Not Alone Not Alone

You're Not Alone: A Practical Guide for the Awakening Soul

In a time where we're supposed to be more connected than ever, why do we often feel unhappy and disconnected? How can we stop feeling so alone and connect to our true selves? If you've asked yourself these questions then you're not alone says empowerment coach, Rebecca Jackson.

In her new book, You're Not Alone: A Practical Guide for the Awakening Soul, Rebecca draws upon her experience of helping thousands of people, to reconnect to their inner truth and create a life that they truly love. The book offers a collection of powerful insights, personal stories, practical tools, and guidance that support you on your journey of self-discovery, and help you share your unique gifts in the greatest way possible.

Whether you're a seasoned explorer on a spiritual path or are searching to find greater meaning, You're Not Alone empowers you with a heart-centred and practical approach to navigate your own journey to personal and spiritual growth.

Gold Coast-based Rebecca Jackson is an entrepreneur, writer, inspirational speaker, grounded spiritual mentor, and soul coach. Founder of Higher Love Today, Rebecca has helped guide thousands of people to connect with their inner knowing and spiritual guides, as a foundation for living a life of purpose, passion, and prosperity. Through uplifting, community driven events she lovingly reminds us that we are not alone, we have all the answers we need within and the way forward is with inspired divine action. You can often hear Rebecca say -Together We Got This!'. This is one of Rebecca's favourite mantras, and sums up her passion for bringing people back together in community, (whether that be online or in the physical), to support each other to be the best that they can be.

You're Not Alone: A Practical Guide for the Awakening Soul
Author: Rebecca Jackson
ISBN: 9780995387447
RRP: $24.95


Interview with Rebecca Jackson

Question: What inspired you to write You're Not Alone?

Rebecca Jackson: My book, You're Not Alone: A Practical Guide For The Awakening Soul, was calling out to me for many years. I had this inner knowing that I needed to write a practical, grounded book to help the everyday person feel supported on the journey of self-discovery. My intention is for people to know that it is completely normal and ok to feel confused, to question what our purpose is here on earth and to desire something more from life. I was inspired to create an offering that provides hope, light and a very real change to a person's circumstances through offering a range of insights and tools that will lift their vibration.

Question: Can you explain what awakening our soul is?

Rebecca Jackson: Awakening your soul is all about connecting to your individual truth. The truth that you are perfect and whole just the way that you are. Recognising that we are all part of something bigger, a divine plan, an universal order if you like. It's a shift in the way that you perceive the world around you. For many there is an inner feeling that something has changed, you feel different but you can't explain it and have no idea why. There's a strong urge to discover who you are. However, when you get glimpses of this it feels amazing, while at the same time terrifying.

There is a knowing that there is more to life and a deep desire to find out what that really means.

For some, this starts with an awareness of negative thought patterns and beliefs and an inner knowing that it's not real. For many others, the awakening process begins with a feeling of discontentment with one's life and a lack of certainty around what their life purpose is. Anything that isn't authentic or in alignment with your new values feels terrible.

Awakening, or remembering as I like to refer to it, is a beautiful, scary and life changing process where your life will never again be the same.

Question: Who did you write You're Not Alone for?

Rebecca Jackson: You're Not Alone is written for the millions of people around the world who's inner voice is telling them that now is their time! That it is time to reconnect with their true hearts desires and to realise their full potential by living this truth.

Question: How can we stop feeling so alone and connect to our true selves?

Rebecca Jackson: One of the best ways to feel connected is to let go of the lie that you are not worthy. This toxic thought pattern rules humanity and is responsible for stopping you for achieving your dreams, having the meaningful relationships you crave and cuts you off from allowing yourself to unashamedly share your true selves with the world.

Question: Is there a message you'd like readers to take from You're Not Alone?

Rebecca Jackson: Most of us believe that we are here to do something. You might know what that something is, but you might not. Regardless, you are absolutely right either way. You are here to do something! And the most important of these things is to be love.

Your assignment right now is to have compassion for yourself. To be kind to you. To love you. This is your birthright, your job, your purpose. Every time you choose to be compassionate, kind, and loving toward yourself, you are playing your part in raising the consciousness of our planet. You are being the change that you want to see in the world.

Interview by Brooke Hunter

You're Not Alone: A Practical Guide for the Awakening Soul
Author: Rebecca Jackson
ISBN: 9780995387447
RRP: $24.95


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