Directed by Julia Parnell, New Zealand's most prominent music documentary-maker, the story charts the incredible untold story of SIX60, a student band turned national phenomenon, achieving the unthinkable in a country of 5 million.
SIX60 defied all convention becoming the first Kiwi band to sell out New Zealand's biggest stadium, only before filled by the likes of AC/DC, David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Elton John, The Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger, KISS, Stevie Wonder and Eminem – but the road to unrivalled success isn't smooth.
Filmed over a tumultuous 18 months, as the band must reconcile between ambition and creative vulnerability, woven with jaw-dropping vision of their record-breaking concert and a unique Kiwi sense of humour, SIX60: Till the Lights Go Out presents a group of men confronting the true cost of never giving up.
Featuring all their hit songs, SIX60: Till the Lights Go Out is a story that will leave cinema audiences feeling closer to the band than ever before. The story of SIX60 is one inextricably linked to New Zealand and kiwi culture, but is also a story of love, compassion and never giving up.
"Any preconceived ideas I had of SIX60 were completely changed in the process of making this movie. Their stubbornness to achieve, whilst confounding critics and disproving experts, has virtually redefined what success looks like in New Zealand. But it is the brutal honesty they have shared that I hope will connect most with audiences" - Julia Parnell, Director.
A story of brotherhood, music and the love of a nation, 'Till the Lights Go Out' will do what SIX60 do best: unite people.
'SIX60: Till the Lights Go Out' in cinemas across Australia & New Zealand on November 26, 2020