Part Time Online - Australia's leading portal for flexible jobs and employment informationHave you been thinking about getting a part time or casual job whilst studying or are you looking for employers who offer flexible working conditions? At we make it very easy for you to find both suitable jobs and information to help you in your journey.
Register with and go in the draw to win an iPod! All you have to do is spread the word. Encourage all your friends to visit and register with the site and not only will you be doing them a favour they will also have the same opportunity.
For Liana Gorman, Director of flexibility is a no brainer! The site is dedicated exclusively to issues and job opportunities related to part time, job share and flexible employment, the most important thing to get you started on your way is your own level of confidence, patience, persistence and clarity around your requirements.
"More and more employers are now looking at a variety of options and diverse talent pools which offer a desirable range of experiences and skills. Many workplaces are now providing flexible work schedules suitable for part-time or casual employees so the opportunities working around personal interests are growing. Flexibility practices are also now used to encourage retention so there has never been a better time to re-evaluate one's personal requirements" says Gorman.
So you have decided to go for that part time, casual or flexible role. How do you give yourself the best opportunity to make a great first impression? Here are some tips:
1. What if I can't afford to update my wardrobe and look?
Get creative! Borrow a suite or briefcase ...
2. How do I know what is appropriate to wear at interview?
It's simple; you do your research so that your attire suits the environment.
3. Can the wrong image lose you the job?
The answer is YES! When it comes down to the candidate short list or the final two... every aspect matters.
4. What sort of things do my image choices say about me?
Preparing a Resume
- Creating Cover Letters
- Types of Interviews
- Preparing for Interviews
Now you are all ready to start your job search and have decided that flexibility works for you. Do you really know however if your dream role can be done in flexible hours? Here are few questions you must ask yourself first to get you started.
Does the role I want pass the flexibility test? Take our fun quiz to find out on
What flexible arrangement am I most interested in? Don't know what the options are? On we have a range of flexible work options for you to consider
What are the flexible employment policies of the company I am considering?
Is job sharing an option I might consider? If you want to find out more about job share Part Time Online have the perfect article for you.
A number of employers are featured on that not only support flexibility in the workplace but offer lots of information about their work practices. In addition to this the site is content rich with part time, casual and flexible jobs and all you need to know around flexible work practices.The Part Time Online/Managing Work Life Balance Flexibility accreditation offers even greater certainty that an employer welcomes flexibility in the work place. Whenever you see this logo you can be sure that the employer has been audited and given a certain level of recognition for their policies around flexible work practices and their implementation of those.
If you are still not sure about how to search for work why don't you post your profile on and let employers find you. The process is incredibly easy and our friendly staff would be happy to guide you through. All you have to do is simply describe the type of work that you are looking for and give an overview of your strengths and you are on your way.
For more information on visit our website or contact us on 02 9369 1133.