The Very Greatest Adventure

The Very Greatest Adventure

The Very Greatest Adventure...Is You Truly Being You.

There are no answers in this book. No solutions to your problems. No right road to follow. Darn!
So why on Earth should you read it?
Well, this book is meant to remind you who you truly be: a continuous creation. Stop trying to find you. You're not defined enough to be found, my friend.
Create you.
Choose you.
Be you.
You truly being you is the greatest adventure.

This beautiful and inspiring compilation book is written by a group of men and women of all ages, and from all over the world – the Being You facilitators. They share their own stories that show what being you can be like in different areas of life: childbirth, death, at work, with your body, your lover, your kids and everything in between.

Meet Lauren Marie, Doris Schachenhofer, Heather Nichols, Katarina Wallentin, Susanna Mittermaier, Kristen Tromble and 19 other Being You facilitators as they talk about what it means to be, create and

How Did It All Start?
In 2011, Dr Dain Heer released his debut book Being You, Changing the World. As the name suggests, it was life-changing for many and acted as a toolbox for people all over the world to tap into their greatest potential, simply by embracing themselves and their difference.

Today, the book, having changed the lives of thousands of people, has been transformed into a movement known as Being You Adventures. From classes and facilitators programs, to book clubs and more, this movement has helped fuel people's desires and demand to truly be them, to be the difference, and to be more.

Now This Book
Over the past year, the ideas, stories and tools that have shaped this vibrant and innovative movement, have been collected to form a new book, The Very Greatest Adventure...Is You Truly Being You. Readers will get to know the facilitators from all over the world who have been participating in Dr Heer's Being You classes as well as lead their own groups in these transformative adventures.

With each turn of the page, a new story and adventure awaits, interwoven with unique and unconventional wisdom. Readers will be left with an enduring message; the life you truly desire to create, the greatest adventure you can ever go on, is the one that comes from you simply by being you.

The Being You Facilitators are trained by Dr Dain Heer who is a guest writer in this book. They facilitate Being You Adventure workshops worldwide, based on Dain Heer 'Being You, Changing the World' book that came out in 2011 and has been translated into over 15 languages.

The Being You Facilitators are based in countries all over the world and their classes are facilitated in over 20 languages. Hungary, Brazil and Germany are some of the countries where these classes have had great success.

The Very Greatest Adventure
The Being You Facilitators
Author: Dr Dain Heer
ISBN: 9781634932806

Interview with Lauren Marie

Lauren Marie is a successful mumpreneur, author and mother of twins Ayla and Preston who just celebrated their 4th birthday on the weekend!

She travels worldwide with her toddlers, facilitating classes and changing her clients' point of view about life, health and business. Born on the outskirts of Washington D.C., Lauren relocated to Queensland's Sunshine Coast, Australia after an unconventional encounter led to the premature birth of her twins. A passionate creator and conscious rule-breaker, Lauren seeks to inspire other mothers to see the possibilities that others overlook and to embrace every challenge and choice that parenthood brings.

Question: How did your involvement in The Very Greatest Adventure come about?

Lauren Marie: I am part of a group of people we call the Being You Facilitators, trained by Dr. Dain Heer on a modality of courses we call the Being You Adventures. We put together a gathering of our stories of change and inspiration related to different areas of life in a book called "The Very Greatest Adventure." My story was about giving birth prematurely to my twins, and how it was one of those transformative, 'emergency' experiences that called me to step up in a whole new way in my own life, for the sake of the two little ones.

Question: Can you talk us through how following your motherly instinct meant success for your family? How did you know you were doing the 'right' thing for yourself and your twins?

Lauren Marie: I always know if I'm doing the right thing when it has a sense of lightness to it. That's what is true for me. It might be different than what someone else would choose, and it might not be right for anyone else. There were many times during the birth and the weeks in special care with the twins that the doctor and nurses wanted me to do something other than what I knew was right, and that is where I had to trust in me and the Universe, and go with what I knew. Whether that was motherly instinct or a sense of knowing that we all possess… I know it is what allowed them to live and to thrive.

Question: Did you feel vulnerable yet authentic during this time?

Lauren Marie: The three weeks we spent in hospital following the twins' birth were the most vulnerable times of my life. I was raw, like an open wound, so sensitive to everything, so open to the beauty around me, so able to be present, to jump to action, yet sleep deprived and deliriously tired all at the same time.

Question: How did you stop negative self-judgement?

Lauren Marie: During the birth and early days, the twins were my only priority. I couldn't care less what anyone else thought or projected about me, including my own negative chatter in my head. I learned that judgement isn't real. The gratitude, caring I have for them, the tenderness and love that opened up in myself and their father, was far stronger than any judgment I could have had. When self-judgement creeps up nowadays, the best thing I've found that melts it is to find something to be grateful for. Judgment and gratitude really can't coexist.

Question: How does it feel to hear your story of motherhood is inspiring?

Lauren Marie: It makes me so happy! I hope that every mother can know the gift that she is to not only her children, but to the world, simply by being herself. I have read many awe-inspiring stories of other mothers and to know that I can contribute to someone out there is the greatest joy for me.

Question: What message do you have for new parents, especially those of twins?

Lauren Marie: Oh gosh, I think I would say, "this too shall pass" is a good mantra! For the first two years, parents of single children kept telling me, "oh it gets easier at 8 months," or "just wait until they're sleeping through the night." All the markers they had when their kids were growing up did not apply for my twins. The first two years were so hard, and such a blur! The thing about two babies is you don't have any arms! With one you can carry her around and still do stuff. With two … you have to get really creative and use lots of props. And of course, you miss those tiny creatures as soon as they start growing up! It's the weirdest, hardest, best, most stressful, most beautiful thing you will experience … and worth every moment!

Interview by Brooke Hunter

The Very Greatest Adventure 
The Being You Facilitators 

Author: Dr Dain Heer
ISBN: 9781634932806


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