This Christmas, Melbourne Central is holding its inaugural Fourteen Day Festivus, drawing inspiration from iconic sitcom Seinfeld, and encouraging millennials to enjoy Christmas their way.
Festivus-goers will have the chance to indulge in a custom-made Marissa Tomei cocktail - thanks to the George's Bar pop-up, enjoy a TV mash up of their favourite Christmas episodes and even partake in some Mariah Carey-oke. Modernising the once 'silent night", Melbourne Central will also welcome Yacht Club DJs for the precinct's very first silent disco.
Having conducted research into the holiday habits, routines and preferences of millennials, Melbourne Central has uncovered results about the holiday period and crafted the ultimate event from Monday 11 December until Sunday 24 December.
Research reveals that more than 44 per cent of millennials think Christmas is more about culture than religion; 25 per cent believe Christmas is just another day and very importantly, 53 per cent of millennials love Seinfeld.
To meet the whole gamut of millennials' holiday needs, Melbourne Central has designed a festival packed with socialising, food, beauty and community causes, underpinned by the hilarious Festivus anti-Christmas theme covered in the hit-show's 1997 episode, The Strike.
Melbourne's very own Festivus will see visitors and customers to Melbourne Central air their grievances (just as as Frank Costanza did), as well as celebrate the holiday spirit with an array of activities that will allow them to spend time with their buddies, backing up the friend-trend: a staggering 58 per cent of millennials choosing to spend Christmas Day with friends, rather than family.
This 14 day fusion of food, dance, culture, beauty and fun pop culture, foodie haven, beauty is proof that Festivus miracles do occur, just ask Kramer!
Melbourne Central's Fourteen Day Festivus
Monday 11 December - Sunday 24 December
Melbourne Central: Cnr La Trobe and Swanston Street, Melbourne 3000
The events are free and a must-see for all visitors to Melbourne Central. For more information, please visit