National Healthy Bones Week Milkshake Dance Competition

National Healthy Bones Week Milkshake Dance Competition

National Healthy Bones Week 2012

This year's National Healthy Bones Week (NHBW) from 19th – 25th of August is giving Australians the opportunity to shake it up in the first ever nationwide milkshake dance-off! Entries are now open for movers and shakers to submit their very own milkshake dance for the chance to win a Whirlpool 410L Top Mount refrigerator stocked with delicious Jalna dairy products. The competition has been created to increase the awareness of the importance calcium-rich foods and exercise for optimal bone health.

Schools, sports teams, communities and social groups all over Australia are invited to learn the steps to a fun, milkshake-themed dance routine, designed especially for NHBW to shake the Australian public into bone-building action. An instruction video for the milkshake dance is available on YouTube and NHBW's website ( laying out the steps for all ages, with a low impact version for seniors. While entries can replicate the milkshake dance exactly – creative interpretations are encouraged so try and shake it up!

This milkshake theme will continue throughout the entire National Healthy Bones Week, featuring a series of fun, community activities designed to encourage all Australians to team their dairy intake with exercise for positive bone health.

Dr Sandra Iuliano-Burns, a bone researcher from The University of Melbourne, said it was known that adequate dietary calcium and exercise enhance bone health independently.
'However research has shown, that when a calcium-rich diet and exercise are combined, the effect on bone density is much greater," Dr Iuliano-Burns said.

The group with the most sensational shake moves will win a Whirlpool 410L Top Mount refrigerator stocked with delicious Jalna dairy products to help build this bone strength. Jacqui McEwing, Whirlpool's Senior Brand Marketing Manager – Oceania said Whirlpool is delighted to be partnering with National Healthy Bones Week 2012.

'The national -Milkshake Dance' competition is a fun way to get Aussies thinking, moving and incorporating more calcium-rich foods into their diet, to prevent osteoporosis later in life," Mrs. McEwing said.

There will also be category prizes available for sporting groups, community groups and schools with the most outstanding shakers. These winners will receive a prize blender for each group to create their very own milkshakes for delicious daily dairy intake.

Entries close on 20 July 2012 so get shaking! To register for a NHBW Milkshake Dance Competition pack and view the routine, visit


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