The Albino Chameleon

The Albino Chameleon

The Things That Make You 'You' and Can Become Your Super Power

Dread the question: "tell me about yourself"?

Whether it is at a job interview, meeting, networking event, or even a party – it's a question that paralyses so many people.

New book, The Albino Chameleon is a humorous, inspiring and practical read that guides readers to conquering this much-feared question without feeling like a Muppet.

Author, Kirsty Anne Ferguson is quick to explain what the book is not – don't expect some dry old business or theory-based self-help book! It is not like anything you have ever read before - it just might change your life!"

Using the metaphor of an albino chameleon named Ben – a chameleon unable to use colour to disguise his true self, Kirsty walks readers through how to say to the world "this is me'.

Referred to as the 'O of interviews' by her clients (referring to a certain talk show megastar), Kirsty is a Sydney based global interview coach who works with everyone from CEOs and pilots to Olympians, mums returning to work and school leavers. She has helped thousands take that step towards their personal potential, a meaningful career and creating a purposeful life.

"The ability to talk about yourself is a skill – one that can set you on the path to anything and everything, not just your career. Being clear about your superpower – who you are and what you have to offer, and being able to articulate it is life changing". Says Kirsty. What makes you 'you' matters and she will help you discover it.

The Albino Chameleon is full of ideas, hacks inspiring stories, questions and other cool stuff that will help the reader shed light on their super powers, and how to communicate them eloquently.

The book is for anyone who wants to feel more confident about articulating who they are – from senior executives, professionals, managers to mums returning to work, career changers and school leavers.

Kirsty gives readers permission to ditch the antiquated and overwhelming 'find a passion' thinking. Instead, create a purpose from what you have and who you are right now.

"We all have stories and super powers. Each of our stories differ yet contain elements that connect us. Each reader's story, like mine is unique. And for those people who think they don't have anything special to offer, this book will show them they do, and help clarify what it is." Concludes Kirsty.

"I hope that readers will read this book and be able to say to the world "this is me!" and even look forward to answering the question "tell me about yourself?"

Kirsty Anne Ferguson is a global interview coach, aviation expert, speaker and magazine columnist. In 2010 recovering from multiple personal disasters including, infertility, divorce, and the deaths of half her family, she decided to rewrite the entire future story of her personal and professional life.

She has built a unique on-line business model that has helped senior executives, pilots, bankers, doctors Olympians, entrepreneurs, school leavers and just about anybody in between, step towards their personal purpose and career potential.

Carving out a niche in the 'uber' competitive Aviation industry, her international reputation is such that anyone wanting a confidence boost, to move up the corporate ladder or into the cockpit of a wide body jet simply; calls Kirsty. And no, she cannot fly an aircraft!

Kirsty advocates looking at what you can do, not at what you can't. After all, this dreadful speller just wrote a book and writes for multiple magazines. If she can do it, she says, so can you.

Her mission is to help everyone she can to be able to say to the world 'this is me', 'this is my super power' and even look forward to answering that dreaded question "tell me about yourself". It might just change your life!

Kirsty lives in Sydney with her dog 'Bentley' and her new husband who she shares with anything over a 2-foot swell.

The Albino Chameleon
UnPack Media
Author: Kirsty Anne Ferguson
RRP: $26.99


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