Scorpio's Horoscopes |



Born between: Oct 23rd - Nov 21st

Scorpios are emotional and passionate which ensures they have strong relationships. They are often confident and determined; yet, their emotional and secretive nature can cause them to be jealous and misunderstood.

People may see you as the personification of drama, especially this morning, Scorpio. This is a good time to express your emotions and get things out of your system. Be sure to release whatever pent-up emotion you have inside. By afternoon, it might be a good idea to settle down and lay low. Turn your energy inward, come to your center, and plan what needs to get done.
It isn't exactly all lightness and harmony at home today, Scorpio. There's tension in the air and it manifests in silly family arguments. Try to arrange separate activities for siblings, and encourage your partner to eat out with friends, if possible. This is a day to give everyone his or her space. Tomorrow everyone will be happy to eat together again.
You may be focused on a certain trajectory, Scorpio, but today you could run into complications based on overlooked issues. Be aware of the people around you and how your actions affect them. You don't necessarily need to change your direction, but you might need to make a couple modifications along the way in order to keep everyone happy.
You're feeling pretty strong now, Scorpio. You're probably in fairly good health and your mind is sharp. You've outgrown some areas of your life that no longer seem what they once were. One of these could be your work. You could be considering leaving a job you took primarily for the money and going into a profession you really love. Do it if it works for you.
Any work today could require a higher level of concentration than you can muster, Scorpio. You might lapse into daydreams, think about personal matters, and feel guilty because you aren't doing what you're supposed to be doing. On days like this it's best to focus on routine tasks you can do automatically. That way, your mind can wander. That's the only way you'll make it through today.
Friendship could turn into romance if you aren't careful, Scorpio. A platonic relationship could turn passionate, and no one would be more surprised than you. Think carefully about where you'd like this to go. While it can't go back to the way it was, you can stop it from progressing further if you're uncomfortable with the new dynamic. You can only make this decision once.
This is a wonderful day for you, Scorpio. You'll find that you're holding all the cards you need to be successful. Today luck and prosperity meet with discipline to create a perfect situation for wealth. Your preparation is finally paying off. You'll find that the more in tune you can be with yourself, the better integrated you'll be with the people around you.
Use the day's boisterous energy to take charge and make things happen, Scorpio. You'll find that actions you take today resonate in the coming days. Don't worry about the consequences. Simply go for the gusto. Strong forces are at work encouraging you to seek freedom in your creative endeavors and giving you more room to explore your inner sanctuary that you hold so dearly.
A powerful desire for a current or potential romantic partner might come over you today, Scorpio. This person could live far away or be on a trip, so you might have to be satisfied with a phone call or email instead of the meeting you'd prefer. Don't get frustrated. Distract yourself with an exciting novel or movie and look forward to when you can get together.
Don't be surprised if your inbox fills with email or your phone rings off the hook, Scorpio. Friends, relatives, and colleagues could have great news and useful information. One or more of these messages could inspire you to send a few of your own or even pay some visits. Most of what you learn should be positive and exciting, although some things may be confusing.
Emotionally, you may feel as if you're running up against a brick wall, Scorpio. It could be that your first reaction is to drown your sorrows in drink. Escapism is only a temporary remedy. If things slam in your face today, use this as an indication that you need to take necessary action. Don't keep bouncing around from one thing to the next in order to avoid the obvious. Face the music.
You'll find that your spark can easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don't underestimate the power of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on others and take responsibility for their consequences. Try to use them sparingly if you can. Speak half as much as you normally would, but make each sentence resonate twice as powerfully.
Don't worry about being productive today, Scorpio. You might still accomplish more than you have in a long time. The cosmic energy indicates that if you didn't get everything done that you wanted to yesterday, you're sure to do it today. Dig in your heels and go. Things will get done with time to spare. If you're into a creative hobby, work on that, too. You'll find it rewarding.
Use your creativity to make things happen today, Scorpio. This doesn't have to take the form of a finished product. You can come up with new and innovative ways to approach a task, project, or problem. Trust your ability to discover such things. You're known for your sharp thinking and creative abilities. Combining them can make you unstoppable when finding solutions to almost any problem.
Today, Scorpio, your ability to stand up for your decisions and not let others sway you may be enhanced. This will be especially strong if you've solved a problem. You may find that others often try to change your decisions, but not today. Things are working in your favor and you'll feel new strength as a result. Follow your heart.
Serious thinking and communication are enhanced today, Scorpio. They're already strong qualities in you, and with this added boost, you'll need an outlet for expression. A journal is an excellent vehicle. Talking is another. If you have issues or worries, consider getting together with all involved and airing your thoughts. It's a perfect day to resolve problems.
Today you may feel very creative and ambitious, Scorpio. You might want to use this energy to work on an artistic project, or you may choose to channel it into such activities as organizing your home or workspace. If you plan for it, there should be plenty of time to do both if you have a mind to. Make the most of the day.
Don't discount your excellent resourcefulness, Scorpio. If you haven't got everything you need or all of the information required, take some time to think. Who do you know? What resources can you access? Who might know where you can find what you need? Rather than panic because the pieces aren't all there yet, make a list of contacts and go for it. Trust in yourself.
You could feel as if the battle has begun and you're the target, Scorpio. If you don't have a solid force behind you, this period could be difficult. Emotionally, this may not be your best day. Instead of feeling your feelings, you examine them in a methodical, rational manner. It may seem like you're dealing with them when you're really trying to talk yourself out of feeling them at all.
This is a great day to start new enterprises with others, Scorpio. Possible gatherings with friends or group activities could lead to ideas for new projects that fire your energy and enthusiasm. New immediate and long-term goals should be set. Some people may not be interested and could drop out, but don't worry. Others who share your interests will quickly step in to take their places.
If possible, a social event could take place today involving a small number of friends you may not have seen for a long time, Scorpio. You'll feel good about catching up and meeting exciting new people, too. Interesting information could come your way. Someone might be upset about something and want a shoulder to cry on. But this should be mostly a happy and gratifying day for you. Enjoy.
Some fascinating new information, possibly spiritual or metaphysical, could come today from periodicals, TV, or the Internet. This could set you on a new course of study, Scorpio. Your insights and revelations could prove valuable in increasing your understanding of what you read. This evening, expect a surprising message from someone you haven't heard from in a while. Enjoy!
Expect some great news regarding money, possibly professional advancement. You may have to control the urge to break into tears of joy, Scorpio. A female friend could be going through some heavy changes and might want your support. Your best course of action would be to listen rather than offer advice. You may have to try hard to control yourself, however. The situation could defy all reason.
Jealousy could rear its ugly head today, Scorpio. This could involve a romantic relationship. Jealousy is often groundless, so avoid it by doing some communicating. This is the time to make the effort to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. Strong emotions can work for you under some circumstances. A passionate reconciliation is better than an angry estrangement.
You're probably feeling especially energetic but with little if any outlet for your energy, Scorpio. Increased irritability and frustration could tempt you to take it out on friends, children, or your significant other. On days like this you might want to consider jogging, yoga, or aerobics. These can produce endorphins that override the stress. Go for it.
An unexpected chance to fly to a faraway place, perhaps at someone else's expense, could come to you today, Scorpio. A group might be involved, perhaps one connected with education. Do you lecture or teach? If so, this might be a chance to give a lecture in an exciting place you've never been to before. Get your materials together, pack your bag, and go. Have fun!
Don't be surprised if you leap out of bed with a spark of inspiration that wasn't there last night, Scorpio. Let your dreams linger a bit before you face the world. This flash of genius is likely to strike quickly and unexpectedly, so keep an eye out for it, but don't consider it something that you can plan on or force into happening.
You may feel a need to add some fantasy to your daily routine today, Scorpio. Do you have someone in mind you'd like Cupid's arrow to strike? Well, don't rely on a cherub to do your work for you. Get out and do some target practice of your own so you'll be prepared when you see the object of your desire across a crowded room. Keep things light and cheerful.
This isn't a good day to travel, Scorpio, especially by air. Long lines at the ticket counter, endless delays, and lost luggage could be the result. This may not even be a good day to plan a trip, although you can consider your options. If you must fly today, get to the airport early, travel light, and take something good to read. That will make it bearable.
You're riding a wave of prosperity and things are looking up for you, Scorpio. The situation today may appear too good to be true. The bad news is that's probably the case. It may be that the truth is being masked, and that there's a great deal of speculation and hype causing a frenzy of activity. Feel free to join the frivolity but realize that the bubble may burst tomorrow.
Be a bit more selective in terms of where you put your energy today, Scorpio. Don't waste your time with situations that aren't healthy or conducive to your aims. You may find it hard to get motivated, but this is fine. This is a good day to lay low. Your energy is apt to feel rather sluggish, so be conservative with how you use it. Pace yourself throughout the day.

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