On Friday morning October 30, Brisbane's historic Hanworth House will be taken over by delicate ribbon sandwiches, cream filled cupcakes and scones and jam and cream, paired with fine teas and sparkling, while the stunning Season 2015 range from Brisbane-born fashion label White Label Noba is paraded by women who look like women. The morning heralds the third annual An Old Fashioned Morning Tea and will raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's Australia.
The organiser behind An Old Fashioned Morning Tea is Tracey Watkins, founder and designer at White Label Noba. Her inspiration? Her mother, an amazing creative and stylish woman who suffered, like many, from Alzheimer's Disease. 'Having absolutely no say over which memories we forget and which are kept; which people will fade from our recognition; the places we know and go everyday that will suddenly become strange – that is terrifying; and it's happening to hundreds of thousands of people across the country. So, I invite people from all over Brisbane to take some time out, to come to An Old Fashioned Morning Tea and to celebrate the time we have, with people we care about, in one of the city's most beautiful locations – because life is just too short to forget what's great," she said.