Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

As the month ends, the cosmos is encouraging you to tidy up any loose ends in your love life. Maybe you need to sort out a problem with your beloved, or you've got to work out what a certain someone really means to you. This will also be an excellent time to put the finishing touches to any creative project that you're working on, so you can then embark on something new. Favorable colors are lime and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 27.
A certain person is being very strict and it's uncomfortable to be around them for long. Maybe they want you to meet their very high standards, or they're expecting a level of self-discipline from you that seems almost impossible to achieve. They might also be harking back to the good old days and comparing them unfavorably with the here and now. They sound rather unhappy, and they deserve your compassion. Opportune colors are silvery blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 18 and 67.
Your home life is looking really good today and you'll thoroughly enjoy being with your nearest and dearest whenever you get the chance. You might even decide to alter some of your arrangements so you can spend more time at home. It's a wonderful day for recharging your batteries in familiar and comforting settings, and you'll also enjoy a little time to yourself. Beneficial colors are gold and silver. Lucky numbers are 10 and 5.
Head for the nearest social event because it's exactly what you're in the mood for. You're at your most charming and engaging now, so you'll be a big hit with whoever you talk to. You could even make a romantic conquest, which will do wonders for your morale! There could also be an invitation to visit someone who lives overseas, or you might ask them to stay with you. Empowering colors are jet black and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 31 and 47.
It won't take much to get you all steamed up and emotional today, so tread carefully. A discussion about world events or the latest news story might trigger some powerful emotions, which in turn could be embarrassing if you're with lots of other people at the time. Yet you can't suppress these emotions, even if you'd prefer to let them out in private. Dynamic colors are bright orange and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 23.
Get to grips with your finances today so you can make sure you know what's going on. This might mean balancing your checkbook, paying some bills or simply working out how much money you've got to survive on until the next infusion of cash. It's also a good day for going shopping because you'll be on the hunt for bargains and won't want to squander your money. Expressive colors are coffee and butterscotch. Lucky numbers are 25 and 19.
Take care because a certain person is up to their old tricks again today, trying to bend you to their will with emotional blackmail or other manipulative tactics. You know that you've got to stand up to them but the trouble is you may feel so intimidated by them that you daren't say anything at the moment. OK, this may be self-preservation, but you need to do something soon. Auspicious colors are crimson and cream. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
You're far more interested in someone's personality than in their ethnic background, social status or religion today. In fact, you won't even notice such things in your desire to connect with them emotionally and spiritually. It will also do you good to have a brief change of scene, especially if you can visit somewhere that's beautiful or mystical. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and aqua. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
Although the day starts off in a picky mood, by evening the Moon enters Libra and you're in the mood for romance. Whether you get it by being with your beloved or by watching a film that tugs at your heartstrings, you won't want to get involved in anything that's too near to reality or which involves facing up to unpleasant facts. You're entering a highly creative phase and will enjoy expressing yourself through an artistic medium. Revealing colors are dark gold and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 10 and 31.
During the next four weeks you're drawn to groups of people who feel like kindred spirits. This might mean spending plenty of time with friends, or it could involve becoming actively involved in a group or organization that stands for some of the things you believe in. For instance, you might decide to join a humanitarian campaign or a pressure group. Favorable colors are peacock blue and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 3 and 28.
If you've been trying to keep something a secret, don't be surprised if it comes to light now. This is one of those days when things have a habit of coming out of the woodwork, much to your embarrassment or distress. Once they've been exposed to the light of day, all you can do is to accept the situation and make the best of it. You might also feel strangely relieved that your secret is out. Favorable colors are peach and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 35 and 56.
It's a laidback and generous mood, so you're eager to take life easy for a change. In an ideal world you would forget all about work and live the life of Riley for the day. You can consider yourself lucky if you're on holiday, because you really need to enjoy yourself at every opportunity. If you're at work, make sure you do something nice in your spare time. Ideal colors are teal blue and indian red. Lucky numbers are 18 and 22.
The New Moon gives you a big shot in the arm regarding your goals and ambitions. You might have some fresh ideas about them, making you want to change direction or pursue something totally new. The coming fortnight will be the perfect opportunity to take the initiative in any activities that will boost your reputation or build your confidence. Fortunate colors are jade and lemon. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
It's very difficult to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself now. That might be because they're so near the surface that you can't stop yourself expressing them, or it could be because someone asks you some penetrating questions. If you're already feeling rather stirred up, you could embarrass yourself with a rather public display of emotion. Expressive colors are spring green and singed orange. Lucky numbers are 18 and 29.
Friends are much in evidence today. You get a string of phone calls or a slew of emails, and you see some of them in person. It will certainly do you good now to mix with people on the same wavelength, and you'll enjoy the conversations that follow. You might also consider joining a club or group that you hear about now. Excellent colors are pale purple and ebony. Lucky numbers are 25 and 6.
You want to immerse yourself in the mystical and spiritual side of life today, and you aren't interested in anything that's too prosaic or mundane. You might read a book that sparks off your imagination, or visit a place that really sets you thinking. You're also feeling extremely loving and will want to express your affection for everyone around you through kind words and deeds. Soothing colors are strawberry and bright gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 66.
Mercury turns retrograde in your eleventh house of friends and associates today. The next three weeks may find you committing a few slips of the tongue, so practice keeping your peace as much as possible. You may find that if you spend more time listening than speaking, you will soon know which friends are true blue and which friends are fair weather. Favorable colors are ivory and jade. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
If you're kicking yourself over what happened yesterday, and perhaps annoyed that you put yourself in such a vulnerable position, you need to get things in proportion again. Is it really such a big deal or is it mostly your pride that's been hurt? Do your best to forgive yourself, and also to learn from your mistakes. What do you expect - perfection? Not possible. Opportune colors are violet and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 28 and 74.
Someone may not be all that they seem today, so don't go by first impressions. They might be trying hard to create a good impression that covers up something they want to hide, or they could simply be sending out some misleading signals. To make matters worse, you're having difficulty in telling the difference between fact and fiction, so you could be very gullible. Check out Friday 13! Beneficial colors are maroon and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 32 and 2.
This isn't a good day to start anything new that's connected with joint finances, because they could easily begin to unravel before your eyes. For instance, you should postpone applying for a loan, opening a new bank account or investing your money because there might be confusion over the arrangements or later on you might realize that you've made a mistake. Dynamic colors are dark gold and pale pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 23.
Any form of co-operation goes well today because everyone wants to pull in the same direction. It's great for taking part in a discussion or meeting because you'll get the chance to put forward your ideas without worrying that your comments will be derided or ignored. And, in return, you'll want to pay others the compliment of listening carefully to what they say. Auspicious colors are ochre and cream. Lucky numbers are 8 and 64.

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