White Night Melbourne at the NGV

Paris-based Moroccan artist Hicham Berrada will create hypnotising chemical reactions live in the NGV Great Hall for his performance work with Paris-based musician Laurent Durupt, Presage, as part of White Night Melbourne on Saturday 21 February, 7pm to 7am. The city-wide event returns to the NGV with performances and new works by international and local artists throughout the night including Australian audio-visual artists Kit Webster and Dave Leigh, as well as access to exhibitions and gallery spaces.


Combining the worlds of art and science, Berrada's Presage is live chemical theatre projected on-screen. Influenced by his scientific and artistic training, Berrada's on-stage experiments in small beakers produce shards of chemical matter which create clashing wave-like motions of abstract colour, immersing the audience in a world of fascinating shapes and kinetic effects. The performance is accompanied by Durupt capturing mesmerizing sounds in a beaker with a hydrophone, an underwater microphone.


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