The Face Reader

The Face Reader

Imagine if you could hire the best employees, find the love of your life, know if someone is being honest with you, and approach new clients with confidence just by looking at someone's face?

Learn the ancient Chinese art of face reading, Mien Shiang - a whole new way of thinking about body language.

Mien Shiang is a 3000-year-old Taoist practice that means literally face (mien) reading (shiang). It was first used in China as a diagnostic tool for the practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine who could detect signs of existing ailments as well as predispositions to illness of mind, body and spirit, simply by studying one's face. Soon the Taoist monks developed the art of Mien Shiang to help them evaluate the personal integrity and honesty of those doing business with the courts and officials.

Mien Shiang is not about reading facial expressions or telltale tics or shifty eyes but rather face shapes, facial features, positions and sizes and shapes of each feature, lines, shadows, moles and other facial markings. They are foolproof signs, if you know how to read them, you know the art of Mien Shiang. And no one is inscrutable any more!

Knowing Mien Shiang can help you to answer two perennial questions: Who Am I and Who Are You.

'Patrician McCarthy is the most dynamic, brilliant, innovative, and empathetic consultant my teams have worked with over the years.' - Ivy Ross, Executive Vice President of Design and Development, Old Navy/Gap Inc.

'I will do anything Patrician McCarthy tells me to do. She makes not just my work better, but my entire life.' - Michael Edelstein, Executive Producer, Desperate Housewives

'[Patrician McCarthy] always has interesting insights on how to market to the different types of people who will be interested in our products. We can't wait for her to come back, again and again.' - David Kuehler , Vice President, Procter & Gamble

About the Author:
Patrician McCarthy has taught diagnostic Mien Shaing for more than a dozen years to medical students and doctors and in the last few years she has been used by Fortune 500 companies teaching them Mien Shiang to attain better working relationships.

The Face Reader
Allen & Unwin
Author: Patrician McCarthy
RRP: $32.95

Review: The Face Reader is insightful and will help you understand yourself and others around you. Whether it's for fun, business or to guide you through relationships, 'The Face Reader' is an excellent source to understanding the people we meet and why they are like they are.


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