Scorpio's Horoscopes |



Born between: Oct 23rd - Nov 21st

Scorpios are emotional and passionate which ensures they have strong relationships. They are often confident and determined; yet, their emotional and secretive nature can cause them to be jealous and misunderstood.

A quiet mood may descend upon you as the planetary forces activate your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. Some very interesting information may come to light. Avoid the negativity of others, though, as it's time to rest, relax, and heal from the bumps and bruises of the past month. Venus in your sign inclines you to romantic fantasies. Erotic colours are vivid red and deepest purple. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
Today's Michaelmas Moon activates your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to reflect on the events of the past year. With your next birthday just around the corner, it's time to step back and see how far you have come and where you would like to be this time next year. Consider consulting your favourite astrologer. More about Michaelmas. Beneficial colours are carmine and slate. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
Some of you may be feeling quite generous, while others could be the recipients of special gifts. Keep in mind that what you give or receive need not have any material value whatsoever. A spiritual gift of time or talent is often priceless, so consider this when looking for the perfect present. Positive colours are indigo and parchment. Lucky numbers are 11 and 4.
The friendly Moon moving through your eleventh house sets a pleasant mood for the day. Romance is not out of the question, as your personal appeal is quite powerful, although it may seem you are too busy for such diversions. Allow time for rest and recreation, getting fresh air and exercise if possible. Anything you do with a group will be rewarding, especially singles, who may meet someone special. Beneficial colours are basic black and royal amethyst. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
A clash of cultures could blow up today, Scorp. Take a deep breath and count to ten, whether you are dealing with figures in the public eye, at work, or with family. It is important to try to understand the other's point of view. Avoid making any hasty decisions or speaking out in anger. Use charm to resolve a problem, as Venus is in your sign and miracles can happen. Beneficial colours are golden topaz and dusky pink. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
With Venus in Scorpio your magnetic vibes are doubled! Try to listen with your heart and not just with your mind. Some confusion may exist, so make the effort to clear up any misunderstandings, particularly in your public image. Unexpected surprises are never nice, especially when there is a whiff of deception in the wind. Try making a corn dolly to celebrate Harvest Home. Advantageous colours are carmine and mink. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The good news is that Venus enters your sign today, increasing your joy and boosting your personal magnetism. Unfortunately, everything seems to slow down as Mercury turns retrograde later in the day. Take a few deep breaths and try not to get frustrated; the next three weeks may find you struggling to express yourself. At least you will have plenty of time to formulate just exactly what it is you want to say! Be patient with your loved ones as they cannot read your mind. More on Mercury Retrograde! Beneficial colours are ripe red and pastel yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 21.
Enjoy a cultural exchange with friends, Scorp. Whether you try a new cuisine or take in a foreign movie, explore the world around you. Trying new things keeps you interested in life, so if you have been feeling dull and lifeless, this may be just the medicine you need. Best of all, if you are with friends, you can have a shared adventure! And romance is pulsing tonight, as Venus moves into your sign. A friend may desire to become more. Ooh. Alluring colours are amber and cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Take care not to overindulge in rich foods at the Equinox, Scorp. The Moon moves into impressionable Cancer, making you yearn for travel and adventure, so don't mistake feelings of frustration and boredom for feelings of hunger. Feed your mind and soul before you overfeed your body. The perfect solution is to go to the library and check out a book on a subject that has always fascinated you. Happy reading! More on the Equinox. Adventurous colours are dark tan and carmine. Lucky numbers are 26 and 33.
The Moon lights up your eighth house of sex, power and money today, focusing your attention on the mysteries of life and death. Some Scorpions may find their psychic faculties are stimulated as the Moon blends with mystical Neptune and bounces electric Uranus. If you find you are receiving unwanted psychic impressions, use prayer and meditation as a way to ground yourself more securely. Fortunate colours are pale aqua and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
The Moon clashes with Mars, Mercury and Venus, making this a potentially stressful and even confusing day. Someone you care about could be struggling with depression, so try to be patient. Your calm and steady presence will be soothing. You don't really have to say anything... just be there. If you are struggling emotionally, take time out for a walk in nature. Healing colours are lilac and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
Spending time with your partner will help mend any rifts between you. Taking time to understand your own motivations in relationships as well as your partner's will be time well spent. Restructuring relationships is favoured by the beautiful aspect between the Sun and Moon and it will also help you attain your goals with the aid of friends, spouse and partners of all shades. Beneficial colours are lilac and peach. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
The moody Moon moves into your seventh house of significant others, bringing tension to the surface. Control jealousy and stay out of power tussles. Financial changes have been hard to handle, but today brings some relief, as friends come to the party and you can see your way more clearly. You can achieve a lot today, in both short and long term arenas. Advantageous colours are antique silver and basic black. Lucky numbers are 7 and 3.
Time spent improving your health is a good investment today, Scorp. Taking a hands-on approach to your personal health care is better than leaving your wellbeing in the hands of disinterested professionals. The more you learn about preventing illness and maintaining good health, the better able you will be to take control of your own energies. Be sure to eat right and get plenty of sleep while the Moon is activating your sixth house of health and service. Healing colours are silvery blue and navy. Lucky numbers are 6 and 28.
If you have been overindulging, why not take in health food for both mind and body? The Moon in your sixth house of work and health, reminds you of all those little things you may have forgotten to take care of. Whether flossing your teeth or filling out an expense report, it's time to attend to all the details. Appropriate colours are silvery blue and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 14 and 33.
A romantic Full Moon in charming Pisces draws out your secrets and will boost your magnetic powers of attraction. A friend or associate might have high standards, but will readily fall into your sensual snare. Don't let your finances fall into disarray, as some obstruction is likely to arise in this area, especially if you feel the urge to gamble. Rethink your priorities. Alluring colours are deep red and shimmering green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
Secret pleasure fills the atmosphere as the planets of love get together in your house of hidden things. It's just the right day to enjoy a lazy morning, but be ready for some off the wall communication later. Romantic energies pull you forward. Secret messages of love may come to you tonight. Alluring colours are deep green and reddish bronze. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
As the Moon enters luscious Pisces and your fifth house of pleasure, Scorpions everywhere will enjoy an evening of fun, laughter and maybe some sexy time. Sit under the stars and enjoy your favourite music, but if you can't get outdoors, be sure to bring herbs and flowers indoors to set a more tropical mood. What you want may not be exactly what you need, but you can overcome all the obstacles if you put your heart into it. Playful colours are reddish gold and green jade. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Unusual dreams hold the key to problems you have been having lately, dear Scorpio. Perhaps you should share the images you remember with someone who can be objective. Time resting at home is well spent today, but don't be surprised if frequent disruptions keep you from relaxing completely. Don't worry if your energy is low now... by tomorrow, you will be impossible to hold back! Fortunate colours are carmine and pearl. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
The Moon entering Aquarius, your fourth house of home and family, urges you to enjoy the comforts of home. There may be some personal difficulties to work through in a significant relationship, but caring love can help you begin the process. Romance enters the picture late at night, so be ready for a secret visitation. Oooh. Why not enhance your environment with sensual music, fresh flowers, and scented candles..? Sensual colours are shimmering green and carmine. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
It's exciting and varied for the Scorpion today, as Sun and Moon dance their stately dance for you and your friends. The urge to shop, especially for communication equipment, phones and computers is quite strong, but yummy fashion items will be found in the local mall. Enjoy! Exciting colours are carmine and apricot. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
Pluto, the dark transformer, returns to direct motion through the zodiac in your second house, inclining you to rediscover or rethink your personal value system and priorities in life. You'll need to clean up what has been hanging around in your life, as the coming weeks need a new direction. Siblings or neighbours may bring fortunate news. Beneficial colours are indigo and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
It will be hard to shut you up as the Moon moves into Capricorn and your third house of communication! You won't be afraid to say what you think, especially on matters on which you have thought long and hard. On this fortunate day you will be able to gather a great deal of support to your side. Friends, siblings and neighbours play a part, and bright ideas for background research or confidential matters can be put into play today. Auspicious colours are carmine and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
Disagreements are likely between you and your associates and even your best friends may be at odds with you today. The best way to avoid unnecessary arguments is to keep your opinions to yourself. Unless it is a matter of life and death or involves the welfare of a child, keep your personal viewpoints private. Propitious colours are apricot and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
Try to stay focused as the Moon moves through your financial sector today. The more organized you can be with your budget, the more you can save for the future. Of course, you'll need to set aside some money each week to spend on pleasure, otherwise, what is all this hard work for? Find a satisfactory balance. Exciting attractions could appear tonight. Flirtatious colours are bright red and indigo. Lucky numbers are 2 and 5.
Your natural understanding in matters of life, death and rebirth can be used in healing practices, so use your power wisely. This is a good day to express yourself and to share your wisdom. Don't hide your light - shine it brightly for everyone to see and practice random acts of kindness. Favourable colours are carnelian and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
The Moon in your sign makes you feel ever so powerful, Scorp. A fortunate connection with friends in the neighbourhood can see you doing very well. This is a time when you can find that doors you thought were closed will open for you, allowing you to achieve undreamt of heights! Empowering colours are deep red and translucent citrine. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Your intuition may be sharper than usual, Scorp. If you feel you may be in danger, don't take any chances. Often your sixth sense will process information that slips by your conscious mind, so trust your gut and your heart today. Support comes from older friends and from structuring your goals. Intuitive colours are fern green and lilac. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
Quiet moments will be your happiest as the Moon drifts through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. It will be easier to stay home than to go out this evening; avoid crowded places and unpleasant people if possible. Your psychic abilities increase during the next twenty-four hours. Pay attention to your intuition and hunches today. Beneficial colours are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
The tempo of your inner spiritual values and motivations quickens, Scorpio. These subconscious values and tendencies underpin the affairs and people in your life. You are especially sensitive and take relationships very seriously. You can express your feelings today, so any hidden issues that arise are probably due to someone else's behaviour. It looks as though you'll have to work hard to get to the root of the problem. Advantageous colours are carmine and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.

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