Weiner On Show At ACMI

At a time when politics around the globe has never been more entertaining - nor more alarming - ACMI brings the political documentary Weiner to the big screen. With both Melbourne International Film Festival screenings already sold out, the critically acclaimed stranger-than-fiction tale of political fodder and contemporary morality shows exclusively at ACMI from Thursday 1 September 2016.


The documentary follows Anthony Weiner, a Democratic Congressman who was on the rise before a -sexting' scandal forced his humiliating resignation. Two years later, Weiner ran for New York City Mayor, betting that his democratic ideas would trump his indiscretions. With unprecedented access, Weiner takes us inside this fascinating political comeback-turned-meltdown.


'Weiner stands tall in this eruptive portrayal of a 'd@!% pic" overshadowing the most valiant political efforts," said ACMI Senior Film Programmer Kristy Matheson. 'Bending over backwards to compensate, Weiner is a fascinating study of a political character, and one that will captivate anyone who owns a mobile phone, uses the internet and has ever been drawn in by titillating clickbait."


Dubbed 'fast, funny, insightful and outrageous" by Vanity Fair, Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg's documentary begins with Weiner trying to rebuild his political career.  A native New Yorker and a passionate advocate for the city, Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin (who is a long term Hillary Clinton staffer and currently vice-chair of her 2016 presidential campaign) decide that their time is now.  


What begins as an unexpected surge to the top of the polls takes a sharp turn once Weiner is forced to admit to new sexting allegations. As the media descends and dissects his every move, Weiner desperately tries to forge ahead, but the increasing pressure and crippling 24-hour news coverage halt his political aspirations.


Weiner walks the line between political farce and personal tragedy. With New York City as a loud and bustling backdrop, this documentary charges through an increasingly baffling political campaign with unflinching clarity, humour, and pathos.


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