National Vitamin D Awareness Day

By way of background we got most of our Vitamin D from the sun and new research suggests Australia may be a nation of under-sunned workaholics with figures revealing we're working harder than ever before, resulting in less exposure to sunlight during the working day and thus – the increase in Vitamin D deficiencies across the country.

Key findings from the research:
More than half the Australian workforce remains indoors all day with minimal to no exposure to sunlight
Work strain is the single biggest reason most Aussie workers don't get more sun
1 in 2 of us are 'too busy" to leave the office during the day; while
A third regularly skip lunch or eat at their desk due to pressing deadlines/ work pressure.


The Top 5 Ways to Fight Deskbound -D' Deficiency
1. Take your team outside for a meeting
2. Ditch the desk for an outdoor café
3. Switch the pod for a picnic blanket
4. Set up a work station in the sun; or simply
5. Enjoy eating lunch alfresco

To encourage office workers to step outside for a daily dose of -D', $1000 worth of mini massages are being offered to the workplace having the most fun in the sun. Organisations are encouraged to enter by sending a picture of their 'outdoor office".

On National Vitamin D Awareness Day, Sydneysiders can also forego the office for the outdoors by hosting a meeting or spending some time working from the Ostelin Outdoor Office:
9th of August from 6.30am-2.30pm at Martin Place, Sydney CBD

The fun-filled green oasis will feature:
A fully functioning outdoor office
Desks, laptops, meeting spaces and FREE Wifi

Nutritionist consultations
Spot prizes and giveaways
Photo booth

For terms andconditions go to


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