The compelling and poignant story of 200 orphans taking an incredible journey to the safety of a new land. Set in a little known period - the years between the two World Wars - this is a book which will resonate with many readers in Australia and New Zealand.
1921, Poland. When the terrible Night of the Burning sweeps through Dvorah's village during the Jewish pogroms, she and her sister are theonly survivors. Together they must travel far from everything and everyone they know. Led by philanthropist Isaac Ochberg, they and 200 other orphans begin an incredible journey towards the safety of South Africa and the challenges, uncertainty and hope of a new life.
About the Author:
Linda Press Wulf has worked as an editor, journalist, and English teacher. Born in South Africa and resident at one time or another of Canada, Japan and Israel, she has lived for nine years now in California with her husband Stanley Wulf and her two sons. Stanley is in real-life the third child of the Dvorah in this story. He went to medical school and, by coincidence, won the Isaac Echberg Award. One man, Isaac Echberg, changed the lives of two generations of the same family.
The Night of the Burnings
Allen & Unwin
Author: Linda Press Wulf
Ages: 14+
ISBN: 9780747587170
RRP: $27.95