Return to the magical world of Enchantia in the captivating third series of Magic Ballerina by world famous ballet star Darcey Bussell.
Holly, who is given a pair of red ballet shoes that whisk her away to the dazzling world of Enchantia, where she will encounter a cast of favourite ballet characters and their much loved stories.
The Magic Ballerina series is aimed at girls aged 5-8.
Holly is in the middle of a ballet class when she is whisked away to Enchantia. She lands in a beautiful garden where a man is picking a white rose. The story of Beauty and the Beast is being played out before her eyes! But something seems to be going horribly wrong...
Magic Ballerina Holly's Adventures- Holly and the Rose Garden
ISBN: 9780007323227
RRP: $9.99
A frosty chill hangs over Enchantia because King Rat has turned his castle into an ice palace. Can Holly and the White Cat unfreeze his spells or will summer be banished forever?
It's carnival time in Enchantia! But when Holly and the White Cat go to the Land of the Sweets they find that everything is topsy-turvy! Can they put things right before the Lollipop Carnival begins?
Magic Ballerina Holly's Adventures - Holly and the Land of Sweets
ISBN: 9780007323241
RRP: $9.99