Travel Tips
Travelling is always a great experience for learning and having a fantastic time. You could plan your trip yourself or alternatively have a travel agent plan your trip for you, either way make sure you do plan ahead. If you are travelling overseas there are a lot of things you may need to think about, especially because other countries have different rules.
It is important to research the country you're travelling too before leaving home. When you have chosen your destination ask around about the country. If you know family or friends who have travelled their prior, ask for their tips and suggestions- good and bad. Check that if you need to have a visa to travel to your chosen country. Different countries have different laws, it is important to obey these laws. Something that may be frowned upon, but is not illegal in Australia, could be a jailable offence in another country. In Singapore it is illegal to chew bubble gum and in Thailand you cannot leave your hotel without wearing underwear! Look into The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), it is very informative for travelers. Another important thing to research is the climate, it'll make packing easier and you will not be too hot or too cold.
Before you leave Australia
Write a checklist of everything you need to take with you, when packing you can tick it off your list and you are less likely to forget anything!
Check your passport is in date, you need to have six months left on your passport from your return date.
Book an appointment with your doctor to have a health check before you go and ask if you need to have any injections before travelling. Ensure you pack all appropriate medication; anything you need now and anything you may need incase of upset stomachs. Ask your doctor if any of the medication you take is considered illegal overseas, if so organise a substitute. If you have a lot of medication, ask you doctor to write a letter with what you need and what purpose it serves.
Organise travel insurance; this is very important for many reasons, one is that if you do get sick it will cost you a lot of money to have treatment in another country.
Before leaving Australia photocopy all of your itinerary, passports and any other information and have a spare copy with you as well as with someone back home.
New, strict rules have been implemented for carry-on luggage. Look at the government website for details about what you can and cannot take on international and domestic flights. Aerosol and liquid cans have quality and size limits and all items must be inside a secured plastic bag, similar to a snap-lock bag.
When in another country and at their airport do not leave your bags unattended or leave your bags in care of a stranger, and only carry your own bags. You can purchase safety locks to secure your luggage and also some countries will provide shrink wrapping to your suitcases, this will mean no one can tamper with your belongings. Watch for your suitcase on the carousel, do not wait for crowds to disappear, watch for yours and grab as soon as you see it.
Ask the hotel staff about public transport in your area, they will be able to suggest safe transportation. Do not share taxis with strangers or hitch hike; only travel with people you know.
Try to stay in doors after dark, especially if you do feel unsafe, if you do want to go out ask your hotel manager were the safer areas of the country are. As a general rule if there are women and children in an area it is normally considered safe. When in your hotel room, lock the door and use the safety chain, if there is one. Check that your hotel swipe card doesn't have your room number on it, if stolen it is easier for the thief to access your luggage.
Beware of scams, some thieves may know you are a tourist and pose as tour guides to rob you, ask your hotel manager what is common in regards to thieves. If you know the signs it will be easier for you to ignore them.
Don't wear expensive jewellery or anything that is of value to you and wear your credit cards and travelers cheques close to your skin in a hidden location. Carry the Australian embassy's details with you incase of emergency.
Avoid incidents, fights, riots or any civil disturbances at all times. Prior to travelling research the colours of the pro and anti-government bodies and do not wear those colours, if stuck in a riot you may become a target.
You will need to organise money before you leave, work out how you will exchange your money whilst there and ensure you have already exchanged currency before leaving Australia. If you are worried, check your hotel has a safe; this will allow you to keep your expensive possessions, passports and spare money safe in your hotel. Tourists are often an easy target for thieves so do not carry expensive goods around or large sums of money. If you choose to use your card at an ATM only do so when there are people around and it is during the day.
Your mobile phone may not work in another country, you need to contact your provider and organise for roaming to be activated on your phone.
Interview with Tara Chambers
Tara Chambers works as a travel agent at Hampton Flight Centre, we asked her for her safe travelling tips.
What have you learnt from travelling, that you now pass onto your customers?
Tara Chambers: I believe travelling is a fantastic experience for everyone. It's a chance to get away and relax or try something totally different like Hiking, Skiing or trying a tour. You can learn so much when you travelling and it's great to see how people live and the different ways of life.
What are the most important tips you have for people who are about to go travelling?
Tara Chambers: Make sure you have your passport! Most of all enjoy yourself and get as much out of your holiday as you possible can.
What tips do you have in regards to following the rules in other countries?
Tara Chambers: Check your visa requirements as with many countries' these days there are visa requirements in order to enter the Country. Make sure you ask lots of questions so that you know what to expect in terms of weather, and currency.
Where do you want to travel too next?
Tara Chambers: I would love to experience Europe, I believe it would be a great place to go as there is so much to see and do.
Where is your favourite holiday destination?
Tara Chambers: My favourite holiday destination would have to be Thailand; it has something for everyone, couples, singles or families. There is so much to do there and the people are lovely.
Overall the most important thing is to have fun, enjoy yourself and stay safe!