The Red Paintings

The Red Paintings

Brisbane?s, The Red Paintings were flat out in 2006 touring the glob with The Dresden Dolls and achieving their greatest success yet with their last EP. Come 2008 they have released their newest EP Feed The Wolf.

The Red Painting?s DVD ?Seizure and Synaesthesia? contains amazing duets with The Dresden Dolls of ?God Save the Queen? and ?Mad World?.

Fans have been waiting eagerly for this new EP needing to hear the uniquely different sound of The Red Paintings. Their music may take time for the ears to enjoy their lingering lyrics but this is okay because everyone will enjoy them once giving their different but absorbing style a listen.

They look the part with heavy make-up, wigs and strange robot appendages. I would suggest grabbing their EP and having a listen, and then going to see them, it may be hard to absorb all at once. If live music is more your thing maybe stand closer to the door than the stage. They are different to mainstream music, actually they are different to any genre I recognise but listen as the spooky journey is well worth the experience.


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