Based on a short film by the same name, TIME ADDICTS follows two best friends, Denise and Johnny, who are both bound by the shackles of drug addiction. As they embark on a perilous journey to settle their debts with a volatile dealer, they are sent to heist a mysterious bag of crystal, the effects of which transport them through time.
The debut feature film by New Zealand writer/director Sam Odlum, starring Freya Tingley (Jersey Boys) and Charles Grounds (Elvis), TIME ADDICTS delves into the human condition, where addiction, friendship and the search for redemption all come to play.
SYNOPSIS: In desperate debt to their volatile drug dealer, best friends, Denise and Johnny, agree to a sketchy job to pay off their last hit – breaking into a decrepit stash house to steal a bag of mysterious drugs. But whilst getting into the house may be easy, escape proves more troublesome, as the pair find themselves trapped inside with a deranged fiend. With no way out and not one to miss an opportunity, Johnny smokes the new drug and promptly travels into the past, triggering alarming new events in the future. Separated through time, Denise is left alone to confront her past, their dealer Kane's real identity, and her very own existence.
Sam Odlum says, "Inspired by Phillip K. Dick's science fiction classics and modern Korean cinema, TIME ADDICTS blends a combination of genres to become its own entity. The film's tone was extremely important to me, with every creative department working together to steer into the unpredictable nature of the narrative and create drug-fuelled situations that are at times high stakes, ridiculous and emotional. We can't wait to share the film with audiences."
Filmed in Melbourne with the assistance of VicScreen, TIME ADDICTS is an Exile Entertainment and Lex Neville production.
Umbrella Entertainment will distribute the film in Australia and New Zealand on December 7, 2023.