Job Hunting

Job Hunting

Applying for jobs & interview skills

Curriculum Vitae

When applying for a job, you may be asked to provide your 'CV', or Curriculum Vitae. A CV should include a brief statement of your full name, your date of birth, and your current address. It should also include a summary of your secondary, tertiary or any other education, and a brief description of any previous work experience.

Remember, you can record on your CV any work experience done at school: any voluntary work, or any work done with family businesses. Try not to make your CV longer than it needs to be - if it is too long, an employer many not read it.

It is always a good idea to attach a cover letter specific to the job. In the letter, you should summarise the reasons why you think you are the best person for the job. If there is criteria make sure that you write a point about each criteria.

A cover letter is an opportunity to tell a potential employer a little more about yourself than you have room for in your CV. Again, try to keep your letter to one page.

Job interviews

These can sometimes be stressful and tense experiences. You may have to talk to one person, or a whole group. Sometimes you will be asked easy questions about yourself and your experience, other times you may be asked to solve problems.

Because it is often hard to predict what the interview will be like, some preparation beforehand will enable you to respond more quickly to the situation. Make sure you can easily recite your CV, and answer in-depth questions about your skills and experience.

Think about your strengths and your weaknesses - this is a common interview question!

Ask a friend to help you practice some questions and answers before you go in.

But most of all, try to remain calm and focused. Breathe deeply if you are nervous.

Sometimes you may have to go to many interviews before you get a job. Every interview increases your experience, so don't be too hard on yourself if you don't do so well. Congratulate yourself on getting as far as the interview, and try not to put pressure on yourself about getting the job.

Helpful websites

Some tips to help you improve your resume.

Great place to start if you are looking for work

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