Single Girls...How To Survive Valentines Day at The Office
Valentines Day is the day of love and romance. But what happens if you are not single? Lets face it Valentines Day for a single person is a bit like Christmas for a child with no presents. But it does not have to be all that bad.
If you are single follow our tips to surviving Valentines Day in the Office:
Tip 1: Put Things Inter Perspective
Remember it might not be you getting the flowers this year but it will be one day. It really will! So if you are upset just think of it as character building.
Tip 2: Be The Glamorous You
Remember that to your colleagues you, are the glamorous single one in the office. They think of your life as being one exiting single adventure after another. You might not realise it but many of your colleagues are secretly envious of you. So with this in mind spend the day being industrious whist looking glamorous as you close deals and meet deadlines.
Tip 3: Stay Work Focussed
Busy yourself with a really important project or deadline. You are at work not at a love fest, so just remember your value today at the office is in the amazing work that you will do.
Tip 4: Make Someone Else's Day
So you might have a bad day...That does not mean that you can't make someone else's day special. Send a secret valentine to someone that you admire. Or better still buy a small chocolate for everyone in your team. That way you are making sure that everyone gets something special on Valentines Day and at the same time showing your leadership skills.
Tip 5: Have Something Fun Planned For After Work
Plan something fun to do after work so that you don't send the day feeling miserable. Valentines day drinks and social gatherings really are the best-kept secret for singles...
Tip 6: Remember For You It Is All Ahead
Remember for you everything romance wise is still ahead. The first date with the one, the first kiss with the one, the first everything with the one...Since you have not yet met the love of your life you have the all the firsts to look forward to...How exciting is that!
By Lisa O'Brien
Author of: CareersCoach Interview Coach, CareersCoach Resume Coach, CareersCoach Career Change Coach, CareersCoach Goal Setting Coach
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