Health and wellness company, LORE Australia, is proud to introduce Gur��dji (ger-ra-je), a native Australian bio-food that indigenous people have used for thousands of years to heal ailments, cleanse the body and bring clarity to the mind. New to mainstream consumption, and one of many undiscovered superfoods of the Australian coast, LORE Australia's Gur��dji is available as a cleansing herbal infusion, or tisane, that can be brewed hot or cold to provide a caffeine free boost to your health and wellbeing.
A plant grown in the Australian bush, Gur��dji had many uses for indigenous peoples. The plant's leaves, naturally rich in bio compounds that boast a range of health benefits, were chewed to relieve toothache, steeped in water and sipped to relieve pain or nausea, and made into a paste that was applied to wounds or injuries to reduce inflammation and help in the healing process.
LORE Australia founder Jesse Gurugirr first learned of the plant from his Aboriginal relatives, who passed it along from generation to generation. 'The plant gets its name from the wise -Guradji Men' that once dispensed the leaf. They were the holders of knowledge, tradition and rules: The lore," he explains. 'Gur��dji was shared as a way to welcome others and create a sense of community between clans."
After extensively researching the best way to make Gur��dji available to consumers for the first time, LORE Australia hopes to connect people back to the history and tradition of Australian land with Gur��dji tisane. 'Australia is full of bio-foods that were a natural part of an ancient, healthy diet for thousands and thousands of years," he explains. 'Indigenous Australians used to eat well over 200 different types of local and seasonal food sources weekly, which is in stark contrast to the average diet today."
While Gur��dji is not an instant fix or miracle cure, it is packed with a range of compounds that, when taken regularly as part of a holistic approach to health, can have long term benefits. These compounds include:
Polyphenol antioxidants and flavonoids known to enhance health and wellness
Digestive bitter compounds good for gut health
Inositol and other essential metabolites that support a healthy nervous system and are known to increase skin elasticity and reduce moisture loss
Caffeoylquinic acid, Quercetin and Kaempferol – compounds valued for their high anti-inflammatory properties and ability to reduce the risk and effects of cardiovascular disease
Bitter compounds have been known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and help to ward off disease, improve immune function, and boost the presence of beneficial bacteria in the gut. While these can be found by including Green Tea and cacao in a balanced diet, there are also local Australian plants, like Gur��dji, that can provide the same benefits.
LORE Australia's Gur��dji tisane is available initially in a Raw Sundried variety. This cleansing and refreshing tisane is hand-picked, wild harvested and dried naturally by the sun to preserve its healthful properties. At first, it is light and mildly bitter, before the natural sweetness and nutty flavour deepens with each sip.
LORE Australia keeps the growing, handling, and treatment of Gur��dji tisanes local to ensure the highest quality product. Gur��dji Raw Sundried is available online at
$24.95 (40g) or $49.00 (100g)