Pisces's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: February 20th - March 20th

Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.

Dreams can tell you a lot about your inner motivations, dear Pisces. You don't have to agree with Freud to know that sex is a basic drive that motivates much of our activity. Spend time analyzing and meditating on the impressions your dreams leave you with today. You might find in them a key to improving your life. Certainly you'll put your fantasies to the test tonight. Dream on... Dreamy colours are pale amber and pastel mauve. Lucky numbers are 8 and 11.
The mysteries of life may be on your mind as the Michaelmas Moon activates your eighth house of sex, money and power. This is a good day to review what is truly important to you as well as what is important to the people you love most. You will find that there is plenty of room for both intimacy and individuality as long as respect remains on the top of your list. More about Michaelmas. Positive colours are sea green and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 8 and 11.
You may feel torn between your personal life and career; it seems no matter what you do, you can't make anyone happy. Don't let the stress eat you alive... take a deep breath and tell everyone that they will just have to wait in line. Just do your best and remember to take care of yourself - you won't be of any use if you run yourself down. Beneficial colours are dove grey and lavender. Lucky numbers are 16 and 20.
What you want and what your partner wants may seem to be poles apart, but the final resolution will work out well. Compromise, however, is the only way to avoid an argument for now, so be prepared to initiate an agreeable solution. If your mate or partner is overly optimistic, you can afford to wait it out. Family decisions regarding insurances, inheritance, or joint ventures will work out well if based on solid, traditional foundations. Check the small print. Beneficial colours are rose quartz and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
There is a connection between mind and body that cannot be denied, for if you do, sickness and disease are likely to follow. Listen carefully to what your body is telling you and then compare it to what you perceive with your mind. You may find that you are fooling yourself. These things are true: fresh air and clean foods are good for you, while stress can make you ill. Healing colours are almond and bronze. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
Many Fishies will find they have been given a gift of healing, which can be used to help others. If you have been surrounding yourself with positive waves, this can be a powerful time for you, so why not use it to celebrate Harvest Home? Spiritual and karmic matters come to the forefront as you overcome the opposition - and the internal blocks. If you have not been taking good care of yourself, you need to do so now. Ardent strangers may pursue. Favourable colours are azure and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 9.
The Trickster Mercury turns retrograde in your eighth house of other people's money, creating possible trouble for you during the next three weeks. Travel could be problematic, so make sure you have plenty of time to get where you need to go. Matters of inheritance and insurance are delayed, so have patience. Just remember that this too shall pass! A delicious foreigner will be tempted to pursue you and, with gorgeous Venus in sexy Scorpio, you will get on well with all things ethnic and unusual. More on Mercury Retrograde! Fortunate colours are burgundy and bronze. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
A romantic interlude is definitely in the stars, as the tender Moon moves through your fifth house of romance and creativity and Venus slips into sexy Scorpio on the late late show. Enjoy a playful mood, saving serious matters for another day. Spend time with the children in your life and be sure to get in touch with the child inside. Artistic endeavours benefit from these transits, so let your ideas flow. Alluring colours are shimmering green and delicate rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
The Moon enters romantic Cancer, as the Sun awakens the Equinox, making tonight a romantic prelude for a steamy phase that starts late tomorrow, when Venus slinks into stunning Scorpio. Enjoy the Equinox by indulging in a favourite restaurant or by ordering take-out... don't cook unless you derive lots of pleasure from creating in the kitchen. It's time to have some fun! More on the Equinox. Fortunate colours are steely blue and bright cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
The Moon in your fourth house of home and family clashes with stern Saturn in your seventh house of partners and opponents, reminding you of who you are and where you came from. The changes Saturn brings are most likely positive, but they may seem painful at first, and your spouse will feel it most. Growth and maturity always require sacrifice. The evening brings more pleasant thoughts and communications, especially regarding inheritances, shared funds, joint ventures and the like. Spiritually aware Fish may receive an epiphany. Positive colours are smoky quartz and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 4 and 8.
Getting to know your neighbours will be enjoyable today, dear Fish. It's always good to know who the barracudas and dolphins are around you! Your siblings and other close relatives would probably like to hear from you as well, so pick up the phone or send an email. Later, when the Moon enters your fourth house of home and family, relax in your own personal environment. Beneficial colours are peacock blue and salmon pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
Are you running here, there and everywhere, dear Pisces? There are deceptive patterns at work, but you should have all the energy you need and then some. As the Sun and Moon charm us with their cosmic minuet, it's a wonderful day to touch base with friends, neighbours and siblings. If you can make the time, why not meet your partner, or a favourite companion for lunch in a local bistro? Auspicious colours are rose pink and cream. Lucky numbers are 7 and 3.
With the Moon activating your third house of communication, your creativity is high. You will be truly articulate and able to express yourself well in words. Your life-ruler, Jupiter, is awakened by the Moon in your house of friends, hopes and wishes, suggesting that big ideas will pay off for you. Pressure you may have been enduring from partners will lighten up today too, so get your heads together and make long term plans to take full advantage of the energy. Advantageous colours are spring green and almond blossom. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
You're a powerhouse at work as the Moon and Pluto blend well, my lovely Fish. If you have been frustrated or angry recently, channel the excess energy into achieving your goals. Even if you are between jobs, you can use today's aspects to get ahead in life, for it will be a lot easier to understand that living well really is the best revenge. Go get 'em! Advantageous colours are burgundy and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 10 and 2.
Resist the urge to splurge today, dear Pisces, as Jupiter your life-ruler is facing off with the fiery Aries Moon in your money house. Other people's children may prove expensive and hard to handle, but keep a healthy balance between career and family, as you need to make time for both in your life. Lively colours are shimmering blue and stormy grey. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
The Full Moon in your sign brings significant relationships into focus, dear Pisces. This is a good time to listen to your best friend or partner, as he or she may be more willing to open up to you. Healing and growth can come through these shared moments. Do not be afraid to make yourself vulnerable to the ones you love. It is in this that you have strength. Beneficial colours are ruby red and navy blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
The Moon in your sign dances with mighty Jupiter, your life-ruler, boosting your prospects and expanding emotional connections with friends and associates. There may be some opposition from older people, or a dominating partner, but you will find ways to take advantage of the powerful energy flowing for you. Spiritual growth, personal development and religious understanding is favoured and you will find words to express your new knowledge of life's mysteries later tonight. Advantageous colours are creamy white and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 11 and 10.
Some bolshy opposition from close quarters turns to an amorous mood early on, dear Pisces. This always good and as the the Lunar focus lights up your sign, folks will pick up on your fabulous feisty flavour. It's time to assert yourself and get on with things you are often too shy to attempt. Beneficial colours are dusky rose and pastel purple. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
Dreams you have now are prophetic, but deciphering their cryptic messages will be a challenge. This will help you tap into the collective unconscious. You may not know what is going on in your own life, but you just might have the answers someone else is seeking. Be a messenger if you feel moved to do so. Inspirational colours are deep rose and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 8.
Enjoy what quiet and solitude you can find as the reflective Moon moves into your twelfth house of secrets. Now is the time to recharge your spiritual batteries, so focus on activities that help restore your soul. It's a tense day, especially with partners and competitors, but ideal to investigate the hidden mysteries of life, including simmering sex. Avoid people who drain you of emotional energy, especially anyone who seems to be a psychic vampire. Positive colours are lavender and pearl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
The Sun and Moon are enjoying a glorious dance that will help fulfil your hopes and dreams. Partners are fun now, and friends will be quite lively and happy to be with you. Fortunate events and contacts can also benefit you financially, not that that is usually on your mind. Enjoyable colours are lilac and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
The Moon in conjunction with expansive Jupiter stimulates your eleventh house of friends and associates, encouraging you to start a creative think-tank among your peers. You may come up with some excellent ideas to improve the world around you, so don't be afraid to brainstorm collectively. Pluto turns direct in your mid-heaven, releasing obstacles in your career and public image. Your ideals and standards are high, so put them to good use. Expressive colours are emerald and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
The stars foretell a kinder, friendlier period ahead for you as Jupiter your life-ruler forms a fabulous link with structuring Saturn and the Moon activates your eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes. Surround yourself with mature types that you can depend on. Sure, they may not be as fun as your wilder friends, but they have more appreciation for your gifts of magic and imagination. In fact, these are the people who are likely to support you in your creative endeavours, so don't neglect your old pals. Auspicious colours are shimmering blue and basic black. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
When I fight authority, authority always wins... John Cougar Mellencamp's 'Authority Song' might be on your mind today. Born under the sign of Capricorn, the Cosmic Authority, he truly understands the frustration you are going through today. Jupiter your traditional ruler is in Capricorn and under stress from the wild warrior Mars. As much as you would love to let your hair down and be your free-spirited self, you probably won't get the opportunity. Providential colours are green satin and sweet magnolia. Lucky numbers are 11 and 25.
With the Sagittarian Moon activating your mid-heaven, the house of career and reputation, it's time for you to focus on climbing the status ladder. There's a lot to be done and you are the perfect person to do it. You never shy away from a challenge and that is what you are going to get during the next two days or so, so be sure to get plenty of rest so you can meet them head on! Ambitious colours are yellow sapphire and creamy linen. Lucky numbers are 10 and 12.
Think about what you really need to do in order to grow spiritually, rather than what you merely want. Hurricanes stir the waters and the cost of oil is awfully high these days, but if you pour the oil of your compassion onto the troubled waters of those around you, you will be blessed many times over. Do at least one thing nice for another being today. Beneficial colours are pale green and purple. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
A fabulous day for the Fish! Jupiter, your traditional life-ruler is basking in the glow of both the Sun and Moon, so the cosmic energies are helping you. Your partner, mate or spouse will also be receiving beautiful energies, so the two of you can conquer the world together. A brilliant inspiration, even a stroke of genius, may come over you tonight! Expansive colours are royal blue and shining silver. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
The Moon in Libra awakens financial obligations and an interest in such mysteries as where does the money come from, how do I get some and what is the relationship between sex and death... Gosh. A power struggle with someone over financial matters may be reaching a peak, so hold your ground for best results. Later in the evening you will experience a wonderful urge towards exploring intimacy with your partner. Don't be afraid to open up about things you normally keep to yourself. Excellent colours are mahogany and cobalt. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
Today's psychic and electric aspects could have the Fish feeling very slinky; you'll be able to charm everyone you meet with your mystical ways. Pay attention to your gut feelings and intuitive promptings; your heart is more likely to be correct than your intellect today. If you are going out this evening, be sure to park in well lit areas and travel with a buddy. Insightful colours are mellow wine and old gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
Extraordinary changes might intrude on your life in coming weeks, my lovely Fish, but you can depend on your inner strength to cope with the challenge. Your inner strength comes from the inclusion of others in any plan you make for yourself. Joint income and social status, whether through marriage or business partnership, are likely to surface. Sexual encounters are fascinating from the standpoint of the psychological motivation and behaviour patterns involved. Positive colours are sea green and violet. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.

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