In a small town, trouble is brewing...
The latest creation by local award winning outfit Bunk Puppets, Stark and Dormy is the ultimate dark comedy adventure featuring puppetry, sketch comedy, and unabashedly cool Lo-Fi effects.
Weaving together the lives of several outlandish characters living in a seaside town, Stark and Dormy meshes a struggling theme park owner with a dark secret, a teenage girl losing touch with her father, a captive ape plotting escape, a vain restaurateur desperate to be on the culinary cutting edge... and a hungry alien creature just about to crash-land.
Part Sci-Fi spoof and part social satire, master storytellers Bunk Puppets use a blend of puppetry and sketch comedy to create an entertaining universe steeped in imagination and creativity, all duly lacquered with a good dose of dark wit.
Based in Melbourne, Australia, Bunk Puppets are a multi-award winning company creating cutting edge shadow puppet theatre. Running since 2010, they have traversed the globe and built an outstanding international reputation with their absurdist visual stories.
28 March - 21 April, 2019
Tues - Sat 6:45pm, Sun 5:45pm
Tickets: $28 Full $25 Concession, Grps 6+, Cheap Tuesdays, and Preview
Bookings: 03 9685 5111 or online at and
Venue: The Coopers Malthouse (The Tower) - 113 Sturt St, Southbank
Suitable for Ages 10+
55 min duration