns, look at the bottom line, and you will find it all becomes much easier thereafter. Although you now tend to look at the flaws in your close partnerships, that does not need to mean they will end. Only unsatisfying affairs of the heart or shaky business relationships will come to grief now. Calming colours are amethyst and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 21 and 14.
Your mind is alert, active and wide-ranging, Capricorn. Learn more and travel more if possible to meet people from different backgrounds and different countries. Let yourself communicate with as many people as possible. But it would be wise to bear in mind that you are not really at your most realistic. Just relax and enjoy all the wonderful conversations and exchanges of ideas that now come your way. Suitable colours are whalebone and apricot. Lucky numbers are 31 and 64.
Everyone is responding well, as you have the knack of understanding what they want to hear and putting them at their ease. Turn your attention to your most personal relationships. Since you may be feeling just a bit more vulnerable than usual, it is important to help others feel secure. And then in turn you will find that they are more likely to do the same for you. Propitious colours are cerise and sea green. Lucky numbers are 34 and 7.
It's a great time for any kind of physical activity, Goats, as you feel vital, boisterous and strong. On top of that you have a strong sense of idealism, so put your energy into your dreams to make them work. You are now moving nearer to accomplishing certain of your goals. Joint ventures or romantic encounters can be enjoyed with a good deal of gusto. Empowering colours are oyster and pink grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 10 and 12.
You have a very inventive mind just now and can spot the answers to almost anything. Anything technical, or computer-oriented, high-tech or mathematical, including astrology, is well-starred at the moment. Being around too many people will make you feel overloaded. Explore your past to understand yourself better. Don't be wary about what you might discover, it could be better than you imagine. Practical colours are brown sugar and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 13 and 4.
As the chatty Moon moves into Gemini, you feel more optimistic and rather helpful. There's always a silver lining, so you might just find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Put more energy into making your visions come true. Maybe you are right but perhaps you need to put your views across more subtly. If you get too pushy and try to force your beliefs on others, it can arouse resentment. Inspirational colours are irish moss and blue hyacinth. Lucky numbers are 5 and 24.
This is your day to shine without apology or self- consciousness. Most of us hide away parts of ourselves we think others might not like or approve. Throw away your inhibitions and just express who you are and what you feel. The right people will respond very positively. With the New Moon, you are inventive in your thinking and speaking at the moment, really and on the button, but you can also be absent-minded. Romantic colours are parchment and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 10 and 55.
Relationships with women are looking good, Capricorn. Show yourself in a positive way and then you'll seem both protective and nurturing. If you take care of others, they are much more likely to respond in like manner. Be both idealistic and generous about money and your possessions, but don't put yourself out of touch with reality. You need to hold practical values as you live up to your ideals. Auspicious colours are faded oak and blue denim. Lucky numbers are 18 and 10.
This will definitely be a day for flying solo, because whatever anyone else wants, you want to do something different. And you will let no one interfere with your space. Control those scatty thoughts! Try not to over-pack your schedule or get too wound up about things. Remember to take a deep breath once in a while and head for a calming corner to re-centre yourself, with Venus and Neptune now retrograde. Beneficial colours are gold and raw hide. Lucky numbers are 6 and 30. Read more on Retrograde Planets.
You may be ignoring certain details in your determination to see the broader picture, but because of your careful planning and long term vision, things will work out. Just remember to keep your feet on the ground. When you get the chance to have a private moment in peace and quiet, you can think about personal matters which have been tucked into the background. Give yourself time to mull over the past: if you let things come to the surface, you can really sort them out. Expressive colours are pale gold sienna and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 6 and 17.
You may not be practical or good with tiny details at the moment, and you are feeling rather mischievous. What you lack in discipline you will certainly make up for in fun. Your popularity will unexpectedly get you places without your usual hard work, but only for a while. You have a fiery, positive approach to tackling problems and will sweep companions up in your enthusiasms. Coming across as strong minded, forceful but always entertaining in your way of expressing yourself. Advantageous colours are apricot and toffee. Lucky numbers are 5 and 68.
You're feeling restless, and at times edgy or irritable. Don't project your anger onto others and make yourself feel badly done by. Stand up for yourself and take control. If you put yourself across with vigour you'll make partners realise they need to pull their weight. Try not to throw all your emotional needs into work since it will make you seem stand-offish on social occasions. Others will find you reserved but won't always know how shy or even pre-occupied you really are. Fortunate colours are dark green and persimmon. Lucky numbers are 37 and 2.
A real party animal at the moment, you play spontaneously and won't settle for dull routine or follow orders easily. Feeling happy go lucky, outgoing and romantic, you want to allow your exuberance out on display as much as possible. Though in the quiet times, you are finding, through unexpected encounters or situations, that you are a good deal more resourceful, resilient and a richer personality that you had imagined. You are growing enormously in self-awareness and understanding. Favourable colours are silvery grey and silvery pink. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
You are attracted to highly energetic companions at the moment and you'll achieve a great deal in joint efforts if you can stop arguing between yourselves. Let a blast of fresh air blow through just to get rid of cobwebs. Your moods will be erratic and unpredictable for a few days and you find it very difficult to sit still for long. It would be a good idea to reorganise at home or stir up a bit of action elsewhere. Auspicious colours are amethyst and golden brown. Lucky numbers are 2 and 62.
Your emotions may be getting in the way of reason because you're not thinking as clearly as usual. You may be talking incessantly about trivia, so mates can't always follow your drift. Sort out your priorities and decide what really is of value to you. At this time you might be tempted to think that money is the only thing that matters. But there are other things which hold interest for you which can lift your spirits when you are low. Advantageous colours are mulberry and cream. Lucky numbers are 7 and 14.
Bring a little beauty and romance into your day and share around your good feelings. You will find it easier to express words and feelings in a way that have nothing to do with logic. Make the effort to go on a short trip, since it could bring you happiness. The more you talk to loved ones the more you will understand yourself. You need a chance to let old memories come up from the past, in order to settle them more happily in your mind. Beneficial colours are bright red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 22 and 15.
You will be happier with your feet up at home reading a book, or involved in family discussions today, rather than racing around. Review your work and see which commitments you can unload for a few days. Children and loved ones will bring you more pleasure than usual and you will thoroughly enjoy playing their games. Give yourself permission to be more dramatic, fun loving and attention seeking than usual. You'll get back to the grindstone with more enthusiasm afterwards. Opportune colours are daffodil yellow and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 8 and 44.
Let yourself be indulged by others and make some time for the things you really like. Your mood is fickle so you need people who will let you lean on them, yet still be allowed to fly free. Look for reassuring companions who will give you more help and support than usual and be an anchor for you. Avoid overeating, because you will pamper yourself a bit, but don't overreact to certain situations. Harmonious colours are aubergine and ochre. Lucky numbers are 77 and 5.
Your health should feel less strained from today as Mars moves into Cancer. Partners will be energetic and at times quite fiery so stay on your toes. Throw your energy into joint co-operative ventures. If you pull together you can achieve a great deal more than you would solo, and it will also avoid those eyeball-to-eyeball confrontations that waste good energy. Sell yourself with more vigour. Positive colours are silver and lavender. Lucky numbers are 4 and 13.
Your open, friendly and enthusiastic manner is attracting a really positive response. There is a danger you could become narrowminded if you get too involved in pet causes, but your uncanny knack of seeing what will happen in the future is pointing you in the right direction. Your thoughts tend to go off in ten different directions at once. Don't overpack your schedule or get too wound up. Fortunate colours are apricot and bright gold. Lucky numbers are 13 and 56.
This is not the day to tackle any simmering resentments, as you don't feel strong enough to insist on getting your own way. Nor is it a great time for business matters or anything that requires attention to detail. Your need to be sympathetic and generous could get in the way of common sense. Being concerned with material matters is beneath you at the moment, but keep your feet on the ground. Alluring colours are sunflower yellow and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 63.
Seek balance and variety in your life. Take time with loved ones but also with casual acquaintances. You need to sort out a situation in a sensible way and take constructive steps to find the information this will require. Is there a mystery that you want to get to the bottom of? Get below the surface layer of reality, right down to the essence of things. Ideal colours are smoky quartz and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 1 and 15.
The Moon is nurturing and motherly now, and sitting on your midheaven for a couple of days. It is nudging you into being more protective of those around you. The more you give, the more everyone appreciates you, so try looking on the bright side. You cope well with situations which are out of the ordinary but you might make normal situations more difficult than they need to be. Favourable colours are sage green and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 18 and 67.
You are even more charming than usual, Capricorn. You know what you want, even if you're not saying, and will use all your wiles to bring others around to your way of thinking. If you can keep your ulterior motives out of sight then all will be well. You are having quite a profound, almost unseen, influence on the people around you because of the strength of your personality. Maybe you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Auspicious colours are chestnut and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 59.
You need to be intellectually stimulated, so you're seeking more challenging companions. You want to pick up new activities or studies which will broaden your mind. Don't let it all be a dream. Make the effort to reach out and ask for what you need, but you have to be realistic where close relationships are concerned. There may be a sense of separation or cool in the atmosphere with certain mates but it will soon pass. Beneficial colours are russet red and beige. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
Positive influences will make you feel friendly towards almost everyone you meet today, even people you don't like. You will be wonderfully diplomatic, pouring oil on troubled waters and telling the important people in your life how much you love them. You will be writing the letters that you have been putting to one side. But you need to slow down to talk over emotional and domestic matters, after your recent busy patch. Harmonious colours are rust red and navy. Lucky numbers are 4 and 23.
Anyone who is trying to push you around, give you orders or putting you down is going to be told exactly what you think of them. This is very much a time when you stand up for yourself, but be careful that you don't go over the top, because if you leap into situations without thinking them through very clearly, then it won't work well. Try and practice some restraint, but continue to make changes steadily. Fortunate colours are tangerine and lemon. Lucky numbers are 72 and 64.
The planetary influences around you now should bring money and success. At the least you will notice that you're feeling good about life. Make the effort to push your pet project a bit further. You will find whatever you touch works out more easily than you expected. You will be able to be self-disciplined, and keep a clear eye on the future. If you put one foot in front of the other, you can get to where you want to be. Auspicious colours are dark red and cream. Lucky numbers are 58 and 59.
At home, your emotional responses will be more intense for a couple of days. Important, influential or strong minded people will be drawn into your orbit, but you need to tread softly, and not say everything you think. Though out on the social scene, you will not worry about voicing your feelings and your desires. More than anything what you want is to be applauded, so you will be hamming it up madly at times, but so charmingly everyone will clap even harder. Beneficial colours are sepia and pewter. Lucky numbers are 7 and 29.
There could be the odd confrontation throughout the day not because you're assertive, but because you feel a little over- emotional. Just don't go too far. You will start something and at the end of it all, wish you hadn't bothered. You won't feel whole without your other half or a close friend, so make sure you have support around you. You may have to accommodate others' needs as well. Ideal colours are pumpkin and maroon. Lucky numbers are 50 and 23.
The Sun is now in good aspect to Uranus, so this will make your life much more interesting. Sometimes it can rock the boat a little bit, but you just want to follow your own original path, to be a little bit enlightened, to find new things, to talk to new people. Be slightly careful about how you handle things today. It's important not to become obsessed with one matter, so focused in on the tiny details that you can't see the broad picture. Fortuitous colours are wheat and dark pink. Lucky numbers are 73 and 1.
At this time it would be wise to watch who you associate with as there's a danger that you could be pushed around and end up feeling powerless to do much about it. It will be difficult for you to open up discussions on certain topics, but it's important to try. Find someone you can really trust and discuss what you would like to do with your life - don't be frightened to ask for advice. You want to be able to make an impression where it matters in the days ahead. Beneficial colours are burgundy and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 69 and 50.
Today your emotions are getting in the way of reason, not because you are over-heated but because you can't think as clearly as usual. You may be talking incessantly about trivia, so friends can't always follow your drift. Over the next few weeks though, your nose will be firmly stuck to the grindstone as duty comes first. You'll have to push indulgences and pleasure activities to one side and concentrate on becoming better organised. Auspicious colours are silver and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 2 and 44.
If you are around dreary people, you'll get very edgy because you want others to be on the ball as much as you. You'll make new discoveries and meet exciting new people. This is a time for broad thinking as your confidence is soaring. You may discover when you try to put your plans into action that some have to be abandoned as unworkable. But give yourself the freedom to act positively. Ideal colours are mother of pearl and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 43 and 33.
Venus is indulgent and rather lazy at the moment, and Neptune hovering close by is so wrapped up with its head in the clouds that it very rarely put its feet on the ground. Clearly you won't sink your teeth into major practical chores with any great determination now. Make sure you are forgiving rather than critical with loved ones. Detachment has its useful side since you can pick out what is worth saving and what is not. Inspirational colours are peach and aqua. Lucky numbers are 67 and 70.
Be a little bit theatrical and dramatic today and try cracking a few jokes. The Moon makes you feel like entertaining and being entertained, so there's no sense in letting it slide by without making the most of it. You're feeling responsible, and ploughing ahead. You find more self discipline than usual, and are prepared to work hard. This in turn rubs off on workmates, who pitch in with more enthusiasm too. Harmonious colours are snow white and blood red. Lucky numbers are 48 and 39.
Tuck yourself quietly out of sight, preferably at home, and think about changes you can make in your life that will bring you emotional comfort in the future. You want to feel there's a reassuring nest you can retreat to when the outside world becomes too aggravating. Be in love with life. In some ways you feel like a child at heart - unselfconscious when it comes to enjoying yourself. Fortunate colours are sunflower yellow and almond. Lucky numbers are 13 and 66.
Push away people who are awkward and back off from circumstances which are tricky today. Find a niche in the office or at home, where you can be in charge of all you survey. You want to be wrapped up in cotton wool and give yourself the goodies of life. You yearn for harmony and perfection, especially at home or in your family relationships. You will want to keep the peace at all costs and avoid rough edges and bad temper. Favourable colours are taupe and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 59.
You're full of bright ideas and determined to get your views across, but try listening as well since communication should be a two way process. Write down a few bullet points before you start and that way you won't be distracted from your main points. But watch you are not getting too close to subjects to be able to see them clearly. You may be taking too narrow a view of one situation, selecting some facts and ignoring others for no good reason. Auspicious colours are bright orange and lemon. Lucky numbers are 57 and 48.
Your critical faculties are well honed which is good for checking accuracy, but it can lead to strained relationships at work. You feel that no one does things as well as you, which can lead to arguments. You need to dig beneath the surface of your life to explore what's really bothering you. You may be wary of finding out things you don't like about yourself. But you could also find positive things which have been hidden away far too long. Beneficial colours are pale apricot and mahogany. Lucky numbers are 60 and 36.
Speak to companions in a cooler, more rational way, they're likely to connect better. But you will be whizzing around at high speed here and there, doing all sorts of things in a very lively kind of way. Check out in advance whether what you're doing is necessary as sometimes you rush too fast and don't stop to think things through. Take responsibility and move ahead in style. Enjoyable colours are ripe wheat and black onyx. Lucky numbers are 8 and 5.
Your spirits are definitely lifting and you are able to look to the future with greater optimism. Maybe you are just a touch too analytical about your feelings, standing back to dissect them, rather than plunging into emotional situations. It's good to be cautious but not to the extent that you don't do anything at all. If you let go, you will find deeper connections and more fulfilling relationships. Advantageous colours are gunmetal and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 14 and 63.
Try to be subtle and sensitive to what is unspoken, and you will be in the right place at the right time. But your need to be sympathetic or generous may get in the way of common-sense and security now. Maybe you feel that being money-minded is beneath you. You have higher concerns. But remember to keep an eye on practical details, at least some of the time. Auspicious colours are silver and blush. Lucky numbers are 3 and 15.
Tiny details are a bugbear. Mates secretly admire your courage for being so outspoken, though at times they wonder about your lack of humility. You come across as forceful but always amusing in your way of expressing yourself. A fiery, positive approach to tackling problems will sweep companions up in your enthusiasm. Restorative colours are pumpkin and parchment. Lucky numbers are 49 and 68.
A situation you've been wrestling with really begins to move a lot faster now. You should have a feeling of satisfaction because your perseverance is paying off. You yearn to feel rooted, as if you belonged to a familiar place and to the people who make you feel most relaxed. You also now can work out how best to improve your intimate surroundings. Effective colours are pumpkin and agate. Lucky numbers are 25 and 31.
If you are feeling jangled or discouraged, you need to back away from certain people. You are rather susceptible to gloomy vibes at the moment, so find time to centre yourself. You are in a long slow process of clearing out what you don't need in your life any more. Your mind will wander, so think before you speak. Write down bullet points before leaping into discussions. Introspective colours are heather and grape. Lucky numbers are 55 and 59.
Feeling flirtatious? Seek out people who are light-hearted and rather more exciting than the usual crowd. You're probably spending money like mad, so it's not a very good day for doing anything solid, sensible and routine. You need that electrical quality in life which puts all the neon lights on, as it were. You could find a romance springs up around your everyday chores. Romantic colours are sapphire and silver. Lucky numbers are 14 and 21.
You throw your emotional needs into work and can be a little standoffish on social occasions. Others find you reserved but don't realise how shy or even pre-occupied you really are. You will soon be in contact with a good many people who will challenge you and test your patience. You will have to be on the ball, but boring it certainly won't be. Just try to pause for breath (and thought) along the way. Transformative colours are alizarin crimson and ice blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 47.
It's important to get the right kind of emotional contact, partly for affectionate support, partly because you want to bounce ideas off them for the future. This is your time to set the agenda for the next 28 days and whoever is around can help you sort out your options. Lucky colours are apple and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 11 and 75.
You are so exuberant! As the Moon strides into Scorpio, it seems that everything you touch works out well. Sometimes you can trust your instincts, but at the moment you need to take some of your wilder schemes with a pinch of salt. You need to check that what you are aiming for is realistic and sensible. Take a good deal of pride in doing a task well. Advantageous colours are lemon and pink champagne. Lucky numbers are 7 and 47.
The best way to get more attention is to be of service to others under this Full Moon. Give them what they need and they'll appreciate you thoroughly. But don't forget to find time to find yourself. The Libran Moon wants you to be out in the community being noticed. It's important to you that others appreciate and admire what you're doing. Subtle colours are blueberry and almond blossom. Lucky numbers are 41 and 55.
It's not a very self-assertive kind of day, so if you're normally a bit timid, this tends to push you into a corner. Don't just disappear off into daydreams. Staying in touch with reality will help as well. Some confusion or uncertainty around your finances could make you feel your security is undermined. Are you being rather careless when it comes to cash? Romantic colours are bronze and banana. Lucky numbers are 12 and 14.
You are slightly more reserved than usual and rather shy when it comes to expressing your romantic needs. Make more effort to break the ice and show your inner warmth, although being around too many people will make you feel overloaded. Explore your past to understand yourself better. Don't be wary about what you might discover. It could be better than you imagine. Composed colours are rhodium and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 15 and 35.
As the witty Moon moves into Virgo, you find an escape route from dreary mates and restrictive chores. You want pals as well as lovers now, nothing claustrophobic will do. It's a very mental day, when you communicate on a much broader scale. Expect messages from abroad or from a distance away. You're thinking about loftier subjects, whether philosophy, religion, education or politics. You can be more settled if you think things through more carefully. Providential colours are violet and gunmetal. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
You need to be noticed now, so make sure no one misses your presence. Expressing your feelings and putting emotions into words proves less of a problem than usual, though watch you are not putting on too much style, speaking more for effect than content. You feel dramatic, colourful, flamboyant; you have an appreciative audience for your witty flow of jokes and rather theatrical personal comments. Amusing colours are salmon and saffron. Lucky numbers are 68 and 12.
Life may seem to have slowed down a little. Domestic and family security is more important than usual. Step back from your recent busy schedule to take stock. Less praise will be coming your way than you might wish, but you can always take pride in what you do for its own sake, and be your own morale booster. Fortunate colours are orange and sandstone. Lucky numbers are 65 and 2.
Children bring out the best in you now. Even if it is not possible to be around kids, you will be positively child-like yourself. And full of open-hearted determination to play as much as possible. You will put your feelings on the line, saying what you mean, and hinting loudly in the direction of loved ones. Slow down slightly to talk over emotional and domestic matters, after your recent busy patch. Amusing colours are crimson and cumquat. Lucky numbers are 60 and 78.
Since you may be feeling more vulnerable than usual, it's important that you help others feel comfortable. And then in turn they're more likely to do the same for you. Even if your opinions are correct, perhaps you need to put your views across more subtly. If you get too pushy and try to force your beliefs on others, then it can arouse resentment. Favourable colours are pistachio and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 30 and 56.
You're not in any mood to be bossed around, so you will be impatient with other people if they expect you to do anything dull and routine. Trying to keep your wits together won't be easy when your everyday routines are so stirred up. There is a constant flow of information coming and going, a fair amount of dashing around and more encounters than usual. Propitious colours are garnet and periwinkle. Lucky numbers are 6 and 49.
Whatever anyone else wants, you want to do something different. It's definitely a day for flying solo and following your own ideas. In the quiet times, you are finding through unexpected encounters or situations that you are a good deal more resourceful, resilient and a richer personality that you had imagined. You are growing in self- awareness and understanding so do not get edgy about sometimes being on your own. Buoyant colours are amethyst and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 63 and 52.
Not everything is possible in life, Capricorn. Sometimes it is just a question of patiently waiting till the tide turns and sometimes it is just about facing up to limitations, to what you can't change. If you can accept one particular situation now as it is, then you will find it easier to handle. You are exceptionally loyal where it matters, ready to stick it out through thick and thin for the sake of the really important people in your life. Favourable colours are tangerine and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 47 and 25.
Over the next few weeks your nose will be firmly stuck to the grindstone as duty will come first. Pushing indulgences and pleasure activities to one side won't be a problem; as you will concentrate on becoming more efficient and better organised. Watch health since you could be a little over heated, even a little accident-prone at times. It will benefit you to give as much attention towards getting your body fit as you do towards work matters. Beneficial colours are moonstone and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
If everyone can be straightforward and avoid being self- righteous, then the planetary influences can be immensely helpful. Keeping detached and unemotional is the key. Asking probing questions, you tune into many aspects which other people never see as you investigate in greater depth. Remember that not everyone else wants to dig so deep, so be sparing in what you say. Realistic colours are violet and obsidian. Lucky numbers are 42 and 16.
Relationships with women in general should be good. Show yourself in a positive way, more protective and nurturing. If you take care of others, they are much more likely to respond in like manner. Open your mind to new ideas. This can be inspiring, but it leaves you feeling unsettled. Your working routines are speeded up and at times your energy is far too scattered. Positive colours are celadon and milk coffee. Lucky numbers are 67 and 9.
You want to belong and put down roots, so make your intimate surroundings a cocoon of comfort with all your favourite mates around. You feel sentimental about the past, remembering the good not the gritty times. When you get the chance to have a private moment, think about personal matters which have been tucked into the background. If you let things come to the surface in your mind you can really sort them out. Positive colours are rye bread and red coral. Lucky numbers are 51 and 69.
If there have been any family rifts or differences recently, the Equinox (the new astrological year), could just be the time to wipe the slate clean and start again. Reach out and see where you can spread harmony around. More for your sake than anything else, you need peace and calm. Control the tendency to overwork for the next few weeks, as you'll find it difficult to wind down until everything has been finished. If you are feeling dissatisfied with what you do, don't get too critical. Auspicious colours are buttercup and peach. Lucky numbers are 58 and 51.
More sensitive and private than usual, you retreat into your shell and put up defensive barriers against the outside world. Avoid being directly confrontational, or leaping in with provocative comments. You'll end up losing words and not knowing how to finish what you started. Talking to your nearest and dearest will also help you sort out any family tensions that have been swept under the carpet because there was no time to address them. A New Moon comes at the Equinox this year, marking a powerful beginning to this new phase. Effective colours are musk and iris. Lucky numbers are 29 and 18. Read more on the Equinox!
Sensual Venus is now in a slightly awkward aspect to nebulous Neptune. The combination isn't very practical or energetic, so slow down and take things carefully. Highly impressionable and rather softhearted, you may be taken for a mug by a good sob story. Be more hardheaded and discriminating when it comes to cash, or you could be disappointed. You may not wish to sound miserly, but that doesn't mean you can't protect yourself. Cautious colours are purple and auburn. Lucky numbers are 35 and 42.
Buzz, buzz. Busy, busy. You have an intense desire to achieve and you have the potential to get things done, but there could be some risks in all this passionate energy. Try not to be too confrontational or aggressive. Play it cool. If you boss loved ones around they will not take it kindly. You will be throwing your energy into dramatic gestures and rather flamboyant language. Favourable colours are periwinkle and indigo. Lucky numbers are 9 and 2.
Today might just be your chance to build bridges. Express what you feel without being abrasive, so no one can take offence. Just keep smiling amiably and all will be resolved. Your open manner attracts a really positive response from everyone around. Watch that you don't sound a bit arrogant and intolerant if you get too involved in pet causes. Your uncanny knack of sensing the future is pointing you in the right direction. Beneficial colours are obsidian and deep green. Lucky numbers are 74 and 15.
Letters and phone calls keep you on your toes, and a good many short distance trips keep boredom well at bay. Skimming the surface and cutting corners? There's not much time to focus on details. Romantically upfront, you head for what you want, so don't be shy about stating your fancy. You may be a little accident prone since you're more reckless than usual as you look for adventure. Auspicious colours are hazelnut and wattle. Lucky numbers are 4 and 8.
Push frivolities to one side temporarily and do the practical, solid, sensible, get-it-all-together kind of tasks. You could then get a lot of stuff cleared out of the way once and for all. Then you will deserve a break and can disappear off to play truant. With Mercury, Lord of Communication, in fiery Aries you are more creative and sympathetic than usual, though not always able to put your thoughts or feelings precisely into words. Beneficial colours are pink salmon and copper. Lucky numbers are 10 and 25.
Don't take other people's comments too personally, fearing slights where none were intended. You are more sensitive and moody than usual. In a restless mood, you'll be ebbing and flowing like the tide, which is why you need really solid, motherly mates around to be protective, nurturing and a little bit more practical perhaps than you. Calming colours are charcoal and violet. Lucky numbers are 15 and 75.
Companions are preoccupied, which might make you feel a little excluded. They're tied up in what they're doing, but you need to slip into your own space to think things through. Avoid trying to go in two opposite directions at once. One way is what you ought to do, the other is what you want to do. Following your whims will give you a guilty conscience, but being dutiful will make you feel under-nurtured. Composed colours are rhodium and raw sugar. Lucky numbers are 10 and 14.
Cut your losses and clear out what needs to be got rid of. Your life is moving in a healthy and positive direction. You will emerge as a stronger personality from your present stressful experiences. Try to resolve any resentments you have with partners. Watch you are not getting too close to subjects to see them clearly. Advantageous colours are crimson and brass. Lucky numbers are 59 and 41.
You sense that you can handle both the light-hearted, frivolous side of your life, and the more serious, self-disciplined side. Give them both equal weight. Maybe you do feel slightly unappreciated, but you definitely have no intention of letting it show. Your partners may come across to you as cooler or more career oriented. Perhaps you are also finding added responsibilities landing on you in some way. Advantageous colours are magnolia and hazel. Lucky numbers are 70 and 41.
If you are dashing around, trying to sort out things with lots of different people and getting yourself very confused, blame it on the Moon. Remember at the end of it all, you will be able to come to your own judgements and act accordingly. Your ability to sparkle in the spotlight will be attracting compliments, if not new admirers. You will be flirting, having fun, and trying to duck out of boring chores as much as possible. Suitable colours are toffee and marzipan. Lucky numbers are 27 and 55.
An old, long-running relationship could be sparkling back to life, or a new relationship put the twinkle back in your eye. You could get sudden financial gains as well. Keep things on an even keel and there shouldn't be too many problems. You fizz and sparkle with brilliant ideas about almost everything now. Not everyone around will agree, but frankly you could not care less. Amusing colours are tartan and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 5.
Be positive, upfront and speak your mind. This is not the time to hide in a corner or sweep your feelings out of sight. Just don't be too critical especially with thinner-skinned mates. Remember their sensitive spots before you blurt out your opinions. Communication is a two-way process, so you may also be listening more to other people. The more you hear what they have to say, the better it will be in the long run. Suitable colours are tan and graphite. Lucky numbers are 74 and 2.
You can be a real stickler for fairness and justice at the moment. This stems from your strong concerns about creating a better society, and ensuring that everyone is able to live decently. Stand up for what you believe to be right, you'll be applauded for it. You can be quite sharp in your comments, if you speak before you think. But you can also be tolerant and flexible in your views, when you take time to consider. Courageous colours are charcoal and cherry. Lucky numbers are 67 and 31.
The mundane details of everyday life have to be attended to, but this is not the day to get bogged down in following too many orders. Watch out you don't get crossed lines and mixed messages along the way. There could be communication or travel muddles at times if you don't keep your eye on the ball. Gosh! And all you really want to do is get out of a rut and fill your life with more stimulating activities and friends. Prosperous colours are madder lake and cool jade. Lucky numbers are 31 and 34.
Your sunny temperament at the moment keeps you popular and helps you to avoid boring routines at work and elsewhere. You will be putting on a great performance, entertaining everyone in sight, and glowing when you have an appreciative audience. You will be very restless and you may feel that your life has become a rollercoaster ride at times. Confident colours are chocolate and crimson. Lucky numbers are 40 and 28.
Feeling cheerful, extravagant and very optimistic? Let's not assume that everything is going to work wonderfully well just by luck. Get into action! This is definitely not a day for sitting still. You will whizz around on short journeys, or write more letters than usual, making phonecalls galore. Avoid a tendency to tell other people exactly what you think of their faults, as that won't go down well. Advantageous colours are clotted cream and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 45 and 12.
Is fear of rejection making you disappear into your shell? Just cuddle up close to those who make you feel warm and wonderful. With the Moon in your eighth house of joint finances and intimate emotional connections, you will feel deeply and be rather stubborn. Passions could rage within you and no one else would know. Passionate colours are moonstone and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 19.
The planets are on your side, Capricorn, so take advantage of the energy. Romantic notions fill your head and you may well be inclined to a flutter. You are coming across as dramatic in action and not given to subtle hints. You need to be intellectually stimulated, so pick up new activities or studies which will broaden your mind. Don't let it all be a pipe dream. Make the effort to reach out and ask for what you need. Buoyant colours are fire opal and red coral. Lucky numbers are 11 and 13.
Give a wide berth to grumblers, Capricorn. Look for supportive buddies, the ones you trust in your life and who have been there for you in the past. Don't cut yourself off and sit behind a brick wall, since others will feel you are too self-sufficient and not offer help. Break the ice by expressing your feelings more openly. Providential colours are pale grey and russet. Lucky numbers are 19 and 25.
The day begins on something of a tricky note, as the Moon clashes with powerful Pluto and you need to be both resourceful and ingenious to solve any problems. Set that as a benchmark for the coming year on this, the extra day. Do something different: let problems take care of themselves and take care of 'you' for a change. Mystic colours are ice blue and indigo. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
It's the little things that will serve you best today. If you get the details right, everything will fall into place. You need to pay attention to your health at the moment: yes, I know, you're so busy, but these niggly problems can easily spiral out of control. Exercise, a good meal or two and a mental check as to how you're doing is a little bit of advice.... Communications with co-workers are important, and pass on the information and ideas that you have to others. Routine colours are shiny pearl and poppy red. Lucky numbers are 14 and 18.
There'll be a few startling ideas and communications floating around as Mercury the messenger crosses the path of revolutionary Uranus. The trick will be to work out which ones are actually worth listening to. Take care while driving today. Make sure your arrangements are flexible as they may need to be changed at the last minute or on the run. Siblings or neighbours may be moody. Independent colours are velvet blue and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 30.
Mercury the Messenger moves through Pisces and your solar third house, sojourning there over the next four weeks. Your brain will be full of schemes. Sift through them and pick the ones that hold up over time. Dreams and intuition play an important part in decision-making. Creative Sea Goats opt for a different kind of expression. The ideas of others stimulate your thinking process. Expressive colours are milk chocolate and smoky red. Lucky numbers are 13 and 21.
The Moon glides through Taurus and your solar fifth house now, so spend time living the life you enjoy. This may involve recreational pursuits, creative activities, romance or the simple pleasures of a social gathering and food. Whichever path you take, make sure you find the creative expression that helps to liberate your spirit from the stresses and struggles of the last little while. Invigorating colours are bottle green and apricot. Lucky numbers are 20 and 33.
Today's influences signal the end of a cycle or even the end of an era. The price of living or doing things a certain way makes itself known. There are bills to be paid and if you've overdone it, now's the time to cut your coat according to the cloth you have. Changes with associates, particularly where finances are concerned are very likely. Expect a change in your lifestyle as well. Prudent colours are leaf green and autumn brown. Lucky numbers are 4 and 23.
Keep your foot on the brake and not on the accelerator, as Warrior Mars in Taurus clashes with mystic Neptune. There are problems involving money, lifestyle matters or children - or any combination thereof. The important thing is that you demonstrate the patience and restraint for which your sign is legend. Don't push ahead without checking the ground beneath your feet. Careful colours are terracotta red and black onyx. Lucky number is 29.
The day starts on an upbeat note as you're in sync with everybody, doing what needs to be done. However, as the day wears on, things shift into a distinctly 'emotional and domestic' framework. Pay attention to what's going on at home, especially in terms of the emotional atmosphere. There are some problems there and you need to deal with them. Your partner is not pleased.... Routine colours are electric blue and mauve. Lucky numbers are 29 and 33.
Stress comes out of the blue today, as the Moon in your solar third house clashes with Pluto in your solar twelfth house. Verbal disagreements arise out of nothing. Problems with travelling are very likely, and aggression on the roads is in the stars, so take extra care Cappies. Don't rise to any emotional bait that's offered: stay calm and you'll stay in control of the situation. Serene colours are vivid green and corn. Lucky numbers are 21 and 38.
The Moon comes to the New in Pisces and your solar third house, conjoining revolutionary Uranus, so there will be bright new ideas and surprising developments. You will meet an unusual individual who will influence your way of thinking, urging you to see things a different way. However, do you want to? There are sudden developments or changes with communications or travel plans. You'll have to revise your schedule. Congenial colours are sooty black and ash grey. Lucky number is 19.
As the Sun moves into Pisces and your solar third house over the next four weeks, trust your intuition. Situations will call for you to be sympathetic or understanding of the circumstances and dilemmas of others. You may even be something of an 'agony aunt'. In the long term, Uranus is revolutionizing your expressive abilities. Go with these changes in the short term. Intuitive colours are cloudy blue and silver grey. Lucky numbers are 6 and 13.
The Moon zips through Aquarius and your solar second house, turning your attention to matters of personal finance. Get out the accounts. Go through them with a fine tooth comb. Ensure everything's paid and up to date. Examine things to see where you could make the sort of economies that lead to good savings. Sometimes a fresh new look can be a great help. Talk things over with an associate. Prudent colours are red rose and salmon. Lucky numbers are 17 and 23.
The Moon conjoins with Chiron in your sign today, lucky you, and the two of them harmonize with giant Jupiter. You have the freedom to indulge your own thoughts and beliefs today, so go for it. Unexpected visitors from overseas are in the stars: is this good or bad?. If you have the opportunity to spend time outdoors, you can experience the healing gifts of nature. Healing colours are sunset red and royal blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 10.
The Moon moves through your sign today, creating tension with sober Saturn in your solar seventh house of partners and close associates. Matters of co-operation will be first and foremost on the list for consideration. There are demands on your time and you'll have to be here, there and everywhere for everyone. Don't bother making any plans.... Harmonious colours are crabapple yellow and smoky grey. Lucky numbers are 24 and 37.
The Moon meets Pluto in your solar twelfth house today, so you need to step back and take some time out for yourself. Perhaps something happened recently which you need to look at. It may simply be that's there's been a lot of pressure and you need some relief from it. With Mercury the messenger passing over mystic Neptune, be careful about financial decisions. Consider deeply. Restful colours are misty pink and pale lilac. Lucky numbers are 21 and 42.
Lady Moon is moving through Sagittarius and your solar twelfth house today, so it will be good for you to step back a little and let life take its own course. Immerse yourself in a favourite creative activity. Spend time in the inner space, for this is a good day to give attention to your spiritual life. Focus on the things that are really important and let everything else run as it wants to. Enjoy a quiet Valentine's Day. Uplifting colours are dusky purple and bright plum. Lucky numbers are 7 and 20.
Partners or family members may show a fierce determination today as Mars and Saturn work in harmony in the Heavens. Try to work in with them and you'll get the most from the day. Cooperation is the watchword. Bosses or those in authority may step up to the mark and ask you to do more. Give your all, if that's the case. Seek the cooperation of partners with creative projects. Magnanimous colours are sapphire and garnet. Lucky numbers are 10 and 26.
Lady Moon glitters in Scorpio and your solar eleventh house today, bringing friends and your own hopes and wishes into focus. Where are you going? What and who is important to you? The lovely lunar light also lights a touch paper with warrior Mars, so the temperature in those around you may run high. Watch relations with children or difficult males. Be inspired. Stimulating colours are aquamarine and burnished gold. Lucky numbers are 28 and 34.
Just try to cruise through the business of the day and try to see each situation from the other side. You have to weigh matters up or put something on the scales to see how the balance is. If you have dealings with women of importance or authority, make sure you listen to what's being said, even if you don't like it. Serene colours are magenta and lilac. Lucky numbers are 12 and 44.
The ambitious Moon moves through Libra and your solar tenth house, coming away from a clash with sober Saturn. You may be preoccupied with responsibilities or obligations, but dealings with authorities or elderly people may take time and attention. There is little time for personal feelings as you work your way through the demands of the day. Problems are best discussed. Advantageous colours are rose pink and peppermint. Lucky numbers are 15 and 29.
As Venus the goddess moves into Aries and your solar fourth house, domestic and emotional life may be in for a lift or a bit of excitement. Get ready to renew affections or your environment with some vigour. Mercury clashes with Mars, so keep a tight rein on your temper and on the purse strings. Children or lifestyle matters might be tricky issues. Meaningful colours are daisy yellow and brilliant blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 13.
Lady Moon and Jupiter conjoin in Virgo and your solar ninth house, testing Pluto in Sagittarius. There could be strong debate or dramatic events and matters of law or connections with overseas may be involved. You may have to sort out your own ideas or beliefs because of what occurs. You may wish to get right away from things today. Inspirational colours are scarlet and purple. Lucky numbers are 26 and 33.
Mercury the messenger now spends time in Aquarius and your solar second house over the next four weeks. New ideas and strategies about financial management will be in the air for discussion. Take the advice of others, especially those experienced in the field. Step back from your situation and see it from a different perspective. Providential colours are tan and black. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
Lady Moon comes to the Full in Leo and your solar eighth house, testing the Sun and mystic Neptune. Something may come clear to you about your financial situation. You may need to look at the books and do a balancing act because things are not what you thought. Look deep within to see what you are doing and what you really want. Be honest with yourself. Balancing colour is obsidian. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The Sun clashes with the Lunar Nodes so expect a change with regard to friendships. Someone may go or there may be a shift of interest in you or those around you. Your interests are sending you in a different direction from the accustomed one. Dealings with children may be tricky, but don't draw a line in the sand. Adjust your goals. Money may be an issue. Proper colours are apricot and almond. Lucky numbers are 12 and 43.
Partners and close associates are on the agenda today as Lady Moon flows through Cancer and your solar seventh house. Give attention to your nearest and dearest. Heed the call of family and give what they ask. This is a day when time spent with loved ones will be necessary or invaluable. Those of you who are single may be drawn to someone, but test the waters gently if someone does appear. Pleasurable colours are forest green and deep red. Lucky numbers are 1 and 30.
Warrior Mars moves into Taurus and your solar fifth house, making whoopee there over the next six weeks. Some of you Goats will go down the path of pleasure or romance, indulging yourselves and enjoying life. Recreational sports of all sorts may appeal. Others of you will want to put some money at risk in order to make a little money. Go for the practical or gilt-edged option. Romantic colours are pearl and azure. Lucky numbers are 29 and 37.
Are you sure you know where you're going with regard to money matters? With the Sun and mystic Neptune meeting in your solar second house, make sure you're not taking bad advice or allowing your legendary realism to desert you. Dream big dreams but make sure you can actually do what you're planning. Some of you may decide to spend more money on spiritual or creative pursuits. Auspicious colours are woad and grey. Lucky numbers are 20 and 41.
Lady Moon clashes with Pluto, upsetting the apple cart in your solar sixth and twelfth houses. There may be minor health problems and work or daily routines will not go as planned. Just ride out the waves of the day's interruptions and keep yourself in a state of cool detachment. Work still needs to be done. Practical colours are lemon and orange. Lucky numbers are 24 and 27.
Material security is always high on your list of priorities and moneymaking ventures entered into today should be lucrative further down the track. Share your problems with close relatives as they will be helpful at the moment. Your sharp memory and personal restraint will give you the edge over others. Empowering colours are dark amber and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
If you have to work in a group or as part of a team today remember that laughter is the best way to boost the morale of those around you. You won't always see eye to eye, but life is a compromise after all. Partners will be enthusiastic about your plans and ideas. Travel at the moment will be pleasurable and exciting. Exciting colours are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 5 and 18.
Don't hold back your thoughts, just be careful how you verbalise them or you could put your hoof in your mouth and once there, it will be hard to remove. You are generally good at making money and you should look to your dreams now as they could provide some insight. You should always write down your dreams upon waking anyway. Your confidence is growing and a promotion is not out of the question. Auspicious colours are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 24.
Look for activities that are not expensive yet highly entertaining (I can think of one!) to keep yourself busy in the evening. A minor health problem could interfere with the day's activities. Your energy is high in your house of home and family though so make the most of it, especially if you have been neglecting them lately. Harmonious colours are royal purple and antique gold. Lucky numbers are 9 and 70.
Not a good day to start a new business venture or make drastic career changes. This is a strong karmic period for you: as the song says, 'you can't always get what you want' but we always get what we need. The world isn't out to get you - there are lessons to be learnt here. Lucky colours are cream and auburn. Lucky numbers are 3 and 48.
Make sure you have the approval of your family before you make changes to your home environment. Gossip in the office will be utterly delicious but you know that what goes around, comes around.... If you can tear yourself away, it's a good day to complete projects that you have been neglecting. Your charm is exceptional at the moment, so make the most of it. Fortunate colours are sage green and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 19 and 54.
Be careful how you deal with others today as a lot of people are feeling prickly. If you nag too much, you'll find yourself all alone. This is a favourable period for Caps undertaking a pilgrimage or a distant journey. Eligible Seagoats could find themselves on the receiving end of a marriage proposal. Control your emotions - don't let them control you. Beneficial colours are sky blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 11 and 23.
Spend time with the one you love today; plan something special for the evening and try to make it as romantic as possible. You like to do things by the book whenever you can, but this may not be possible today. Keep your keen sense of humour and go with the flow. Nevertheless, an argument is definitely on the cards. Beneficial colours are beige and rust red. Lucky numbers are 45 and 66.
You should rely on your intuition which is finely honed at the moment in order to make the right decision today. Try to curb your excessive spending. You will incur huge losses if you choose any risky financial investment or speculation of any kind. Your ability to help people in need is far more appreciated than you could possibly imagine. Beneficial colours are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 16 and 42.
Today, with Lady Luck on your side you're in the right place at the right time. You should start to reap the rewards from all your hard work lately, but don't overlook the needs of your family. Keep that green-eyed monster under control when it comes to your partner. Just because you've been working hard, doesn't mean they've been playing hard... Happy colours are lavender and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 17 and 51.
It's a great day for signing contracts and agreements but as ever, always make sure you read the fine print. Put your time and energy into meeting people who are experienced and can be of help to you. This isn't a one way street - you have a great deal to offer them too. You're in the mood for love, and opportunities should be plenty. Beneficial colours are charcoal grey and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 19 and 45.
Your excellent memory will stand you in good stead today. Your charisma is very strong and your persona is powerful which is a dynamic mix and this will have people eating out of your hand, as long as you don't go in with all hooves flying. Don't spend more than necessary on friends and luxury items as you're going to need your cash soon. Children are likely to make unreasonable demands later today. Fortunate colours are green melon and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 2 and 37.
If you are asked to make an important decision, then you should follow your heart and not bow to public opinion. You are feeling ambiguous about almost everything and like a cat on a hot tin roof, you're not sure which way to jump. A sudden, unexpected expense increases the pressure. Auspicious colours are emerald green and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 30.
Put gloomy thoughts aside and set new goals because new activities will bring excitement and stimulation into your life. You've got a flea in your ear about something today and it's easy for others to get on your nerves. Minor health problems don't help. A one-sided infatuation will bring emotional disaster. Beneficial colours are brilliant white and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 40 and 76.
A change of plan is almost a certainty, but don't let others bully you into doing things that you would otherwise not do. Stand your ground - you're a Goat after all! It's a good day for undertaking travel and visiting distant places. The stars say you will reap rewards, provided you take advantage of opportunities that come your way. Propitious colours are aquamarine and black onyx. Lucky numbers are 1 and 8.
New opportunities come your way today, which will make you feel positive about your future. However, discuss as little as possible regarding your goals with others. Someone you work with cannot fully be trusted, so keep your own counsel. Harmonious colours are lemon and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 14 and 26.
Fresh business proposals look pretty enticing. Be original in your correspondence, especially if it involves someone you love. Guests could crowd your house for a pleasant and wonderful evening, but home improvement projects will take up a lot of your thought processes. Auspicious colours are avocado green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
Take up any opportunities to attend social functions, which will have a good influence on your career. It would be worth your while to undertake a journey, for it would bring in appreciable returns. You can have plenty of good fun without much spending, though your spouse or partner may be inclined to break the bank. Fortunate colours are salmon pink and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 4 and 23.
Getting involved with prestigious organizations will be to your advantage, Capricorn. A journey will bring pleasure and prosperity, but you may also spend lavishly on yourself and others. You are uncharacteristically open under these influences and this openness will bring warm new friendships. Harmonious colours are dark purple and autumn gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 22.
Travel and communication with people from far away can establish new and important contacts for Sea Goats. This period is also good for taking important people into your confidence regarding your new projects and plans and it would definitely help if you mixed with cultured or academic types. Fortunate colours are jade and silver. Lucky numbers are 13 and 49.
Avoid travel if possible and unnecessary arguments and discussions today. A budding romance is on the horizon for the single Capricorn. An old friend could come knocking on your door unexpectedly, bringing wonderful, nostalgic memories., but a senior relative could be particularly demanding. Favourable colours are charcoal grey and apricot. Lucky numbers are 22 and 73.
Unexpected obstacles arise bringing you stress and anxiety. However, a promotion or monetary benefit is definitely on the cards for some Sea Goats. If you've had an ill parent recently you should see and improvement in their health now. Travel could bring a new romance but you should really keep the weekend low-key if possible. Fortunate colours are crimson and aqua. Lucky numbers are 10 and 17.
You have the ability to achieve a great deal today, so go after the opportunities that will be coming your way. You have a sharp and active mind with a thirst for knowledge and this is very attractive to other people. Again, your dreams are very important but remember, they are primarily symbolic and shouldn't usually be taken literally. Beneficial colours are rock melon and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 39.
Don't trust others with important information today. Opportunities for a new and exciting relationship is yours if you are prepared to put some effort into socialising. Hold back the plastic on things you don't absolutely require. If you have to make an important decision today, use your head and not your heart. Auspicious colours are blueberry and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 7 and 37.
Organize your day carefully and pay very careful attention to detail as a revelation is in the stars. Your dreams are especially prophetic at the moment and you should write them down upon waking. Someone close to you may overreact to a situation and it's up to you to calm them down. Only talk to people you can trust and otherwise, play your cards close to your chest. Harmonious colours are salt and pepper. Lucky numbers are 38 and 70.
Some good opportunities are likely to come your way if you keep an open mind. Family members are very demanding at the moment, but there's not much you can do about it. If you are planning to have a party then go for it, as it is sure to be a success. After all your hard work recently, you need to let your hair down. Beneficial colours are cream and caramel. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
If you don't pay attention to things that are happening around you then you'll miss the boat entirely. A short pleasure trip for some Caps will be highly entertaining as well as educational. A friend will help you put a new idea in motion. Again, work is the main focus, but with the Moon in sparky Gemini, it's unlikely to be boring. Auspicious colours are burnt orange and pewter. Lucky numbers are 31 and 44.
Unexpected bills will bring some financial pressure, but participating in sports and other outdoor activities will take your mind of things and let you work off all that excess energy. A close relative might demand more attention. Take care while driving as minor accidents are likely. Favourable colours are burnished copper and egg yolk. Lucky numbers are 20 and 67.
You need to concentrate on your career and plans for the future at the moment. Putting your creative ability to positive use will reap benefits, so if you are considering taking on some advanced training, or becoming more culturally aware, this is the right time. An evening at the movies, theatre or dinner with your partner will keep you in a relaxed and wonderful mood. Fortunate colours are dark yellow and off white. Lucky numbers are 10 and 59.
A new romance will be exciting but short-lived for some and a one-sided attraction is likely for others. Rewards and benefits come to Sea-Goats who stay focused on their job. A short journey may bring appreciable returns in the long run. Construction work should not be started today and take care if operating machinery. Auspicious colours are spring green and crushed strawberry. Lucky numbers are 12 and 38.
Hey! It's New Year's Day and it's a very good day for financial matters in general, but sensible Sea-Goats will avoid the racetrack and the casino. If you are working, your efforts will not go unnoticed and bring gains in the long run. A preoccupation with material things could easily get out of hand; it's one thing to want a lovely environment, but can you afford it? Favourable colours are navy and lime green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 60.